H2O MAN wrote:
Shrinking the size of the US government would be an excellent start to fixing the US government.
Really??? It is smaller now per capita than it has been since before FDR, and while much of that can be put on computers and their saving of time, still, you still need feet on the ground and people in the field or waste, want, and inefficiency will plague all our national relations... Can you imagine federal prisons or federal police organizations without oversight, and do you suppose you could dispense with prisons and police entirely... What if disaster should strike you??? What if war or pandemic should sweep over the land... Would you say then that the government should be without personel or funds... People who want to shrink government have shrunken brains incapable of considering the possible results of the causes they propose...
What then should be asked of them... Will you have guns only, and no butter??? Will you have troops but no transport???We have seen the U.S. Military enter the 2nd great war starved of money and equipment... Because of money spent on social programs like the C.C.C. they had bodies of men physically fit and able to take orders... We have nothing like that today... But then we see no danger or war because those who would most like war, to make war on this nation are in the far right, and if they would attack the giant known as Uncle Sugar to his friends, then they would first starve him into submission and weakness... I think the good aims and laws of this nation require wealth to pay for their enforcement... I do not believe there is another way...