@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Nobody every said anything about controlling all human behavior. Unless you are a prisoner in a prison, or in military service, most people enjoy the freedoms granted us by our Constitution. As I've said, it depends on one's environment, country, government, its laws, and other variables that controls behavior.
It depends on what you believe are 'freedoms.'
Singaporians are one of the wealthiest and happiest people in SE Asia. They can't throw trash on the ground, and they must flush public toilets - or they pay a fine.
If The American Version of Western Law has put more people behind bars per capita than any other country save the former Soviet Union, and white collar criminals, influence pedlers and buyers, and your more common type of criminal still plague us, then clearly the answer to law is more law, and more law still..
How did people ever survive without all the cops and prisons... Considering that some of our earliest Drama involved law breaking and social consequences of lawlessness; how did people survive, and survive yet without the police state and the whole country threatened by law and prison??? Communities used to enforce their own law, and defend their own... In case of serious trouble, moots, or dooms, or things were convened to settle the issues...These were still communities settling community issues... What we have with Western L:aw, is the breakdown of the community and community rights... What we were supposed to get out of the deal was a community, a nation state embracing every individual in a larger community...There are few communities, and few community defenses of rights... Communities are still held collectively responsible for the actions of their members, but they have no real control, so this is unfair... Since individuals have no defense, and are perfect victims, they must organize on the basis of common need or condition, as when people form corporations, or unions... Except for the corporation, this is a poor defense of rights... In fact, the union of us all, the American Union is compromized because our democracy is compromized... Where is E Pluribus Unum??? We have no unity because the purpose of those who would use us forbids unity, and seeks to pare us off one by one so we can first be ruined, and then eliminated... Object to the situation, show some fight, and you will end up in prison if you are lucky... We live in a police state, and most of us accept it and invite it out of fear of our neighbors...