Fingers and toes crossed Rae :-)

Thank you, Phoenix.....I'll git'em!
Go Rae!
You can do it!
I KNOW you can!
You have so much going for you!
They'll be lucky to get you!
Rae--forgive me for not checking in for so long. My thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend.
Please let us know how it goes. Others have said it and I agree--you are a wonderful person with an aura of friendliness and of being ver capable and responsible. You are the kind of person employers usually love to have. If this weren't such a lousy job market, you would have found a job long ago.
Bike riding with your mom sounds great--wish I could join you.
For some reason, the clock on a2k shows that it is Friday. If I haven't gone totally bonkers, it is Thursday. Somebody tell me I haven't slipped into a parallel universe!
Oh, and did I say I love you sweetie?
Good luck!! You can do it!!
Thanks everyone! Wow! I am a very lucky girl to have ya'll care about me so much!
Three and a half hours to go.....Even with the help of sleep meds, I tossed and turned all night and don't feel rested at all.
Nothing a stiff cup of tea and a hot shower won't cure!
I'll report back this afternoon.....good or bad.
I can never sleep before an interview, so that's normal. Fingers and toes still crossed. I'll even cross my eyes for ya. You get em girlfriend ;-)
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.....
The interview went well.....turns out it was with the wrong department head though. The company I applied with has two divisions ~ one is telemarketing, the other is inbound customer service calls ~ which is what I was applying for. I couldn't sell a dying man a second chance at life.
So, the correct person now has my file and I will call him Monday morning to set up an interview ~ thankfully, they are hiring in his department as well.
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts ~ I was actually quite calm and collected, didn't trip once the whole time!
Since then, I've torn apart my room and rearranged it ~ I had a bit of excess nervous energy to work off.
I hope ya'll have a nice weekend! Thanks again!!!!!
See?! I KNEW you could do it! Now it won't be such a big deal when you DO IT AGAIN!!! (right?)
Big hugs...and a small grin, too!
OK, now you're copasetic for the next one--piece of cake!
Good luck, sweetie.
Sounds like a confused company, but still, a job is a great thing to have. Thanks for the card, by the way.

It made my day.
Alright Rae! We are still crossing fingers and paws for you!
I had some sleepless nights because I knew my boss would be in the office the next day. So how's that for nervous? I am getting better with that, though. At the moment, my sleepless nights are usually caused by Nisse or Stefan... ;-)
Diane's use of the word "copasetic" is so ancient, I had to look in my dictionary for the definition. LOL
Oh good - so what is the definition? Could you tell me, c.I.? Thanks! :-)