Oh, is that why you smoke that cigarette? Tsk, tsk. Smoking is bad for you...
Well, if it 'smakes you feel better, I've never posted in this BB before.
I dunno the j/k thing, missed it.
The ferret I met was in the closet, and got put back there.
I might have talked with him more, but I barely knew the humans in that circumstance.
So you're not new here? Then who am I talking with?
Whatever, all have wishes for 2004 from me.
Nonononono, I AM new.

Isn't that what I said? Posted, actually, but you know what I mean, right? I hope.
And, continuing the current theme: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............
Perhaps we should stop playing on Rae's serious thread....then again, our silliness might make her laugh, and that has to be good.
Let us know, eh, Rae?
Ooops, didn't think of that.

Sorry Rae.
A bunch of us are watching out for Twisted Ferret. We may be wrong, but then again, we may be right.
Ya'll go on and play all you like! Yes, it has made me smile this morning!
Olga ~ thank you for the mantra and the lovely compliments. You're pretty awesome yourself!
Twisted_Ferret ~ thanks for the wishes. These wimins be perty smart. And sometimes we're all suspicious in a nice kind of way.
Here ferret, ferret, ferret......
I hope the new year is a happy and unstressed one for you Rae.
I've had depression and anxiety but not panic attacks, You really are doing all the right things and I'm absolutely certain you'll beat it and be yourself again.
I was going to suggest some sort of course or qualification but you are doing one - the self esteem from completing and achieving will add to your confidence and will really help.
Himself's depression improved immensely when he fell in love with Rosie the kitten - maybe a new addition!!!!!????
Thank you Vivien ~ I'm trying to keep my spirits up, up, up!!!
lol.....Mom and I are lucky that we haven't been turned in for having two cats ~ the condo association only allows one per household (bastards).
I think we've decided that if/when we move we are going to get a kitten. Mom has never experienced a cat that young and I know she'd fall madly in love with it!
I like you already Rae.

Anyone who likes cats is a good person in my book... Happy New Year!
You only have one cat - it's just that it changes colour and gender quite often. Magic really~!
Happy New Year!
<this was my 3000th post - gunna stop right now!>
Thank you Twisted_Ferret! That was very kind of you.
Margo ~ of course! Why didn't I think of that?
Nighty night all ~ big day tomorrow and I'm going to need a good nights sleep.
Dear Rae
I've found that acquiring a new critter is a wonderful pick me up when suffering from the glooms. I've often used this remedy & encourage you to do the same!

And that would be Misti's first experience of a kitten? Wow, she'll LOVE it!
Take good care, Rae,
I love ya to pieces, Olga, but another kittie is simply out of the question until we move to a place where the rules aren't so animal-unfriendly.
Lacey is the mushiest cat I've ever met ~ I would love to have known her as a kitten.....
Well, I went to the job opportunity again today. The HR person has decided to finish out this week on vacation like everyone else. Not to worry though ~ I've been promised an interview on either Monday or Tuesday.
Funny thing about the trip there today ~ my son told me to call him when I pulled into the parking lot, so I did. He said 'Mom you can do this. Yes, you walk funny, but you don't drool, you don't have lice, you have clean clothes and all you need to do is picture everyone naked'. I laughed my ass off walking into the building.....I love my kid!
Movie time ~ off to watch 'It's All in the Family'.
hmmmmmm, Rae - errrrrr, just a point. Laughing yer @ss off may be effecting how you walk. Errrrr, just in case.
Love ya!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Rae

These people should get their act together & have more consideration. I won't go on about this because it probably won't do you any good in preparing for the next episode .... but jeeze!
I like the sound of your son & the effort he makes to support you.
And Lacey sounds just like my sort of cat!
