cicerone imposter wrote:Bill's quote, "....a girl who on a whim died her short blonde hair ....." She killed her hair, heh? LOL
Okay, I'm a lousy speller, LOL...But in fact: she did kill her hair... Between the bleaching and the dyeing it turned into straw, and all had to be removed when she decided to grow it out in her natural color again.
farmerman- As I've already pointed out; I maintain the same, if not more restrictive, standards for my employees, with less justification than you to boot. You will notice BPB ceased his attacks on me as soon as he understood my reaction to piercing is a gut-reaction rather than a feeling of superiority. He, himself, admitted to having similar reactions to certain piercing. There is a difference between finding an appearance unacceptable in an employee and suggesting that those who maintain this appearance are less of a person.
BPB, insisting on a particular look makes sense in other ways you may not have considered. In any company, where it is my money at risk, there are additional considerations beyond being qualified for the job. I expect every employee to understand that there is only one right way to do a thing and that's my way. I don't think I've ever met a sales person who didn't believe he could do my job better than I do. I choose not to spend my time listing to dozens of people's ideas, advice and suggestions on how a job should be done. I, no doubt, miss hearing a good idea now and then, but value my time more than that input. I expect my instructions to be followed to the letter, and obeyed without question, regardless of an individual's point of view. You have indicated that you enjoy the feeling of defiance, and/or the reaction to your deviation from the norm, and I respect you for personifying your beliefs. It is that very quality about you, however, that I have no room for in my management philosophy. I don't have a God complex; I simply believe that every one of my employees should be an extension of me. Those uncomfortable with this level of submissiveness are not well suited to work for me. In essence, at the end of the day, the guy signing the checks is always right. I'm quite sure no subordinate in your company has veto power over you, either. Although you and I place very different values on various attributes of a potential employee; we are both well within our right to do so.