Fri 20 Nov, 2015 05:02 pm
Vintage Trump on Twitter, taking aim and firing at Kasich, the preferred candidate of the D's who should have dropped out a month ago. This is all about a Kasich PAC spending $2.5 million on anti trump ads before he hits the eject button on this thing:

Governor Kasich, whose failed campaign & debating skills have brought him way down in the polls, is going to spend $2.5 million against me.

John Kasich should focus his special interest money on building up his failed image, not negative ads on me

John Kasich, despite being Governor of Ohio, is losing to me in the Ohio polls. Pathetic!

I want to do negative ads on John Kasich, but he is so irrelevant to the race that I don’t want to waste my money.

Watch Kasich squirm --- if he is not truthful in his negative ads I will sue him just for fun!

Kasich has already spent $6 million on ads in New Hampshire and his numbers have gone down. People from NH are smart

I loved beating John Kasich in the debates, but it was easy—he came in dead last!

John Kasich ad guy wanted to work for me, but his proposal was a rip off – I said NO! Now ripping Kasich.

John Kasich fell right into President Obama’s trap on ObamaCare, and the people of Ohio are suffering for it. Shame!

Once John Kasich announced he was running for president, and opened his mouth, people realized he was a complete & total dud!

John Kasich was managing director of Lehman Brothers when it crashed, bringing down the world and ruining people's lives. A total failure!

Trump is using social media better than anyone else ever has in my opinion.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 05:26 pm
But Trump has gone way too far in suggesting that we force Muslims to wear ID badges a la Nazi Germany.

How about if we changed that to anyone who is for Hillary has to wear ID badges. Is that more palatable to you?
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 06:59 pm
I know hyperbole seems to minimize the reality of the **** you're trying to sell to your country, but everyone here can see through it, so - waste of effort. Conserve your energy.
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 07:02 pm
I spent much of Friday afternoon rewatching that clip as though it was the Zapruder film and—I can’t believe I’m about to say this—I think Trump’s technically right: He doesn’t explicitly advocate for creating the database. Yes, he seems to go along with the general idea after the reporter asks him about it—but he also doesn’t explicitly endorse it either. The reporter is asking about Muslims in America, but Trump appears unable to imagine that group includes U.S. citizens, which is probably why he immediately starts talking about the wall—a telling blind spot for a man campaigning on nativist anger and fear.


This is getting to be a broken record. This time it comes from the progressive rag Slate.

It is time for brains to engage on Trump.

This guy is very good at politics.
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 07:14 pm
John Kasich on Donald Trump: ‘I’ve dealt with bullies all my life’


Well good on Kasich to at least understand that being crassy aggressive (read bully) at the debate did not work for him (though the D's loved it and the elite loved it when he was going after carson and trump), and is going the other way this time. It will not matter, we already dont like Kasich, he has no business being on the stage with Trump and Carson, and we really don't care what he yaps about.
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 08:17 pm

“Gov. Kasich has shown that he is one of the only folks willing to stand up to Trump and his antics, his empty promises, his bombast,” David told The Dispatch. “Secondly, in talking to voters and listening to our donors, there is a strong push and a consensus that someone has to stand up to Trump in this election. And we feel that Gov. Kasich is the best person to do that, given the fact that he is a sitting governor with a successful record that provides voters with a template of who he would be as president.


Another broken record and a lie....the elite have been going all guns against trump since the end of August, but they are not getting anywhere because Trump is a lot better at this game than they are. What people need to get through their head is just how badly the elite/establishment has sucked of late, they have been turning in shoddy work. But some people know know to do this, some people know how to get work done.

Donald John Trump is one of those guys.
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 10:20 pm
5 day rolling Reuters Poll:

Businessman Donald Trump .....38.8%
Surgeon and author Ben Carson ...... 14.7%
Fla. Sen. Marco Rubio ...... 10.3%
Tex. Sen. Ted Cruz ......7.1%
Wouldn’t vote ......6.3%
Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush .....5.5%
Ken. Sen. Rand Paul .....4.1%
Ohio Gov. John Kasich ......3.0%
Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee ......2.8%
NJ Gov. Chris Christie ...... 2.6%


Hey, Kasich is running even with HUCKABEE! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy ......SURE! .....We REALLY! CARE! what this ************ has to say! Drunk
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 02:59 am
Republican operative Liz Mair is planning a "guerrilla campaign" aimed at knocking Donald Trump out of the GOP presidential race, The Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Mair, a former online communications director at the Republican National Committee who also worked on behalf of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's presidential campaign earlier this year, has formed Trump Card LLC "to defeat and destroy" Trump's candidacy, according to the report.

“In the absence of our efforts, Trump is exceedingly unlikely to implode or be forced out of the race,” said an internal memo that the Journal obtained.

“The stark reality is that unless something dramatic and unconventional is done, Trump will be the Republican nominee and Hillary Clinton will become president

News of the recently formed group comes a day after the super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich, another GOP presidential rival, announced $2.5 million for TV, radio and other ads over two months targeting Trump in New Hampshire, where the real estate tycoon maintains a solid lead.

Another group, the economic think tank Club for Growth, has already hit Trump with $1 million in ads in the early-voting state of Iowa.

The moves underscore growing concern among Republicans that Trump's bid for the GOP presidential nomination, which at first was considered a long-shot, has moved closer toward becoming a reality as he leads national polls with less than three months before the first votes are cast in the 2016 race.

Mair described Trump Card LLC to the Journal as "loosely organized and highly confidential."

She said she hopes to lock up funds from donors who are interested in pushing back against Trump but don't necessarily want their involvement to become publicly known.


The assumption is that the people are not with Trump. We shall see, but I dont think he is wrong about where America is, I think the elite are mostly wrong.
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 04:05 am
“He's not a big believer in P.C. culture where every statement you make you have to vet very carefully through thousands of people,” Donald Jr. said. “But if people really break down what he's trying to say, there's no malice in there. He's just cutting through the nonsense and getting to the point and not wasting time. That's what he does.”

“He's true to himself,” added Tiffany Trump, 22. “And he speaks in a way that the average person can understand. I think that's refreshing for everyone.”


0 Replies
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 11:51 am
McGentrix wrote:

No, you paraphrased what he said in your first reply, and even then you said
He also assumes that some are good people.

That's a different brush and not tarring all of them with a single brush.

Yeah, he's saying that "some" are the exception to the rule that illegal immigrants are not the best and have problems like drugs, crime and rape.

McGentrix wrote:
Besides all that, it's political rhetoric to make a point. I've yet to see any of their top scientists or cell phone moguls or company executives coming across the border illegally. Do you?

Yeah, it's political rhetoric that panders to the lowest common denominator.

One thing is saying that illegal immigrants tend not to be top scientists, cell phone moguls or company executives; another thing is saying that they generally have the problems of drugs, crime and rape.
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 02:45 pm
One thing is saying that illegal immigrants tend not to be top scientists, cell phone moguls or company executives; another thing is saying that they generally have the problems of drugs, crime and rape.

Like when the girls used to play dumb to get the boys (do they still do that?) sometimes you do what you have to do to get the job done, even though the situation is not ideal. We can whine all we want about what boys like, but if you are a girl trying to get one you dont have decades to wait hoping that the boys change, you do what you have to do to get one when you want one.

I give Trump a pass on this.
0 Replies
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 03:07 pm
by P.M. Carpenter | August 23, 2015 - 9:33am

Confession hour. There's something in me — something wicked which my way came while reading Maureen Dowd just now — that makes me want to see the Donald go all the way. All. The. Way. as the ghost of Howard Cosell would put it.

Not just all the way to the Republican nomination. Given Trump's competition, that would be neither much of a feat nor much surprise. Even GOP Floridians favor the Mouth over Rubio and Bush, Republican Wisconsinites now rightly find Walker a bore, McCarthyite Texans seem less than inspired by Cruz, Huckabee can't get started with those lovingly hateful evangelicals, and so it goes, throughout the pathetic list of wannabe wankers in chief. What we're seeing in 2015 is an inversion, of sorts, of 2011 and '12. Romney was just qualified enough to stomp a roster of the eminently unqualified, while Trump, altogether unqualified, is wiping "deep-bench" resumes clean.

How can Trump be stopped? The amusing part of that presumed abstraction is that his competitors have stopped trying. The loud-mouthed bully is proving his point to the once-muddled masses every day. He brushes his competitors back and he kicks them around and, whimpering, they slither away. Will China and Japan and Mexico and Saudi Arabia not do the same? Bullies win. That is Trump's message — Trump's appeal — to a bullying base.

And later in the same discussion;

Does Trump's appeal in fact extend beyond the clueless hordes of the GOP base? As modern Republicanism's once-preeminent theorist of ideological hash would say, You betcha. Trump speaks to the resolutely inattentive, to the low-to-no-information voter, to the beer-guzzling sofa spud and to the thumpers who think His Will is revealed through halfwitted instrumentations like Trump. Doubtless, there's some considerable bleeding from GOP base to cretinous Americanism and then back again, but you get my point. The dumber we become, the more roller-derby-addicted we are, the more appealing a Donald Trump is.

Essentially, Americans get the President they deserve....

Article here
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 03:12 pm
Bullies win,That is Trump's message

We can do better, we need leaders who will lead, who will talk to us straight, and who will fight to get better deals is the Trump message.

And he is putting on for us a demonstration on how successful people get the job done.

Trump is all about what gets the job done, he does not have time for wanna be's and theory. Liberal elite who have long almost always operated as if the ends justify the means surely understand what Trump is doing, and they should also understand why he is so successful.
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 03:17 pm
....leaders who will lead, who will talk to us straight, and who will fight to get better deals

Trumpet's experience is in "reality" television, free-market capitalism (which is failing the people everywhere), and bankruptcy. Who/m will benefit from this character actor at the helm? What deals is he proposing that will be "better", and what is the comparison for "better".

Your responses are text-book sloppy, Hawk.
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 03:20 pm
Builder wrote:

....leaders who will lead, who will talk to us straight, and who will fight to get better deals

Trumpet's experience is in "reality" television, free-market capitalism (which is failing the people everywhere), and bankruptcy. Who/m will benefit from this character actor at the helm? What deals is he proposing that will be "better", and what is the comparison for "better".

Your responses are text-book sloppy, Hawk.

Irrelevant. I told the truth of what the Trump message is where as your post lied about it, and the Trump message is working. Anything else is just useless yak.

Working/Not Working is the test for Trump.

That is the thing about guys like Trump who have spent their lives hustling to make a living, they have to have a keen eye for the practical or else they fail. With all of the out and out HORSESHIT that we have seen out of Washington in recent years I find that refreshing.
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 03:32 pm
Working/not working is the test for Trump.

Crushing political correctness is working for him. Proving how crass his voter base is, deep down inside.

He's probably surprised that he can go this far, and he's deciding if he can push the envelope of hatred further.
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 03:39 pm
Proving how crass his voter base is, deep down inside.

You go to election with the citizens you have, not the ones you wish we had, and if you want to lead them you for damn sure better know where they are.

He's probably surprised that he can go this far, and he's deciding if he can push the envelope of hatred further.

So is Sanders. Nobody knew how pissed off the little people are, and few people knew that the emperor had no clothes. I think almost everybody but me is shocked at how easily the elite were pushed off the cliff, at their outrageous level of incompetence when confronted with someone who is not interested in playing their bullshit games, with someone who wants to get things done and who knows how to get things done.

EDIT: If the Elite dont like the little people putting people like Trump in the POTUS chair they always have the option of getting their heads out of their asses and giving us a better option. We are voting Trump because for so many years the elite lied to us and failed to get their work done. As for the whining that the people dont want the elite, the sniveling that the little people are revolting, I was never interested. Failure carries a price, and it must. If they want to regain the peoples trust then can start by stopping with the complaining and start figuring out ways to produce. ....start coming up with reasonable reality based plans to make America better while preserving what remains of our freedom.
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 03:43 pm
....when confronted with someone who is not interested in playing their bullshit games, with someone who wants to get things done and who knows how to get things done.

So, he'll just bypass congress, and do whatever he likes?

There's a word for that..... it's treason.
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 03:50 pm
Builder wrote:

....when confronted with someone who is not interested in playing their bullshit games, with someone who wants to get things done and who knows how to get things done.

So, he'll just bypass congress, and do whatever he likes?

There's a word for that..... it's treason.

Give me just one Trump quote that indicates that he is interested in expanding presidential power. So far as I know he intends to work the process, with competence. Obama barely tried, and he never had a clue, which us why he gravitated to trying to be King Obama. The community organizer proved to be incompetent at leading, so he started giving orders and lectures expecting that those orders would be blindly followed.

0 Replies
Sat 21 Nov, 2015 04:03 pm
I do by making my comments as short as possible.
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