1. So you are willing to blow a huge hole in the deficit. Congratulations. Not only will it cost at least that to deport them you can probably double that with reduced GDP and tax revenues.
2. You obviously don't give a damn if it happens to you or anyone you know.
3. You are proposing we violate one law to enforce another. The US Constitution is the law of the land and rules over any other law. The conflict is one where the US Constitution will win every time.
4. The far right and the GOP in general will never support a national ID.
5. You think it is a great idea to violate the US Constitution? Didn't you say something about laws should be followed?
6. So we can kick US citizens out of the country. I hope you don't mind if you are one of them that gets kicked out.
7. Sorry, but there is no extra judicial court system when it comes to Constitutional rights.
8. See my #3,
Bottom line is you think we should break the law and protections provided in the US Constitution in order to enforce another law. Bad idea and it will never work.