Fri 30 Oct, 2015 05:25 am
@bobsal u1553115,
why the spit take

you may not like hawkeye, but if you follow him, and you do because you're all over his ass like some kind of rash, you should have gathered by now he's likely to support an outlier and Trump and Sanders are the two most outside the system candidates there are in this race
Fri 30 Oct, 2015 05:48 am

(I didn't quite get how out to cut down the size.) A new Halloween mask coming out of Mexico. Wonder what they are going to do with all this stuff when he looses?

0 Replies
Fri 30 Oct, 2015 05:51 am
Then I suppose he is just contrary for the sake of being of contrary because Trump and Sanders have opposite view points.
Fri 30 Oct, 2015 06:50 am
revelette2 wrote:

Then I suppose he is just contrary for the sake of being of contrary because Trump and Sanders have opposite view points.

Yeah... this election has a lot of interesting wrinkles; most of which just make for more spirited debate. Some things though - the ascendancy of dangerous know - nothings like Trump and Carson, the willingness of someone like Hawkeye to support both Trump and Bernie (polar opposites), the raw and cartoonish characterization of the two leading Democratic candidates into good vs evil...
To me these things give this election a patina of something hard to name, but most resembling desperate insanity.
Fri 30 Oct, 2015 10:36 am
there are certain things about hawkeye i understand, at least i think i do, we do share a few common ideas

i hold no confirmed political beliefs, i have voted across the board in my 32 years of eligible voting (and in canada it's a pretty big board, i've supported at least 5 political parties)

just because their ideas are opposite, the one thing that defines them is they both seem to lie outside the line commonly set down by the respective parties they represent

the only thing i don't like about either one is the fact that they have set themselves up in those respective parties, if they both had strength of conviction they'd damn the torpedoes and run as 3rd and 4th party candidates

Sanders as a socialist or social democrat, and Trump as a, uh, ummm, well whatever he is

Fri 30 Oct, 2015 12:49 pm
How do some people see Trump as a legitimate candidate to actually run our country? Trump’s immigration plan is ridiculous and would hurt immigration all over the world. His plan includes the his idea of making Mexico pay for building our border, deporting all 11 million or so illegal aliens on the spot, and freezing up legal immigration methods, like green cards or refugee immigration. Although Trump does have some respectable economic ideas, including taxing companies who park their profits overseas. But his irrational plan of cutting income tax from 39.6 to 25 percent is just not going to happen, where else is the money going to come from? During 60 minutes, Trump talks about getting rid of Obamacare while also wanting to institute universal health care! With all of Trumps biased statements outside of politics, unrealistic political ideas, and poor character, I don’t think Trump should be running our country. The only reason I think he is a legitimate candidate is because of his extremely massive media attention, and all the money that he has. I believe that the only people that could vote for Trump in their right minds are people who are biased against immigration, those with extreme republican beliefs. I don’t think people are fully educated on exactly what Donald Trump would do if he was our leader. I think many people are voting for him because of his campaign, “Making America Great Again”. People see a white, big name, wealthy, and extremely popular businessman, and say “why not?” But in reality, I don’t think Trump is the right selection to be the leader for our country.
Fri 30 Oct, 2015 01:42 pm
Trump as a, uh, ummm, well whatever he is

Not an exact match, but think "American version of Putin".
Sat 31 Oct, 2015 03:10 am
Yeah... this election has a lot of interesting wrinkles; most of which just make for more spirited debate. Some things though - the ascendancy of dangerous know - nothings like Trump and Carson, the willingness of someone like Hawkeye to support both Trump and Bernie (polar opposites)

I am pretty sure we figured out 4 years ago that we dont care about the same things, when I advocated for us as a nation voting out every single incumbent everywhere until/unless these assholes start working together. My anger was very clear then, and now 27% of the people are angry at Washington

I note with interest that 45% want someone with with washington experience but 48% want an outsider, which I doubt very much computes in your brain snood.

You best be careful about calling people who dont agree with your insane, I doubt that you know enough about where the rest of us are to rule out the probability that you are the one suffering.
0 Replies
Sat 31 Oct, 2015 04:01 am
- the ascendancy of dangerous know - nothings like Trump and Carson,

THE VOTERS WHO put Barack Obama in office expected some big changes. From the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping to Guantanamo Bay to the Patriot Act, candidate Obama was a defender of civil liberties and privacy, promising a dramatically different approach from his predecessor.

But six years into his administration, the Obama version of national security looks almost indistinguishable from the one he inherited. Guantanamo Bay remains open. The NSA has, if anything, become more aggressive in monitoring Americans. Drone strikes have escalated. Most recently it was reported that the same president who won a Nobel Prize in part for promoting nuclear disarmament is spending up to $1 trillion modernizing and revitalizing America’s nuclear weapons.

Why did the face in the Oval Office change but the policies remain the same? Critics tend to focus on Obama himself, a leader who perhaps has shifted with politics to take a harder line. But Tufts University political scientist Michael J. Glennon has a more pessimistic answer: Obama couldn’t have changed policies much even if he tried.

Though it’s a bedrock American principle that citizens can steer their own government by electing new officials, Glennon suggests that in practice, much of our government no longer works that way. In a new book, “National Security and Double Government,” he catalogs the ways that the defense and national security apparatus is effectively self-governing, with virtually no accountability, transparency, or checks and balances of any kind. He uses the term “double government”: There’s the one we elect, and then there’s the one behind it, steering huge swaths of policy almost unchecked. Elected officials end up serving as mere cover for the real decisions made by the bureaucracy.

Glennon cites the example of Obama and his team being shocked and angry to discover upon taking office that the military gave them only two options for the war in Afghanistan: The United States could add more troops, or the United States could add a lot more troops. Hemmed in, Obama added 30,000 more troops.

I do believe that this is true, so I dont have a whole lot of fear that I would be putting my life and that of my family at risk by voting in a Trump who knows next to nothing on national security. This government is too big for a president to personally manage anyone of it. Those who have tried like Obama and Carter have fucked themselves in the process, We need someone who can manage the bureaucracy, not make the decisions for the most part, and that requires management skills not subject matter expertise. Trump would hire the right people, he would listen to his choices, read the briefing book to study those choices, maybe ask a few questions (which it is said that Bush almost never did), and then be the decider.

And we are at the point were we need to take some risks to get the elites back on the job looking out for Americas interests. China is coming on fast, our economy is getting shredded, our schools still dont work, the medical system costs are eating the nation and Obama just made the problem worse, global warming might be a problem...we need to start working on making America great again, now. I judge that it is going to take a revolt from the little people to get the ball rolling. Is a Trump going to be anymore incompetent than Bush was or than Obama have been? Maybe, but I dont think that is likely. And really that is the bottom line, with as poorly as the alleged pro's are doing lets put a well chosen amateur in to see what he can do. If he sucks and makes bad choices someone new will be in the chair in 4 years yo give us their go. Somebody will be up to the job. We sure need some different skills and a lot of new thinking from what we have had though,,,,,Trump might be exactly the fresh we need. Let's go, VOTE TRUMP, the political elite sure dont seem to have any body decent to offer as a choice.
0 Replies
Sat 31 Oct, 2015 04:01 am
A privileged rich man who still has birthday parties aimed at a 9 year old.

He played ice hockey on his 63rd birthday.

And the birthday boy scored a lot of goals, who'd a thunk?

Last year paintballing.

Next year Laser Quest. (I think Mickey Mouse might be there, if not there's always this guy.)
0 Replies
Sat 31 Oct, 2015 01:59 pm
ohioboy24 wrote:

How do some people see Trump as a legitimate candidate to actually run our country? Trump’s immigration plan is ridiculous and would hurt immigration all over the world. His plan includes the his idea of making Mexico pay for building our border, deporting all 11 million or so illegal aliens on the spot, and freezing up legal immigration methods, like green cards or refugee immigration. Although Trump does have some respectable economic ideas, including taxing companies who park their profits overseas. But his irrational plan of cutting income tax from 39.6 to 25 percent is just not going to happen, where else is the money going to come from? During 60 minutes, Trump talks about getting rid of Obamacare while also wanting to institute universal health care! With all of Trumps biased statements outside of politics, unrealistic political ideas, and poor character, I don’t think Trump should be running our country. The only reason I think he is a legitimate candidate is because of his
extremely massive media attention, and all the money that he has. I believe that the only people that could vote for Trump in their right minds are people who are biased against immigration, those with extreme republican beliefs. I don’t think people are fully educated on exactly what Donald Trump would do if he was our leader. I think many people are voting for him because of his campaign, “Making America Great Again”. People see a white, big name, wealthy, and extremely popular businessman, and say “why not?” But in reality, I don’t think Trump is the right selection to be the leader for our country.

Well said. I think anyone who'd want to put someone as thin-skinned and petty as he constantly demonstrates himself to be in charge of the most powerful military in history should have intensive therapy.
Sat 31 Oct, 2015 02:09 pm
as thin-skinned and petty as he constantly demonstrates himself to be

What is the factual basis for this conclusion because I dont see it. I see a guy who throws shoulders because it is productive to do so, I see almost no evidence that he is quick to assume personal insult. And this is a guy who is personally insulted constantly by powerful and visible people, I would say that he has amazing restraint.
Sat 31 Oct, 2015 02:27 pm
Just when society thought it couldn’t sink any further

Well over half of the claims Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is making on the campaign trail are mostly false, false or “pants on fire” whoppers, according to the nonpartisan watchdog group

Still, Trump is right about one thing, at least: As he told the Saturday Night Live audience back in 2004 when he first served as guest host, “I’m a ratings machine.”

That’s the likely reason NBC has invited Trump to return as guest host on SNL Nov. 7, despite cutting ties with him in June. After the real estate mogul announced his candidacy in a speech branding Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, the network decried his “derogatory” remarks, fired him from The Celebrity Apprentice, and canceled broadcasts of his Miss Universe and Miss USA pageants. Less than four months later, the “respect and dignity for all people” that NBCUniversal sanctimoniously asserted at the time as “cornerstones of our values” seem to have been trumped by the candidate’s brazen braggadocio, which has proven to draw eyeballs to TV screens like flies to fresh manure. After all, Trump’s recent appearances on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert gave both programs a ratings jolt.

NBC shows no signs of backing down, despite protests from the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, the California Latino Legislative Caucus, Brave New Films, and an online dump-Trump petition, that, at press time, has garnered more than 362,000 signatures. One way or another, all of them make what should be the indisputable point — as a trending Twitter hashtag puts it — that #RacismIsntFunny. Trump supporters quickly flooded the hashtag with disgusting racist jokes.

In its more than four decades on the air (with only two Latino and zero Latina cast members over those years), SNL has established itself as a campaign stop as important as the Iowa caucuses. Candidates visit the show — as Hillary Clinton did recently — to reach swaths of the public who seldom, if ever, tune into CSPAN, and to present themselves as easy-going, regular folks, able to poke a little fun at themselves. Hosting the program, though, gives a guest a bigger platform, and the show’s implicit imprimatur.

This is really sad, the degree to which the free speech haters imagine they have the ability to control speech. Trump is the leading candidate and has been for months, candidates come on the show, he gets invited. Very simple stuff really. Those who dont want to watch need to go do something else during that time. The fact that Trump is a good host and has a long running relationship with the show are unneeded reasons to invite him.

Good on SNL for not caving to the wrong headed bullies. Good on Comcast for letting show runners do the right thing.
0 Replies
Sun 1 Nov, 2015 11:04 am
In the upcoming 2016 elections, we’re being given a look into Donald Trump as both a candidate, and seeing his views on the rest of the world’s population. One of the huge topic that almost always come up in debates is his view on immigration and his plans to make changes to our current government policies on immigration. Though some may think his ideals are a good step forward for America, they fail to realize many of the repercussions that would come from dismissing immigrants from America, let alone how it would be nearly impossible to dismiss 11 million illegal immigrants.

Not only would his immigration plan be extremely negative for small businesses, he also gives little to no information on how he actually plans to implement these proposals. There are already similar laws in place in certain states, but even then we still see a huge influx of illegal immigrants coming to America every year. These proposals that he’s been making have been having a negative impact on the public’s view of Donald Trump, though he still has a steadily increasing stream of supporters.

When viewing statistics on Trump’s campaign, one of the points you’ll find is that Trump has a higher approval rating with the Democratic Party than he has amongst his own party. This is the opposite for his primary competition in his campaign, as Hillary Clinton has higher approval ratings within her own party and very low approval ratings amongst the Republican Party. This ultimately leads to a very low chance of Donald Trump actually being elected into office, despite his slightly increased support with voters.

With Trump’s rising support with voters, we can see companies that used to be backers of his corporation removing themselves from him, refusing to air TV shows that he sponsors and other companies dropping their support because of their multiculturalism. Other politicians and news sources have begun to call out Trump’s practices as racism, and are urging their viewers or supporters to drop all support of Donald Trump. These companies have been working alongside Trump for years and they are dropping their support for him, why should we trust him with the position of president if his “friends” are stopping support for his campaign?

Trump’s presidential campaign is providing more and more evidence against his ability to lead a nation. He makes an obscene amount of proposals with no explanation of how he could possibly implement them into our current situation. These all provide a clear picture of how incapable Trump’s hands are to handle the nation. He has not made any plans for the military clear, and he only focuses on the topics that he wants to change to benefit himself after he would get out of office. I feel like the evidence points further towards Trump being an incapable candidate for president.

Sun 1 Nov, 2015 06:07 pm
By every criteria in the algorithm, Trump is speaking at the lowest level. He used fewer characters per word in his announcement speech, fewer syllables per word, and his sentences were shorter than all other candidates.

His vocabulary is filled with words like “huge,” “terrible,” “beautiful.” He speaks in punchy bursts that lack nuance. It’s all easily grasped, whether it’s his campaign theme (“Make America Great Again”), words about his wealth (“I’m really rich”), or his disparagement of the Washington culture (“Politicians are all talk, no action”).

He dismisses his opponents with snippy sound bites that, if polls are to be believed, have been devastatingly effective — such as when he labeled Jeb Bush “low-energy.”

“Trump is talking about things that are emotional, simple, and angry,” said Rick Wilson, a Florida-based Republican consultant. “He’s not talking about the complexity of international affairs. It’s, ‘Let’s take their oil!’ It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out exegesis of American foreign policy. It’s Trump. It’s simple.”

The utterances of today’s candidates reflect a continued decline in the complexity of political speech. President George Washington’s “Farewell Address” in 1796 was written at graduate-degree levels: Grade 17.9 , while President Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” in 1863 was at an 11th-grade level.

A 2012 review by the Sunlight Foundation of nearly every statement on the House and Senate floors found that the grade level of speeches from members of Congress had declined, from 11.3 in 1996 to 10.6 in 2012. That review used the same algorithm.

Smart Politics, a nonpartisan site sponsored by the University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs, examined presidential State of the Union addresses and found that scores had steadily declined. John F. Kennedy’s speech in 1961 was at a Grade 13.9 level, while President Obama’s have been aimed at an eighth-grade audience.

And for the record, the article you are reading now was written at a Grade 8.6 level.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re speaking to a Harvard intellectual or a Midwestern farmer or a motorcycle gang member,” said Paul J.J. Payack, president of Global Language Monitor, which analyzes trends and language. “Good communication is good communication. . . . ‘I’ve got a Dream,’ all those great speeches are nice, and direct. They use words people understand. They give a big message, but they’re not grandiose.”

Simple works. Simple has always worked. But the main thing with trump is that he is saying through his language choices " Yes I am a member of the elite, but I get you, and I will fight for for you". And lets be clear, Trump is saying that we need to do big things, and the right things to make America Great Again". The elite mocking Trump for his alleged stupidity works for Trump too, because the American people know that the elite are yet again wrong on that, and since they are so stupid about Trump to say this about him everything else they say about him is also not worth listening to. But Trump still gets on the screen speaking directly to to the voters.

Trump is a political genius.

Edit: for the record Hemingway wrote at the low fourth grade level, and he is considered to be one of the best. The elite really need to do some reevaluation of what is important.
0 Replies
Sun 1 Nov, 2015 06:13 pm
This makes me happy to see. Of course all President's (past and future) support the military and the sacrifices these men and women make. They are the Commander in Chief's. I myself am a die-hard patriot. But, even if I was not, I love to see Trump do something like this, to go out on his own and express his gratitude for this veteran. I don't care what people say - that "he was doing it for fame". I don't believe that in this case. I think he really meant everything he said here. Heck, look at everyone recording him. I think they believed him there too.
Sun 1 Nov, 2015 06:22 pm
Is Trump really a serious candidate in this election? Many question rather if Trump is who we need to get us out of current state as a country. Only four weeks after Trump started his presidential campaign, he was dropped by many big corporations such as NBC, Macy’s, and NASCAR. If these big companies do not want to be represented by Trump, then why should America trust him to represent them. Trump was dropped from these companies in response to his statement, ‘When Mexico sends its people they aren't sending their best,’. After this statement, Trump went on about how Mexico only has criminals such as rapists and drug dealers crossing the border. At this point the companies, that Trump was a part of, decided to drop him, should the American people do the same?

Trump is getting popular due to the people of the United States looking at him as entertainment. When someone like Trump is in the media as often as he is people start believing what he has to say just like people have to a tendency to believe other things in the media. This makes it easier for the democratic party to win by deterring attention from actual candidates in the republican party and also gives off a misleading interpretation of the republican party. Trump causes America to look like more of a joke to other countries through his plans of action.

Trump's plans for the future of this country are not realistic. Trump would like to ship the 11 million illegal immigrants out of the country to their home countries, and then he also wants to build a wall on the mexico border as an attempt to prevent illegal immigrants. This wall Trump wants to build, Trump expects this wall to be funded by the Mexican government. Trump has no sort of plan on how to deal with the economy after the illegal immigrants leave. Illegal immigrants take a lot of jobs from the American people. Although the jobs the immigrants do have are illegal for them to have, there will be a huge hole in our work force without them. Thus causing the people’s government to go deeper into debt than it currently is.

Trump thinks that the current birthright citizenship is absurd. Trump is wanting to get rid of this to help prevent illegal immigrants from coming to the United States of America to give birth to their children. This right was made in the 14th amendment. Trump is wanting to take rights away from the American people. This would be only the start of the process of the removal of our rights. No man alone should have this kind of power.

Trump would also like a lower restrictions and background checks for guns, saying that it should be valid in all 50 states, just like a driver's license. Gun restrictions should stay in the current condition they are or in a similar way. If Trump ideals for gun restrictions were to become to reality it would make it easier for anybody to obtain guns. In this case, this would mean more armed criminals on the streets, which I think nobody would want.
Sun 1 Nov, 2015 07:25 pm
Yes, the last debate was sure a good one for Trump. It was almost as if he was a different person! He is definitely trying to prove to be more fit for the job and wanting to gain the trust of the people. He was definitely the center of attention as POLITICO states. But, as you say, it's November 2016 that matters most. I am anxious to see how this will all play out.
0 Replies
Sun 1 Nov, 2015 07:42 pm
mcmanaz wrote:

Is Trump really a serious candidate in this election? Seems to be, he says that he is serious and I dont see any obvious reasons to doubt him, Winning a a pretty good indicator of seriousness wouldn't you say? Many question rather if Trump is who we need to get us out of current state as a country. Only four weeks after Trump started his presidential campaign, he was dropped by many big corporations such as NBC, Macy’s, and NASCAR. If these big companies do not want to be represented by Trump, then why should America trust him to represent them. Because corporations want no part of controversy and they only look out for themselves. They are not the people to look for the decide the value of anything. In fact when it comes to Washington we would probably be better off doing the exact opposite of what the corporate class and corporations want Trump was dropped from these companies in response to his statement, ‘When Mexico sends its people they aren't sending their best,’. After this statement, Trump went on about how Mexico only has criminals such as rapists and drug dealers crossing the border. At this point the companies, that Trump was a part of, decided to drop him, should the American people do the same? Asked and answered

Trump is getting popular due to the people of the United States looking at him as entertainment. I suggest you have not talked with enough Trump supporters. I for one support him because I want to blow up Washington and get the elite back to work for America, and I think that Sending Trump would move that ball forwards When someone like Trump is in the media as often as he is people start believing what he has to say just like people have to a tendency to believe other things in the media. This makes it easier for the democratic party to win by deterring attention from actual candidates in the republican party and also gives off a misleading interpretation of the republican party. Trump causes America to look like more of a joke to other countries through his plans of action. We are already worse than a joke, we have mucked up the Mid East, we dont take care of business at home (look at all of the broken systems and decayed enfrastructure just for starters), we are proven "do as we say not as we do" people, we almost through gross irresponsibility cause a global depression and very well may still. Our supreme court has become a political institution, Washington no longer works on hardly any level...Need I go on? You are either lying or not paying attention.

Trump's plans for the future of this country are not realistic. Maybe we will settle for something less. After Trump gets in the chair we can talk about it. Trump would like to ship the 11 million illegal immigrants out of the country to their home countries, Great idea and then he also wants to build a wall on the mexico border as an attempt to prevent illegal immigrants. Great idea This wall Trump wants to build, Trump expects this wall to be funded by the Mexican government. We would have to shred NAFTA to do it but maybe we should Trump has no sort of plan on how to deal with the economy after the illegal immigrants leave. Sure he does, he said invite the ones we want back. Or invite better to come. Our immigration system plus the illegals has coming into our country largely people who dont have much to offer. There are tons of people who have a lot more skills who would like to come, and under Trumps system we would get better new citizens Illegal immigrants take a lot of jobs from the American people. and drive down the wage scales Although the jobs the immigrants do have are illegal for them to have, there will be a huge hole in our work force without them. Nope Thus causing the people’s government to go deeper into debt than it currently is. Nope, better skill sets should drive a better economy and thus a better ability to raise taxes

Trump thinks that the current birthright citizenship is absurd. Trump is wanting to get rid of this to help prevent illegal immigrants from coming to the United States of America to give birth to their children. This right was made in the 14th amendment. Debatable...lets have SCOTUS look at it Trump is wanting to take rights away from the American people Where? How?. This would be only the start of the process of the removal of our rights. No man alone should have this kind of power.I have not seen any statements from him that talks about increasing presidential power. You do know right that Obama has over and over again attempted to increase both Presidential power and the power of the government over the citizens? Right? With the establishment already ******* us over I dont see why I should fear an amatuer doing it.

Trump would also like a lower restrictions and background checks for guns, saying that it should be valid in all 50 states, just like a driver's license. Gun restrictions should stay in the current condition they are or in a similar way. If Trump ideals for gun restrictions were to become to reality it would make it easier for anybody to obtain guns. In this case, this would mean more armed criminals on the streets, which I think nobody would want. Until the American people decide what if anything we want to do about guns Washington should do nothing about guns. Hopefully SCOTUS beats down some of Obama's efforts to play king, and assuming that they do I dont think we need to fear Trump playing that Gambit.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 2 Nov, 2015 06:57 am
I was USN, what branch did you serve in? Describe some of the ways you support your brothers in arms. How much do think the VA is over budgeted? Do you agree: privatization of the VA would be a major disaster?

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