Tue 20 Oct, 2015 08:41 am
This is going to be interesting as hell.....

Panicked establishment gets ready for war against Trump

"The Republican establishment, for the first time, is saying, off the record, this guy can win," noted Joe Scarborough on MSNBC Monday morning. "I've heard that from everybody. I don't hear anybody saying he can't win the nomination anymore."

That doesn't mean Republicans have made their peace with a Trump victory. On the contrary — some are preparing to do whatever it takes to bring him down. Which could lead to an extraordinary scenario in which GOP stalwarts go to war to destroy their own party's likely nominee.
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 09:01 am
stalwarts go to war to destroy their own party's likely nominee.

And Biden against Clinton is not the same? Looks like the situation is very similar.
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 09:24 am
coldjoint wrote:

stalwarts go to war to destroy their own party's likely nominee.

And Biden against Clinton is not the same? Looks like the situation is very similar.

Well, we don't really know yet, do we? The republicans are just "preparing" for war, and Biden hasn't officially entered. But you gotta admit, this is an interesting as hell race.
0 Replies
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 09:36 am
One of the best commercials that Hillary could have is to have Joe Biden do a "shill by proxy" act where he keeps his face in the news long enough, and then he defers and shifts his support to Hillary . Its somme of the best free advertising out there.
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 09:39 am
That's a perspective on this I hadn't thought about. Again - sooooo interesting!
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 10:44 am
Be careful what you wish for.........You may get another Clinton.......
0 Replies
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 12:10 pm
The Koch brothers already said they don't care if Trump is the candidate. They're willing to sacrifice this election cycle to develop a better candidate for their purposes.

The Republican party establishment will have to ante up their funds elsewhere if taking down Trump is on their agenda.
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 12:33 pm
That's a perspective on this I hadn't thought about. Again - sooooo interesting!

Considering it is Bidens son last wish, for his dad to run, that Democrats would exploit his grief for political reasons. Actually that perspective is their M.O.
0 Replies
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 01:08 pm
ehBeth wrote:
The Koch brothers already said they don't care if Trump is the candidate. They're willing to sacrifice this election cycle to develop a better candidate for their purposes.

A foolish move on their part. The Republicans are certain to win in 2016.

They certainly won't get anywhere running a Republican against the Republican incumbent in 2020.

If they wait and groom a candidate for 2024, there is a chance that the Democratic candidate will win.

ehBeth wrote:
The Republican party establishment will have to ante up their funds elsewhere if taking down Trump is on their agenda.

My only concern over a Trump presidency is that I don't have reliable information about what his views really are. I'd like to have some sense about what someone is like before I consider supporting them.
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 01:10 pm
oralloy wrote:
They certainly won't get anywhere running a Republican against the Republican incumbent in 2020.

The Koch gang has the money and the media. They'll do what they want - and that includes taking down a Republican incumbent to put in one that suits them better.
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 01:13 pm
and the media.

0 Replies
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 01:17 pm
ehBeth wrote:
The Koch gang has the money and the media. They'll do what they want - and that includes taking down a Republican incumbent to put in one that suits them better.

It's a free country. They are welcome to try to do that if they wish.

They will not succeed.
0 Replies
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 02:40 pm
My only concern over a Trump presidency is that I don't have reliable information about what his views really are. I'd like to have some sense about what someone is like before I consider supporting them

Trump has decades of being highly visible and outspoken, how do you not know what he is like?
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 02:53 pm
I don't need to know what sort of person he is. I need to know what his positions are on specific policies.
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 03:01 pm
oralloy wrote:

I don't need to know what sort of person he is. I need to know what his positions are on specific policies.

He is not asking to be king, and they usually lie to us anyways. Remember all the stuff Obama told us in the 08 cycle? How much of it did he ever seriously attempt? How much of it turned into reality, or was ever in danger of? This kicked in big time in the 90's with Clinton, where speechifying had little impact beyond the speech. and never was intended to.
0 Replies
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 03:34 pm
Rebecca Costa has written a riveting examination of our world’s most dire and complex issues. Her message for mankind is an ultimately hopeful one as she explores her fascinating theory about the brain’s ability to develop advanced problem-solving techniques in times of crisis. A must read!

Donald Trump

Pretty much everyone who knows him says that he is very smart, and increasingly we are seeing in the press stuff to the effect "actually, unbelievably, Trump is right" . I have seen this the last weeks on Immigration and 9/11.

Trump does not mind being underestimated this early in the game, he times his kills perfectly usually, ideally those on the other side of the table dont know how smart he us till after he has beat them.
Tue 20 Oct, 2015 04:16 pm
Has anyone other than me noticed that Google and lefty reporters give Trump the main profession of "television personality"? This is what the little people see, and the elite have the temerity to wonder how they could have lost us. Boldly not caring about honesty rarely to never works.
0 Replies
Wed 21 Oct, 2015 12:45 am
Thanks kid, but I'll pass. I don't read the National Inquirer and I don't like propaganda Some people call it puffing, I see it as piffle, but I'm betting you don't. But, bully for whoever you are. I'm out, not a big consumer of piffle, no offense intended. But if you're offended, so sad.
0 Replies
Wed 21 Oct, 2015 01:08 am
"There was a fair amount of denial early on that Donald Trump could win the primary. When you have a 30-point number in South Carolina [Trump is getting more than 30 percent of the state's vote in current polls], that tells me he can win the primary. You will have to stop Donald Trump," said Dawson, who was an adviser on Rick Perry's campaign until the former Texas governor dropped out last month.

"It's about telling the story of what it will look like if he's our nominee, 'this is how many [GOP] congressmen will lose if Trump is the nominee," said Dawson.

Dawson's comments reflect a shift in thinking among key party operatives and officials, many of whom strongly oppose Trump and think his nomination would guarantee the victory of Democrats in next fall's general election. Many party operatives dismissed his rise during the summer, arguing it was simply because of the nearly constant coverage Trump receives from the news media and that voters would tire of his approach.

Now, veteran Republican operatives argue that while Trump seems to have peaked at about 30 percent of the vote in most polls, such a rise is substantial, particularly with 14 other candidates splitting the rest of the GOP electorate.

"There is a big part of the party that is against him, but they have not necessarily mobilized against him," said Katie Packer Gage, who was deputy campaign manager for Mitt Romney in 2012. "But I think that's coming."

"At some point, somebody is going to have to run ads against this guy," said Gage.

The question I have is after all the nasty things that have been said about Trump on the "news" has not kept him from winning what makes anyone think that commercials will? He will get on stage and say " See how afraid your owners are of me? They know that after I am elected I am going to clean their clocks.... and I will....VOTE TRUMP!".
0 Replies
Wed 21 Oct, 2015 01:35 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
Donald Trump

Pretty much everyone who knows him says that he is very smart,

That's smart by your standards, which is pretty thick by anyone else's.

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