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Thu 25 Aug, 2016 08:33 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote Finn:
I love when white liberals try and tell me how good blacks have it thanks to Obama.

Well, for starters, black people, with 13% of the population, have gotten 20% of Full Time jobs gained in the last three years. And their inflation-adjusted Median Weekly pay is now higher than before the crash.

More Full Time jobs than the general population, higher pay-sounds good to me.

Also: The number of black murders, along with the number of white murders, has declined under Obama. Apparently conservatives have forgotten that in order to get something out of life, you first have to be alive.

Check the statistics for Full Time jobs
All Races
Q2 2013.......116.572 Million Full Time jobs
Q2 2016.......123.731 Million Full Time jobs
Total Gain.....7.159 Million Full Time jobs

Q2 2013.......13.248 Milion Full Time jobs
Q2 2016.......14.713 Million Full Time jobs
Total Gain.....1.465 Million Full Time jobs = 20.5% of all new jobs

13% of the population, 20% of all the new Full Time jobs. Things are going in the right direction.
Can Trump beat that? Trump is the guy who has all the people he hired to build his buildings suing him because he never pays up.
Thu 25 Aug, 2016 08:45 pm
Well now you're just ignoring the truth and you're just lying. Wages for black men between 2007 and 2016 have remained the same. Your 20% figure is overblown and historically through the last several recessions African American families suffer disproportionately from labor market downturns and reap disproportionate gains during recoveries. It has nothing to do with Democrats their policies or Obama. And the gain and jobs are not considered high paying jobs. You can cook the statistics any way you want but in essence you're just lying.
Thu 25 Aug, 2016 08:48 pm
Excuse me-can you do elementary mathematics, fourth grade level? For that is all you need to see that the 20% share of the job gains from 13% of the population, (African-Americans), is the truth. When confronted with inconvenient facts, you just scream "Liar!".
cicerone imposter
Thu 25 Aug, 2016 08:55 pm
BLS statistics:
0 Replies
Thu 25 Aug, 2016 09:15 pm
You are purposely deflecting the issue... You're 20% figure is overblown in that as I have stated previously historically African American families suffer disproportionately from labor market downturns and reap disproportionate gains during recoveries... it has nothing to do with Democratic policy or Obama... these are also not high-paying jobs as evidenced by the fact that black male wages have been stagnant since at least 2007; before the recession. If you can't accept that basic truth which is indisputable and continue to keep spouting meaningless statistics then yes you are a liar
Thu 25 Aug, 2016 09:47 pm
Dear designated tree huggers and fellow bleeding hearts,
We have been found out. It's pointless to deny the accusations of Finn and gooie. They alone can speak for ANY so-called minority, because they alone know the bleakness of the situations of all those who are not white or should I say WHITE males (because only white males are down trodden). They (Christian or quasi-Christian or just real Americana salt of the earth types) have been ground under the boot of Feminists, welfare cheats, welfare queens and all those layabouts libtards who want the jobless to enslave the worker-bees to support all the rest of our lazy butts. They know best, and the rest of us just need to sit back and let the conservative brain trust lead us to the lamp of knowledge, then we can renounce our lazy notions and become truth exposers like the wise and grounded 'FINN D'BAFFLE and FOOIEJOHN'. Let us pray:
Dear Lord, please have mercy on those of us who hope for a more productive and engaged society, we are deluded by the expectations of a better future, please have mercy on those of us asking for too much. For we are the greedy, we want privileges that are only available to the Right-thinkers. They love their mothers, we do not; they cherish their children, we don't have any notion of family; they rub shoulders with the divine, we rub shoulders with the lazy and entitled. Pray for us, Mother Mary, help us to stop being such a drain on the truly useful. The grammarians, the patriotic, those who have served (except me of course, because my 32 years don't count). Let's praise the arm chair warriors, the quaint contract lawyers, and all the other important folks who are not libtards because they walk in the spotlight of grace, not like those folks who have followed the teaching of Jesus (the ones who bought into all that bullshit about Love) but the ones who have decided they are not like the wussy followers, but the STRONG followers who know that only the few are worthy, you know, folks like them..
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 12:43 am
Quote giujohn:
You're 20% figure is overblown...
The only thing that blows around here is your constant denial of facts. Fact: In the past three years, African Americans, with 13% of the population, have gotten over 20% of the Full Time jobs we have gained in that time. Disprove that with facts and figures, or admit defeat in this argument.

Quote: that as I have stated previously historically African American families suffer disproportionately from labor market downturns and reap disproportionate gains during recoveries
Dude, when Obama took office, the country had LOST 6 Million Full Time jobs the previous year under Bush. Unless Obama gets elected and takes office in January of 2009, you can't prove that we even have an economic recovery at all. Give me proof that if McCain was in office the country wouldn't lose 6 Million Full Time jobs in 2009, another 6 Million in 2010, another six Million in 2011 and another 6 Million in 2012. If you can't provide that proof-and I want facts and figures, not opinion-then take a hike because you've lost the argument.

Just to put things into perspective, here are the actual numbers for Full Time jobs for the last three years:
All Races
Q2 2013.......116.572 Million Full Time jobs
Q2 2016.......123.731 Million Full Time jobs
Total Gain.....7.159 Million Full Time jobs

Q2 2013.......13.248 Milion Full Time jobs
Q2 2016.......14.713 Million Full Time jobs
Total Gain.....1.465 Million Full Time jobs = 20.5% of all new jobs

Now that's real accomplishment-not opinion.
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 01:33 am
LOL. Good one, Glitter.
0 Replies
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 02:49 am
When you get a response you don't like you just make one up. I never said black people couldn't be racist. I said you're not black, you don't know what it's like, and you're not interested in knowing what it's like.

Fri 26 Aug, 2016 03:05 am
giujohn wrote:
Let's just be honest here and say that he can't list what remarks were racist in the speech and not claim that he doesn't have to because he's black.

I'll be honest. Talking to you is like having a conversation with someone in a mental institution who insists that everyone else has to accept their delusions. I'm not doing it, it's a waste of time, and I'm not that concerned about your mental health. Although if I were American I'd want you at least checked out by a shrink. You've already talked about shooting Rab and Snood.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 04:23 am
McG - I'm from Akron, Ohio - the capital of West Virginia. West Virginians used to be taught the "three R's", readin', 'ratin' an the route to Akron, I-75. We had a Klan mayor in the 1920's.
0 Replies
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 05:51 am
Okay, I want to go on the record right here. I do not believe Donald Trump will debate Hillary Clinton. I just don't see how he can allow himself to be exposed to hours of individual questioning with his answers scrutinized by a live audience and moderator, and rebutted by Hillary.
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 06:30 am
izzythepush wrote:

giujohn wrote:
Let's just be honest here and say that he can't list what remarks were racist in the speech and not claim that he doesn't have to because he's black.

I'll be honest. Talking to you is like having a conversation with someone in a mental institution who insists that everyone else has to accept their delusions. I'm not doing it, it's a waste of time, and I'm not that concerned about your mental health. Although if I were American I'd want you at least checked out by a shrink. You've already talked about shooting Rab and Snood.

And we still haven't seen the list... how typical.
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 06:35 am
No, because that would be feeding into your delusions.

You're very good at telling people what to do. (You're not that important.)
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 06:44 am
Senility is a wonderful thing they say that you get to meet new people everyday... Let me refresh your memory... this argument is about the failed policies of the Democratic Party and whether or not the black man is better off voting monolithically for them or if they are better off after 8 years of Obama.

First you tell us that their wages have increased when in fact they have not... you're not beating that drum anymore because I proved you wrong. Now you're stuck on this 20% gain in jobs crap holding on for dear life trying to save the argument that you realize you've lost.

According to the statistics and the historical study of several past recessions it is more than apparent that this gain in jobs has nothing to do with any Democratic policy or for that matter Obama being in the White House. I wouldn't be so quick to mention Obama's name in relation to any recovery as this has been the absolute worst recovery as far as recessions go since the Great Depression.

Chew on this statistics for a while:

Growth: The president keeps congratulating himself on how the economy's doing, and Hillary Clinton just gave her former boss an 'A' for his handling of the nation's finances. Who said inflation was under control?

The latest revised numbers for GDP growth through the third quarter of 2015 tell us that we are still stuck in a 2% growth rut and real middle class wages are still flat-lining.

Meanwhile, another new report from Sentier Research based on Census data finds that median household income of $56,700 at the end of 2015 stood exactly where it was, adjusted for inflation, at the end of 2007.

That's eight years of virtually zero income gain. And Obama and his Washington pals wonder why voters are in such a cranky mood.

Last week, the Joint Economic Committee of Congress issued a new report on the Obama recovery that's loaded with even more bleak news.

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On almost every measure examined, the 2009-15 recovery since the recession ended in June of 2009 has been the meekest in more than 50 years.

Start with the broadest measure: growth in output. The chart with this editorial compares the Obama growth pace with that of the average recovery coming out of the last eight recessions, and with the Reagan recovery, and over the same number of months (77).

Democrats used to disparage the Reagan expansion as nothing special. Yet the growth rate over the first 25 quarters under Reagan was 34%, vs. 14.3% under Obama.

How much does this matter? If we had grown at an average pace, GDP in 2015 would have been about $1.8 trillion higher. Under the Reagan recovery, growth would have been $2.7 trillion higher.

It is certainly true that every recession is different in cause and consequences, so the JEC dug deeper into the numbers. It examined GDP growth on a per capita basis.

The Reagan recovery was abnormally strong in part because it happened as millions of baby boomers were swept into the workforce, adding to growth.

But even on a per capita basis, real GDP has grown only 9% vs. 18.8% for the average recovery. That is the lowest of any post-1960 recovery. The growth decline in this key gauge of living standards is alarming.

Next, the JEC measured job market trends. Again we see a failing record. Yes, official unemployment of just over 5% today is very low.

But that's because 94 million people in America over the age of 16 aren't in the labor force. Labor force participation rates have fallen sharply for working age Americans. If job growth had been the same as in the average recovery, we would have 5.9 million more Americans working.

Amazingly, if we had had a Reagan-paced job recovery, we would today have at least 12 million more Americans working. That's more people than in the labor force of Michigan and Indiana combined.

When business investment is weak, fewer people work. Wages and family incomes remain stagnant.

That's the sorry story of the Obama era.

And it was no accident, by the way. It's the result of policy moves by the Democrats, who controlled Congress completely from 2006 to 2010, by President Obama, who has been in office since 2009, and by the Federal Reserve. All operated on the mistaken notion that more government, not less, would fix things.

The trillion-dollar stimulus of 2009, Dodd-Frank financial reforms, an $8 trillion surge in federal debt, ObamaCare, higher taxes on those who work, and an ongoing regulatory siege that has pushed the number of federal rules to an all-time high — all contributed to the epic slowdown in economic growth that plagues our nation.

As for the Fed's quantitative easing — under which the central bank printed more than $3.5 trillion in new money as "stimulus" — and 0% interest rates, they were also a bust for growth.

If Obama's recovery had been just average — in other words a C grade — JEC calculates that "after-tax per-person income would be $3,339 (2009 dollars) per year higher." That's about $278 a month per person in missing income.

This lack of growth is especially bad for those at lower incomes. Not only can they not climb the ladder of opportunity in a stagnant, slow-growth economy, but a substantial number actually fall back into poverty.

The poverty rate as of the end of 2014 — the last full year for which data are available — was 14.8%. That's higher than in 1966, the year President Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty" went into effect.

President Obama's economic policies share a major part of the blame for that — and for Americans' growing sense that something's gone very wrong in our country.

The JEC's dreary conclusion tells the whole sad story of the era of Obamanomics in one brief line: "On economic growth, the Obama recovery ranks dead last."

Dead last. Americans can feel the effects of this squeeze when they pay their bills each month at the kitchen table, and when their paycheck doesn't stretch so far when they shop at the local store.

For the record, last place isn't an A grade. It's closer to an F. If this is the record that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wants to run on, by all means, let her.

Fri 26 Aug, 2016 06:47 am
snood wrote:

Okay, I want to go on the record right here. I do not believe Donald Trump will debate Hillary Clinton. I just don't see how he can allow himself to be exposed to hours of individual questioning with his answers scrutinized by a live audience and moderator, and rebutted by Hillary.

Okay, I want to go on the record right here. I do not believe Hillary Clinton will debate Donald Trump. I just don't see how she can allow herself to be exposed to hours of individual questioning with his answers scrutinized by a live audience and moderator, and rebutted by Donald.
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 06:48 am
And we still don't have the list...
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 06:58 am
Get off your arse and get your own bloody list if it's so precious to you.

It's academic, Trump could hold a public lynching and you still wouldn't consider it racist.

You don't understand what racism is. You see it as an absolute, and only the most heinous incidents count as racist. You don't accept that this definition is your personal one.

Going by your definitions one could argue that the only Nazis were those who took an active role in the death camps which would let Hitler off the hook for starters
Suttle Tea
Fri 26 Aug, 2016 07:01 am
THAT's some funny **** right there!

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