snood wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Why is Trump racist? Is it his anti-immigrant statements or is it just because he is white?
I can try to answer that, but before I do, just out of curiosity let me ask you something - Is there any white public figure that you see as racist?
Before I answer that, are there any white public figures that you do not see as racist?
I guess it comes down to our definitions of racism. Being a white guy myself, I don't get to have the black experience, nor would I want to. I know there is a whole lot of racism out there and it is indeed hideous. I know racism personally because my grandmother from West Virginia was a terrible racist and my dad was also to some extent. I remember having a friend in high school come over one day after school to play some chess and after he left my grand mother very seriously asked my dad if he knew I had a nigger in the house. I was just grateful she kept her mouth shut while he was here. I judge racism by that. Seeing a tough looking black guy walking down the road and crossing to the other side I wouldn't consider to be racism whereas you might. I could see how it would be in some circumstances though. Being opposed to illegal (See! I learned to not be lazy Hawk) immigration doesn't make one racist. Calling them a bunch wetbacks that need to go back to Mexico is racist.
I never considered McCain to be much of a racist, despite his "gooks" comment. W either. Misguided maybe, but never really racist. I don't really consider Trump to be a racist either. In fact most of the presidential candidates wouldn't particularly light up my "He's a racist" lights. Well, maybe Cruz would... Rand Paul is certainly not a racist.
Let's see other white public figures... a lot of liberals don't come off as racist, but so do quite a few northern conservatives. I think most racism still resides in the Southern states. David Duke was a racist, Paula deem, though not really a public figure but more of a celebrity.
So, Why is Trump racist?