You know what. NONE of any of this was even my point, so I'm not even going to argue about it. I won't embrace their lifestyle and I DO have that right. BUT, I will continue to do my best not to judge, criticize , or condemn anyone... Did you get that...
ANYONE regardless of their beliefs, lifestyle choices, skin color, race, whatever. As I said before, be assured, I won't be opening a bakery or any other business that would put me,
OR THEM, in a position to compromise what is believed.
And why? Because this all is so STUPID, POINTLESS, and UNPRODUCTIVE. Y'all wanna keep sceaming and crying about how unjust this world is... Well news flash... It's pretty much always been like that and I had absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm just fighting my way through this life like everyone else, trying to survive, and make sense of as much as possible of it all as I can.
So if y'all wanna sit on your high seat looking down at me simply because I disagree... But have still condemned no one for what they believe, go right on ahead. You may join all the self righteous, judgemental Christians in the very position they have been in for so long. Maybe they will give you a tissue... But I doubt you'd take it anyway.
Sorry if I am sounding a bit snarky today. I got zero sleep last night and haven't eaten for two days. Lol That does tend to make one a wee bit grumpy. And the / thing... I was wondering about it... But not too hard. I hit that darn button multiple times while writing a post. It's a tad bit annoying for sure.