Yes, it was misdirection and glad you noticed. I was just trying to prove the point that blanket statements like that cut multiple ways.
There is no other candidate running for office that has had the success that Trump has had. Yes, he has also had many failures and he admits as much. But, he's learned from each failure.
One of the main jobs that a President of the US has is negotiating. Has to negotiate with Congress, has to negotiate with foreign powers, has to negotiate with his cabinet, has to negotiate with a lot of people and organizations.
Have you listened to anyone that has done business with Trump come from a meeting complaining about what a shitty negotiator Trump was? Ever hear about what a great deal a company has received on it's side of the table after negotiations with Trump?
Let me ask you, do you think Trump behind closed doors in metting is the same bellicose asshole you see on TV? Do you think he goes into meetings with million of dollars on the line blustering and deaf to the other side? I guarantee that he is not or would not be as successful as he has been. No one Trump has been in business with has anything bad to say about him (unless they are politically motivated) and that should tell you something.
Trump knows how to play a room. He is a charismatic guy that doesn't owe a single lobbyist a dollar. He is beholden to no one. Not even the party that tries to control him. He is a political outsider and that makes the typical politician nervous because he can come in and really blow the doors off things. He can expose politicians secrets because he has nothing for them to hold against him.