Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:15 pm
to lied to both our military and population had nothing to do with Hillary but with the last Bush administration and phony claims of weapons of mass destruction.

And that has nothing to do with Hillary lying to the families of the dead in Benghazi. She has been challenged to a polygraph to prove who is lying. And she won't even acknowledge it.
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:16 pm
Incarcerating them and their families was supposezd to make them fight? What a bunch of bullshyt.

Human behaviors is strange as for the most part the Japan American population was eager to prove that they was loyal citizens and they did join and fought in the US military except for a fairly small sub-population that refused t0 do so.
0 Replies
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:16 pm
OK, if she ever calls, I'll tell her

Oh, and welcome to A2K, who did you used to be?
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:25 pm
challenged to a polygraph to prove who is lying. And she won't even acknowledge it.

That is bullshit but I would still love to see Bush and Cheney lied detector results where tens of thousands had die and are dying even to this day as the result of their lies..
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:28 pm
OK, if she ever calls, I'll tell her

You don't care either? You are as useless as she is. And not a patriot.
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:30 pm
That is bullshit

She was challenged by Woods father on Fox. You are hopelessly uninformed, aren't you?
0 Replies
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:32 pm
You don't care either? You are as useless as she is. And not a patriot.

LOL ..............
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:36 pm
LOL .............

That coming from an uninformed loser. You can do better then whine about Bush. Why don't you buy a one way ticket out of this country, and take her with you.
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:45 pm
Let see you wish two US citizens to leave the country because I am fairly sure we both are in total agreement that you are full of bullshit an of course a pointless major conflict that to this very day is costing lives is no big deal as it is republicans lying or at least to you.
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:51 pm
I am fairly sure we both are in total agreement that you are full of bullshit

Both of you can't see the link above your post?

And anyone who supports Hillary is a handicap to this country.
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:53 pm
And anyone who supports Hillary is a handicap to this country.

That is no way to talk about our next president.
Thu 28 Jan, 2016 11:56 pm
That is no way to talk about our next president.

Americans are not that stupid. If she wins it will be by voter fraud on a massive scale.
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 01:51 am
Americans are not that stupid.

In any given population, there's a percentage of very dumb individuals. The Trump supporters need to be identified, and armed, and sent to the north and south borders of the US of A, to protect the motherland from invaders.

That will free up the rest of the nation to move forward with recovering from being raped severely by Wall street.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 04:13 am
I wouldn't have seen this coming. FOX: not conservative enough.
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 06:07 am
Billionaire Saudi Prince To Trump: I bailed you out twice!

The prince's tweet included news stories showing that he bought Trump's yacht in 1991, which had been turned over to creditors when he was $900 million in debt, according to Buzzfeed.

He also included a link to a story showing that he was part of the group that bought New York City's Plaza Hotel from Trump in 1995. As part of the deal, bin Talal paid off Trump's debt on the hotel in what the New York Times said was "a defeat for the real estate developer."

Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims -- 1.6 billion members of an entire religion -- from entering the U.S.

Fri 29 Jan, 2016 06:57 am
I just don't understand how Trump supporters can ignore all Trumps failures, all they see is that somehow he lands on his feet, but they don't see the people or banks and the like who have either invested in him or worked or had anything to do with him business wise has suffered for his failures. I mean it is almost epic if you count from his first bankruptcy back in 90's was it? If he becomes President (Pray God he don't) it will be us, the US and by extension the rest of the world who will suffer and pay for his failures.
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 07:14 am

I just don't understand how Hillary supporters can ignore all Hillary's failures, all they see is that somehow she lands on his feet, but they don't see the people or banks and the like who have either invested in her or worked or had anything to do with her career wise has suffered for her failures. I mean it is almost epic if you count from her first investigation back in 90's was it? If she becomes President (Pray God she don't) it will be us, the US and by extension the rest of the world who will suffer and pay for her failures.

Fri 29 Jan, 2016 07:40 am
I just don't understand how Hillary supporters can ignore all Hillary's failures, all they see is that somehow she lands on his feet, but they don't see the people or banks and the like who have either invested in her or worked or had anything to do with her career wise has suffered for her failures. I mean it is almost epic if you count from her first investigation back in 90's was it? If she becomes President (Pray God she don't) it will be us, the US and by extension the rest of the world who will suffer and pay for her failures.


So tell me. when did Hillary file bankruptcy and leave everyone else to pay for it?
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 07:47 am
revelette2 wrote:

So tell me. when did Hillary file bankruptcy and leave everyone else to pay for it?

Bankruptcy? I believe "Whitewater" was her first time being investigated. Followed by Travelgate and the the Foster incident. The 90's were rife with investigations of Hillary's misdeeds.
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 08:19 am
Yep... Sounds a bit like "ISIS says Al Qaeda is not terrorist enough". Which of course is exactly what they are saying. This world is radicalizing pretty fast.
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