Actually there is a lot information out there on Trump, probably more than any other candidate other than (or maybe even more)Hillary Clinton. I went out of my way to order a playboy magazine even though I am against them (just as a personal belief that they exploit women and encourage exploitation of future women...anyway..)and read a very revealing article into the personal character of Trump. It told a story of Trump conducting a tour to the interviewer around his estate, they came to the tennis courts and there was some kind of cooler for the water cooler set up in the middle of tennis court. Trump didn't like the way the tubes (or something, going by memory) were sticking out everywhere and he started in complaining. Then he tried to kick it over, that didn't work, so he squatted down and picked the whole thing up and flooded the tennis court. Later after the article was published and the editor called his receptionist and asked what Trump thought of the article (or it may have been the other way around), the receptionist said, he was too angry to speak.
As far as I know, playboy keeps copyrights on all their articles so you can't really link to them and leave a source which is why I ordered it. There are lots of criticism of Trump, even from people who are not political, you only need to google and search for them. I think his calling Kelly a bimbo and making disgusting remarks over Hillary needing to use the necessary is who he is. I think what you see on TV, is exactly who he is and he is proud of it.