Donald Trump’s supporters have one frightening personality trait in common
— here’s what it is
This finding comes courtesy of a poll of 1,800 respondents conducted through the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, by Matthew MacWilliams. “I found that education, income, gender, age, ideology and religiosity had no significant bearing on a Republican voter’s preferred candidate,” MacWilliams writes in Politico this week. “Only two of the variables I looked at were statistically significant: authoritarianism, followed by fear of terrorism, though the former was far more significant than the latter.”
That Trump himself has authoritarian impulses won’t surprise anyone at this point.
In fact, according to the New York Times Upshot, “His very best voters are self-identified Republicans who nonetheless are registered as Democrats. It’s a coalition that’s concentrated in the South, Appalachia and the industrial North.”