Donald Trump Retweeted a Twitter User Named "White Genocide"
Source: Slate
Here's something that leading Republican presidential Donald Trump retweeted this morning:
White genocide" is apparently the name for the theory, popular among white supremacists, that the white "race" is being intentionally eradicated through "immigration, integration, miscegenation, low fertility rates and abortion."
Remarkably, this is not the first time that Trump—whose candidacy is being discussed in increasingly friendly terms by top Republican figures—has distributed the work of a white supremacist to millions of people; in November, he tweeted a set of fabricated statistics purporting to show that 81 percent of white murder victims are killed by black perpetrators. (The actual figure is 15 percent.)
Read more:
I'll admit, I was wrong. I didn't think any media would actually pick up on this.
The moral of the story is this: No matter however horrific a person you are, if you praise or invoke Donald Trump's name, he'll reward you.
(And yes, it's not a sickly ironic parody Twitter handle. That person actually is a real neo-Nazi spouting very real neo-Nazi hatred. I won't link to it because that person's a huge waste of flesh and blood, but it's all out there.)