Thu 23 Jul, 2015 07:51 am
G.O.P. Unveils Immigration Plan: “We Must Make America Somewhere No One Wants to Live”
Thu 23 Jul, 2015 09:27 am
0 Replies
Thu 23 Jul, 2015 09:29 am
0 Replies
Thu 23 Jul, 2015 09:32 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 23 Jul, 2015 09:50 am
Are we this is a joke?

" “We Must Make America Somewhere No One Wants to Live”"
Thu 23 Jul, 2015 10:52 am
@bobsal u1553115,
It's Andy Borowitz of the New Yorker.
Thu 23 Jul, 2015 09:30 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Yes its a joke.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 11:08 am
I meant to ask :"are we sure this is a joke?" Andy Borowitz is one of my favorite New Yorker columnists.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 11:10 am
Because the Navy just hands out medals willy nilly, right?
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 11:12 am

Its even funnier because you believe it!
bobsal u1553115
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 11:14 am
What ever you say.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 11:26 am
Insiders: Donald Trump has peaked

The majority of Republican insiders say The Donald has hit his ceiling, while gleeful Democrats say he’s not going anywhere.

By Katie Glueck

7/24/15 5:08 AM EDT

Updated 7/24/15 10:27 AM EDT


More from POLITICO Magazine »

About three quarters of Republican early-state insiders say they believe Donald Trump has peaked — but many acknowledge that may also be wishful thinking.

That’s the assessment from this week’s POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan survey of the top operatives, strategists and activists in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The controversial real estate mogul and GOP presidential candidate provoked some caucus insiders into offering expletives and other colorful language when asked whether Trump has hit his ceiling.

“The McCain smear and giving out Graham’s cellphone? What an asshole,” vented a New Hampshire Republican, who says Trump has peaked. “Trumpism does not represent some deeper sentiment within the party, nor has he tapped into something a more conventional candidate can now co-opt. His candidacy has as much substance and meaning as cotton candy. I didn’t like him before. Now I loathe him.”
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks after arriving at the airport for a visit to the U.S. Mexico border in Laredo, Texas, Thursday, July 23, 2015. Trump is touring the border area to highlight his concerns about immigration policies. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Trumpnado hits Laredo


An Iowa Republican said, “yes,” when asked whether Trump has hit his zenith, but clarified, “I’d like to think so. But who the hell really knows anymore?”

The insiders weighed in following another week in which Trump dominated political coverage.

First, on Saturday, he dismissed Sen. John McCain’s heroism during his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, causing the other candidates to scramble to denounce him. Then on Tuesday, he gave out Sen. Lindsey Graham’s personal cellphone number; and finally on Thursday, he descended — with classic Trump bravado — on the U.S.-Mexico border after repeatedly inveighing against illegal immigrants with particularly heated rhetoric.

He was greeted in Laredo by several people who gave him the middle finger.

“I hope and pray that he has peaked,” added another Granite State Republican, who like all participants was granted anonymity in order to speak freely. “The GOP has a chance in 2016 and it diminishes each time Trump increases his poll numbers.”

Trump has caused heartburn for the Republican Party since he announced his White House run on June 16. Some of the first words out of his mouth involved calling undocumented Mexican immigrants “rapists,” to the horror of many establishment Republicans who want to see the party take a more inclusive approach after an abysmal performance with Hispanic voters in 2012.

Since then, it’s just gotten worse for Trump’s competitors as he’s sucked up the media oxygen and soared to the top of some national polls. Several Caucus insiders predicted that Trump would flame out soon, but others said he won’t lose steam before the first GOP primary debate next month, and may have legs into the fall, though few expect that his momentum will continue as the GOP field narrows.

“Everybody is still watching to see what he will do next,” a Granite State Republican said. “It’s like riding down the highway and seeing an accident in the other direction — you know [you] shouldn’t look but you do. I think by September he will begin a downward descent as people get totally sick of his antics.”

In this week’s survey, Granite Staters were slightly less likely than Iowans to say that Trump has hit his ceiling. Among New Hampshire Republicans, 73 percent say he has, while 81 percent of Hawkeye State Republicans said the same. The numbers overall were about reversed among Democrats, who are enjoying watching Republicans grapple with Trump — 74 percent of them said he isn’t done yet.
Trump: One week wonder?

Trump: One week wonder?

“GOP establishment (especially in early states) and some media are in a panic right now about Trump, and are quick to develop a storyline that he can’t last,” said a New Hampshire Democrat, who like all participants answered through an online submission form. “The truth is otherwise. The base loves him, he keeps showing top tier status nationally and in early states, he (like Hillary) has 100 percent name ID, and unlike all others, doesn’t need either traditional donors or dark money ones. While there are some parallels to [Ross] Perot, this is a new phenomenon and existing precedent doesn’t apply. Who knows where this goes?”

Another added, “If peaking is poll numbers, maybe, but this guy is far from done. He has no reason to drop out. He is going to be the focus of the first debate.”

Here are three other takeaways from this week’s POLITICO Caucus:

Thanks in part to Donald Trump, not qualifying for the first debate is not necessarily fatal …

Eighty percent of New Hampshire Republicans, and 76 percent of Iowa Republicans, say candidates who don’t poll high enough to qualify for the first presidential primary debate on Aug. 6 are not doomed — especially because, several predicted, Trump will steal the spotlight anyway.

“The more the first debate is dominated by Trump, the less damaging non-inclusion will be,” said one Iowa Republican.
LIVINGSTON TWP., NJ - JUNE 30: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announces his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination at Livingston High School on June 30, 2015 in Livingston Twp., New Jersey. Christie made the announcement in the gymnasium of his alma mater, becoming the 14th candidate to join the Republican field. (Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images)

Christie sours on Trump


“Just wait: Pundits will talk about how ‘refreshing’ and ‘interesting’ it was to have a Trump-less debate where real issues were discussed and we could get to know a candidate more, beyond just how they answered or responded to Mr. Trump,” added another.

“The audience will be watching for the Donald show and the [others] on the stage will be marginalized. They will seem like props. To quote a great Republican President: ‘The world will little note nor long remember what they say here,’” said a New Hampshire Republican, cribbing from Abraham Lincoln.

Others said that controversy over debate rules — which the Republican National Committee, after moving to shorten the debate schedule, largely ceded to television stations — blurs the importance of the first debate.

Fox News has limited inclusion in that first debate to candidates who finish in the Top 10 in an average of national polls. The rest will get to participate in a one-hour event before the main show.

“We’re still so far away from the actual voting day, and the debate over debates have become such a cluster that no regular voter is going to rule a candidate out for not making the cut,” said a New Hampshire Republican.

… But missing out will take a toll.

Still, noted many insiders on both sides of the aisle, not qualifying is certainly not helpful. Democrats were more inclined to think getting onstage is important, with about a third of insiders saying not qualifying would kill a campaign, whereas only 22 percent of Republicans overall said the same.

“Not fatal, but anyone who misses it will be on life support,” a New Hampshire Democrat said. “Voters need to limit their choices and appearing in the debate could be a big part of that process. The question is, what will the candidates do around the debate to be relevant if they aren’t onstage?”

Overall, Republicans said the candidate who has the most to lose from not being on the stage is New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, followed by former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. Christie and Perry are both right on the bubble, but Fiorina, who has made a big push to get onstage, lags further in polls.

“Christie’s the guy who thinks of himself as the cleanup hitter. He is striking out in the polls, his fav/unfav has tanked all over the country, but if he can get that one perfect pitch, he’ll try and drive it over the fence,” an Iowa Republican said. “I don’t think he can salvage a lagging campaign with one debate performance, but there is precedent for it,” the source said, noting Newt Gingrich’s surge in South Carolina in 2012, driven in part by a debate tussle with moderator John King of CNN.

The numbers changed slightly when broken down by state: Christie got the most votes among Iowa Republicans with 30 percent, but a third of New Hampshire Republicans said it was most important for Fiorina to get onstage.

Twenty six percent of Democrats agreed that Christie most needed to be onstage — the same percentage that said John Kasich, the Ohio governor who announced for president this week, will also be damaged if he doesn’t make the cut because the debate is in his home state.

Jeb Bush should keep an eye on Kasich.

Half of Iowa Republicans and 54 percent of New Hampshire Republicans say Bush has the most to lose from Kasich — and 60 percent of Democrats agree.

“Both Kasich and Bush are fighting over the ‘reform-minded governor’ niche,” said one Granite State Republican. “Moreover, Kasich has an ability to eat away at Bush’s advantage among independents who would vote in … New Hampshire’s open Republican primary.”

“He’s Jeb Bush by a different last name,” added an Iowa Republican. “And that is important to people who are worried about nominating another Bush.”

In New Hampshire, where both Kasich and Christie are also seeking to court the center-right vote, several caucus participants noted that the Garden State governor was also vulnerable to losing some support to the Ohio executive.

“He moves exactly into their air space,” said a New Hampshire Republican who thinks Kasich could pull from both Bush and Christie, if he can keep his notoriously short temper in check. “He does town halls as well as Christie and has a record of getting things done that exceeds Bush. I guarantee that every voter who is considering Bush/Christie will now also look at Kasich.”

“Blunt-talking governors who have a successful record full of left leaning policy baggage draw from the same side of the pond,” argued another.

But some caucus participants — particularly those in Iowa — were skeptical that Kasich would gain enough traction to pull votes from anyone.

“Nobody is talking about Kasich,” said one Hawkeye State Republican.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 11:38 am
Trump’s Cash Might Not Be Enough for Long Campaign
Although he claims he’s self-funding his campaign, Donald Trump’s “financial disclosure made public this week casts doubt on the idea that he has access to enough cash right now to spend the $1.5 billion or more it’s expected to cost to reach the White House in 2016,” Politico reports.

“Three estimates calculated after the release of the document on Wednesday put the upper limit of his cash and liquid assets at roughly $300 million. That’s plenty of money to get him a long way, but not necessarily all the way to November 2016, if he doesn’t implode first.”



This Politico article would appear to lend some credibility to an Eleanor Clift article I posted earlier today:

How Donald Trump Could Fall Into the Ross Perot Trap


The Most Dangerous Man in Politics

Rick Klein: “Donald Trump is the most dangerous man in politics today, with his unlimited funds, overall showmanship, and disregard for conventional political and even human rules of interaction, coupled with his threat to bolt the Republican Party if things don’t go his way. But in dragging the campaign show – 100-odd reporters following around the white baseball cap that came out of a 1980s golf pro shop – to the Texas-Mexico border, Trump looks like he got what he wanted yet again. The focus was on immigration and the border, not on disparaging comments about Sen. John McCain’s service, or even Trump calling anyone a ‘loser’ or a ‘dummy.’ If you needed yet another exhibit in Donald Trump’s capacity to dominate the media cycle – and more on his terms than not – the images from the border, white hat and all, should suffice for a while.”


0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 12:22 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
What ever you say

Monkey see, monkey do. Same old.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 12:31 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Its even funnier because you believe it!

I didn't read it.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 09:43 pm
Gee, Todd, that sounds just like what a monkey would say, or a Todd.

Monkeys don't talk, but you have proven they can type.

Hop on Bob.
Fri 24 Jul, 2015 10:05 pm
Are we to believe you sent a PM to cj, found out his real name and now you abuse that privilege to intimidate simply to win an argument ? You are an immoral scum . That is the lowest thing I have heard of here, it even beats Gomer's remarks . What is wrong with you ?

Look at your Tags...that says a lot about you...

Teabillies, Crap, Asshat, Teapublicans, Idiot, Tea, Liar, Twit, Racism, Racist, Tea Party, Race, Bullshit, Gop, Penthouse Lite, Bull ****, Teabilly, Teapublican, Pervert, Snore, Asswipe, Ass, Teaparty, Garbage, So What, Dingbat, Fiction, Oh Jeez, Hater, Meh, Dear Penthouse, Yawn, Google, Shullbit, Bisexual Built For Two, Dim Bulb, Snicker, Soft Porn, Bigots, Obama, Dumbshit, Crapola, Stupid, Jerk, Nitwit, Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah, Do My Homework, Cheater, Imagine My Surprise, Bigot, Spam, Idiots, Gungashit, Teabaggers, Say Again, Jerk Wad, Move On, First Time Poster, Blahblahblah, Asshats, B S, Schmuck, Facsist, Teen Angst, National Enquirer, Bored Student, Dumb, Dogpile, Crypto Spam, Mental Health, Boring, Politics, Pamela Rosa, Porn, Hypocrites, Whine, Imperialist, Huh, Bored, Bs, No **** This Really Happened, Stds, Snooooooooore, Bing, Retard, Tin Foil Hat, Racists, Me Speak Pretty One Day, Teen Porn, Who Cares, Conspiracy, Boo Hoo, Liars, Please Write My Paper, Coldfart Sucks, **** You, Race Baiter, Hate, Nit Wit, Hypocrite

I would dearly like to meet you one day as I pride myself on dealing effectively with the worst the human race has to offer . Smile
Sat 25 Jul, 2015 04:41 am
Whats this, are you implying threats? You should really read the TOS about threatening other members, you can get pitched off the site .
Please try to act like a human and try not to be a damn bully.

You are certainly allowed to continue your hysterical name calling and insults , but threats?? Dont cross that line cause I find your opinions amusingly absurd and funny enough to have around. Dont imply (or actually make) threats on people.

Sat 25 Jul, 2015 10:39 am
Whats this, are you implying threats

There is no threat in his post. The only implication is on your part. In fact, an admonishment from you is ludicrous.
Frank Apisa
Sat 25 Jul, 2015 10:44 am
coldjoint wrote:

Whats this, are you implying threats

There is no threat in his post. The only implication is on your part. In fact, an admonishment from you is ludicrous.

There WAS an implied threat in Ionus' post...and Farmerman was right in making the admonishment.

I have agreed with several things Ionus has said recently...but this was wrong...and best he understands it is wrong.

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