Mame wrote:
stories of groping and whatnot
hmmm....I'm quite sure some of these are just that....stories.
You're right mame, perhaps these measures won't solve the problem. But why automatically assume the solution, the next step would be worse? Maybe it will be better.
Probably will be worse for some, better for others.
Getting back to this use of the word "grope"
Using that word is just way out of hand.
the definition of grope?
feel about uncertainly or blindly
search blindly or uncertainly
fondle for sexual pleasure
Is anyone feeling about randomly, in an uncertain manner?
Oh yeah, I think we covered this doing it for sexual pleasure enough.
Using the word grope conjures up the picture of the searchers waiting in anticipation, rubbing their crotches in barely contained excitement, waiting for the chance to run their fingers around nether regions lingeringly and aggressively.
The guy that got his own urine on himself?
Why didn't he empty his bag in the mens room before getting in line?
Not only did he get some piss on himself (which can be rinsed off and dried under a hand drier in the restroom), he is a victim of cancer. Oh no, a victim of cancer, being victimized again!
So, this guy got urine on himself and a handful of people saw it, and he was humiliated.
The obvious reaction would be to talk about it to the news, so thousands more can read about getting his leg wet with piss, and his humiliation. Let's not forget he had already been made a victim because of his cancer, and this is just a reminder of how victimized and helpless he is.