alright you guys...
heres what i ended up doing (and anymore comments and advice will still be needed

i told my mom, i told her everything i told you guys... i added details where she needed them and told her what you all suggested. she said you guys had good advice (yay!) but that if my friend didn't want help, calling child abuse wouldn't help because he coulds just deny everything and say it didn't happen--since he doesn't have any permanent scars they wouldn't be able to find proof.
so... i know my friend woldnt cooperate if anythign were to happen.. he already told me that. my mom and i decided i would have him over to spend the night (which i do alot lol so its no big deal) and i would tell him how i am worried for his future and his sibling's futures... he may just deny all of this etc... but my mom said there is nothing else i can do. and no matter what my friend is gonna be really screwed up from all this
also, i cant tell how serious the situation is... so he may be exaggerating or sugar coating his circumstances with his parents....
so i am going to talk to him about it, hopefully thatll help
if not, then the next time something happens im calling the child abuse center. hopefully that wont happen tho, because he said its getting better and it seems like it is =/ i cant be too sure tho...
and now i have my mom to back me up. and hopefully everyhitng will be okay
so what do u guys think?