Lash wrote:
You were correct that my answer was American-centric, as I also didn't see that she was writing from India.
Ok, I can see where you're coming from. Actually, I meant to ask spidergal before if when she catches him staring, she gives him a "dirty look", meaning a look that indicates his attention isn't welcome.
I too, don't know about the culture, to say if that is even something that would occur to her.
In this country, if a guy was staring, not just once, but every time he's there with her, and she after giving him a few chances to stop on his own, gives him a look that definately indicates "stop staring at me"....I consider that his warning.
I do not think it's necessary to actually converse with him, or give him a note. Even though she may not be able to definately tell whether is look is off attractive or obsession, the look she gives him can definately say STOP THAT!
If he hasn't, I'm not for inching up to the next step....as Barny Fife says "nip it! Nip it in the bud!"