Yep, I can't agree with this statement enough.
There's a world of difference between spending money & effort on 'banning abuse' (or in this weird case, compliments too) as compared to spending that time and effort on educating people on the happiness benefits of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle.
My issue with the 'ban to protect' has always been that it creates a victim mentality, rather than a self-responsibility mentality. A self responsibility mentality strives to know yourself better, look after yourself better, be ever more genuine, and learn how to deal with abuse in a way that maintains self-respect and respect for others - but a victim mentality is deathly to self-responsibility and the personal growth that accompanies it (self-responsibility)
The results can be seen in the anti bullying campaign - which if they'd taught people how to grow their self esteem, how to assert themselves, and how to deal with bullying - the results in individuals lives would be much more positive.
It can be seen in people who claim medical reasons for being overweight, but your weight is a mathematical formula : energy in vs energy out = weight gain or loss. Taking responsbility recognises this. It also recognises that we all have strengths and weaknesses, and that we can accept, but work on our weaknesses if we so choose.
There are plenty of other areas where this 'battle' can, and will be seen.
Ie it's a battle in ideology between efforts that seem to so often create a victim mentality, as compared to efforts that empower peoples lives.
P.S. I'm not saying that education shouldn't play a part in informing people of the problems with certain actions & use of words (for this does have importance), but that the major effort should truly be towards helping people learn to handle difficulties/conflict, life, and personal growth