The woman I like doesn't like me. I feel so hurt. Please help

Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 08:33 am
@Chai2, you're right. I appreciate your answer. How can I act because I feel I still like/love her? I mean it is OK that if there is another man who is more suitable than me to her. I can be alive without her, but I still like/love her. I hope we can still continue our friendship. If one day she changes her mind and suddenly appreciates my love towards her, that's good. If this never happens, it is also OK because I won't die.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 08:36 am
@Chai2, I would never coerce her, that's the last thing I want to do.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 08:58 am
Gargamel wrote:

Wait, what?

Are you saying your problem is with seduction? Or one perjorative usage of that word you decided to apply to this non-native English speaker, who might have used any number of words in his whatever-to-English dictionary?

The OP did not announce until just recently he was not a native speaker of English. Up until that point, I took that he used the word seduce, and meant the word seduce.

As far as women who want to be seduced, chased, whatever....you're not giving them enough credit, or reading their subtext.

If a woman is aware she wants to be seduced, even if she doesn't admit it, she's given tacit approval to herself that it's ok to have sex with this guy.

In a way, I have done this myself. NOT when initially deciding to have sex with someone. That's not the time for this weirdness. After knowing someone for a while, having had sex with them,knowing they respect you, that you're on the same page, this "faux seduction" can be fun.
Doing this the first time, is a good way to backfire.

I'm not talking about someone who will later claim to have been raped. Some women who have a problem with admiting they are sexual beings, and want to have sex with someone, can only do it by telling themselves it was out of their control, that they were seduced. That makes it all right in their minds. They really know that they wanted to do it though.
Hey, harlequin romances have made millions off of this.

Of course, on top of this, you get the usual suspects who actually promote seducing women, using the worst meaning of the word.
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 09:27 am
Good points. I don't disagree with any point you've made except for this: If a woman invites a 25 year old man who has a crush on her to share her hotel room and bed, it is not unreasonable to expect the man to get a sexual signal. IMO, this is not the same as a group of friends sharing a room. I completely agree that the Steve should have flushed out the situation in advance, that he should have explored less physical ways of expressing his feelings to see if they were reciprocated, that he should have opened a dialog. By all means hammer him on that, but don't make him out to be a complete perv because he read this woman incorrectly due to lack of experience or wishful thinking.

As a thought exercise let's reverse the gender roles here. A man invites a woman he has known for a couple of years to share a room and bed with him. She's had a crush on him and wonders if he's willing to get physical with her. Would you say his invite is completely devoid of sexual meaning? (Of course, the advice to assume nothing and explore the situation in advance is still completely valid.) If she made a move and was completely rebuffed, would you be reaming her out?
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 09:43 am
You are right. But What is done is done. Sigh, I misread her or I did it out of wishful thinking. Anyway, I feel I am inexperienced. But I do like and love her. I only want to get physically intimate with the woman I like/love.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 10:01 am
engineer wrote:

but don't make him out to be a complete perv because he read this woman incorrectly due to lack of experience or wishful thinking.

As a thought exercise let's reverse the gender roles here. A man invites a woman he has known for a couple of years to share a room and bed with him. She's had a crush on him and wonders if he's willing to get physical with her. Would you say his invite is completely devoid of sexual meaning? (Of course, the advice to assume nothing and explore the situation in advance is still completely valid.) If she made a move and was completely rebuffed, would you be reaming her out?

I'm not making him out to be a perv. I'm saying he is lacking in common sense. I still for the life of me can't figure out why he did not ask/say something previous to getting to the hotel.
If I had a crush on someone for 2 years, and the above happened, I would not assume at all there was a sexual meaning. Seriously. I would know that the crush is on MY end, since he's never expressed the same. In addition, I wouldn't have a crush on someone who was dense enough to think that after 2 years, this was a good first move.

Since I'm in the U.S. where 2 beds are the norm in a hotel, if a male friend rented a room, I'd ask him why, if 2 rooms weren't available, or if he was trying to save money.
In reality, I would have already discussed with him the possibility to get just one room, so we could save money.

Because I have a lot of common sense, my friends tend to have common sense also.
It's doubtful we would have gotten into this position in the first place, since sleeping arrangements are a pretty basic thing to discuss before hand.

It seems that so many here are being so coy about this hotel thing.

Basically, it's hard for me to grok why someone wouldn't ask "Why'd you rent only one room?"

All this "do you think she meant this?", "what do you think I should do?" is a bunch of bullshit that could have been avoided by a 15 second conversation.

I'm really tired of this.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 10:06 am
and don't try to seduce me back. won't work.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 10:11 am
chai2 wrote:
I am giving my opinion not just from the perspective on what I believe to be women in general, but from my personal feelings (and direct experience with having men make passes at me when I did nothing to provoke it)

I am not being hateful, or a drone Bill. I am responding the same way when a man mistakenly assumed I'd have sex with him, when I'd never given the slighted encouragement.

The way a woman with self respect would respond would be with being offended.

I think you're best off just offering your own opinion because you're not representing what I observe as "women in general" (which of course is my opinion).

and yeah, my opinion is that you've been quite hateful to, and about, the OP in this thread
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 10:45 am
engineer wrote:
I completely agree that the Steve should have flushed out the situation in advance, that he should have explored less physical ways of expressing his feelings to see if they were reciprocated, that he should have opened a dialog. By all means hammer him on that, but don't make him out to be a complete perv because he read this woman incorrectly due to lack of experience or wishful thinking.

I think we get some big cultural differences (between most of the posters on the thread and the OP) being exposed in threads like this.

We get a lot of posters here, from a variety of backgrounds. What is considered normal or appropriate in a more-or-less middle-class American community doesn't fly in other countries/cultures.

Just over thirty years ago, I was very close to a community of graduate students from Singapore. The men and women of that group considered it appropriate for men to have a range of sexual experiences with men before marriage - but it was totally inappropriate to have any sexual relationship with a woman other than the woman they would marry. They didn't consider these sexual relationships between men as homosexual as they were strictly 'safety valves'.

When these men were eventually ready to find the Singaporean woman they would marry, they had no idea of how to approach them - and the women didn't have a much better idea of how to respond.

I heard a lot of 'I look at him all the time, do you think he knows I like/love him' , 'I look at her, she's looking at me, do you think she likes me', 'what should I do so she can tell I like her'.

Being direct, asking what I thought were the appropriate questions just wasn't on. It was always a year or two of unrequited glancing. Very different culture to what I was used to.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 01:36 pm
chai2 wrote:


Right... because we all know Ossobuco is a wishful thinking/ self professed ladies man.

Engineer is right. Pay no attention to the hateful drones, Stevenya. Those with the courage to try for something special have all crashed and burned at one point or another. Consider this: Every attempt at love that doesn't result in true love involves one party more into it than the other, and that party usually ends up getting rejected at some point. Those crappy feelings you are experiencing is the price you pay in route to finding your own special someone. It sucks, but it beats becoming a priest. Heal up and get back at it and I wish you better luck next time.

One piece of advice: Don’t wait two years to express your feelings next time. That type of delay results in either two years wasted thinking about the wrong woman, or two years wasted that could have been spent living the dream with the right woman. Either way, it’s two years you’re never going to get back.

Well no Bill, because osso is not a man.

Being straight here, my inclination to be sarcastic with you aside, haven't you noticed that some men, both on this and the "other" thread are giving advice on how to proceed?
Of course... and if you'd limited your obvious disdain to those deserving of same, I would have agreed. (Shorteyes is certainly plenty creepy enough to deserve it, for instance.) I objected because you labeled every person who thought the kid might have a shot as wishful thinking/self professed ladies men... and this was as uncalled for as it was false. Setanta and Engineer are self professed ladies men? (News to me.) Frankly, I thought it was a long shot after 2 years myself, but stranger things can and do happen.

I also didn't see where the man said he waited till the lights were out and just started groping around like an imbecile. He pondered in his initial post whether he should try to make out with her. For all we know, he waited for a possibly appropriate moment and moved in for a kiss only to have her pull back in shock. <-- If it was something as innocent as that; the man did nothing wrong.

chai2 wrote:
Putting our petty differences aside, listen to what I am saying.

You are giving your advice not just from the perspective on what you believe to be men in general, but from your personal feelings.
A2K amply demonstrates on virtually every thread that in general, men do not share a perspective on anything. You should assume I speak only for me unless I say otherwise.

chai2 wrote:
I am giving my opinion not just from the perspective on what I believe to be women in general, but from my personal feelings (and direct experience with having men make passes at me when I did nothing to provoke it)
I've seen scarce few perspectives shared by women in general, either (excepting of course that the demented duo of proud misogynists seem rather universally held in disdain by all.) In my experience, even on the occasions that my instincts have misfired; women "in general" seemed to have been flattered by my interest, rather than angry at my lack of extra sensory perception.

chai2 wrote:
The title of the OP's other thread about this girl and the hotel reads "How can I seduce my friend when we stay one night in a hotel."

The OP claims English is not his first language (which he did not announce until much later). As a native speaker of English, I agree with all of these various definitions of the word "seduce"
Seduce struck me as off before learning that English was his second language too... but I didn't assume his word choice necessarily made him creepy like Shorteyes. Nor have I assumed his advances were anything more heinous than clumsy.

chai2 wrote:
Please note I did not try to mislead by only pasting negative definition of the word seduce, but included the non nefarious definitions as well. The words I highlighted in red are some key words that pop into my head (as a woman), when seduction is mentioned.

1. To lead away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct. See Synonyms at lure.
2. To induce to engage in sex.
3. a. To entice or beguile into a desired state or position.
b. To win over; attract.

to lead astray, as from duty, rectitude, or the like; corrupt.
2. to persuade or induce to have sexual intercourse.
3. to lead or draw away, as from principles, faith, or allegiance: He was seduced by the prospect of gain.
4. to win over; attract; entice: a supermarket seducing customers with special sales.
: to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty
2: to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises
3: to carry out the physical seduction of : entice to sexual intercourse
4: attract
— se•duc•er noun
Examples of SEDUCE
He tried to seduce her.
She was seduced by an older man.
The other team seduced him with a better offer.

There is a major ick factor associated with the word seduce, and by these common definitions, that cannot be denied.
We have no dispute there.

chai2 wrote:
Again, saying this as a woman Bill, you really can't have it both ways.

You cannot be a champion to all women, trying to educate men in the aspects of honoring them, respecting their intelligence, and especially respecting the fact that if they have shown no definite interest in sex with a man, that means they do not want sex with that man, and what you are saying to the OP.
Of course a man can try to create interest in a woman, but through attempts to get her interest via verbal and respectful visual communication, and not through the laying on of hands in a hotel bed.
Agreed. Where exactly did he say that he just started groping her when the opportunity presented itself? You're not assuming that are you?

chai2 wrote:
The very nature of seducing a woman to have sex with you involves drawing them away from their principles, beguiling them.

I know you say you do not agree at all with doing that. You've said so many times.

The OP has never stated this woman did anything besides renting a room. He never communicated with her, never asked her any questions as to her feelings, etc. etc.

Going by what he has written thus far, he has given no indication she had any desire to be seduced.
He indicated that they were friends, that he thought she might like him too, and that she had invited him to stay in the hotel. Were I he, and interested, I would certainly have found some way to exhibit my interest whether she had given a more direct indication of similar feelings or not. I do not assume the original poster was not tactful in doing so himself.

chai2 wrote:
Perhaps he has lost a friend. If he has, it's entirely through his lack of communication.
I would agree his communication was late in coming, by any standard, but do not assume that his late communication couldn't have been taken as, "I'm flattered Stevenya, really I am, but I'm sorry I don't think about you that way." To which a mature man would reply something like, "Bummer. Sorry if I've offended you, but I think you're pretty special so I needed to know for sure."

chai2 wrote:
I am not being hateful, or a drone Bill. I am responding the same way when a man mistakenly assumed I'd have sex with him, when I'd never given the slighted encouragement.
The way a woman with self respect would respond would be with being offended.
You have been deliberately insulting and assumed the worst about this poster from the word go, as well as making the snide assumption that everyone who disagreed with your take was a "wishful thinking/self professed ladies man." Nothing about your behavior surprised me in any way.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 01:54 pm
It is a bad situation for a woman to get unprovoked sexual advances. But can we really say it was "unprovoked" in this case?
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 01:56 pm
It is a bad situation for a woman to get unprovoked sexual advances
I see, so in your mind only women are allowed to be the first to signal that they desire sex....why dont men get to be equal?
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 02:03 pm
well, you might not believe this, but there's a difference between having an honest discourse on the potentiality of having sex and just jumping on the bed and whipping your dick out

they both have their time and place, the trick is knowing when each is appropriate, i'd have said the discourse was appropriate in steve's example
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 02:29 pm
Steve - did you ASK her why she got a room with just ONE bed in it? Where I come from, that would mean an invitation for romance.

What did she say when you started to get romantic with her?

What happened?!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 02:39 pm
Gargamel wrote:

Wait, what?

Are you saying your problem is with seduction? Or one perjorative usage of that word you decided to apply to this non-native English speaker, who might have used any number of words in his whatever-to-English dictionary?

Given that this woman was a friend, not a complete stranger, first of all, and second of all that he expressed uncertainty about her desires and intentions, I doubt he suspected he would be completely twisting her arm, and certainly not coercing her to act against her will. Then there's the subtext here that stevenya is an awkward and inexperienced dude, an observation that doesn't require too much intuition. These points hold a little more water than your semantical approach.

I won't even get into the fact that some women actually like to be seduced, chased, wooed, whatever word you want to use.

You may be right that he is not too good with English, but he better get that way because English is how we communicate, and love is all about communication... There are times when Crudity passes for wit... I may have once said I'd love to seduce you, if you are in the mood to be seduced... If people are in the mood, little need be said... Chico Marx told Gloria Swanson when she was hot: I'd like to fck you... And she said: And so you shall; What ever that means, that he would, or would like to in vain... My point, if I can make it, is that in asking the question, the guy got some good advice, and as far as I can tell, he did not take it...

I am inclined to say: Take my Advice; I'm not using it... And better yet; Don't take any advice you don't pay for... The fact is that most people do not recognize good advice when they get it, and only after recognize that they might have used their heads and saved themselves some pain...Life tests first and teaches after... Those people who learn before they act have the edge... Use good advice, if that is what you seek, and learn to tell good advice from bad... Then it will not matter what you say... Your position in life, in control of your own affairs, in control of your own behavior, you stand a chance of finding a good woman... But if it is all about how to controling them against their better judgment, don't bother...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 02:40 pm
just jumping on the bed and whipping your dick out
is that what happened here, I was not aware. Which post did steve say that in? I know that I never said that what you described is appropriate in this situation as I understand it.
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 02:49 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

It is a bad situation for a woman to get unprovoked sexual advances
I see, so in your mind only women are allowed to be the first to signal that they desire sex....why dont men get to be equal?

Flirtation is great... A woman's heart is a hard book to read, and every book is different... Work on communication... Work on understanding... Don't try to put the cart of sex before the horse of relationship...
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 03:40 pm
Don't try to put the cart of sex before the horse of relationship...
sex is not always connected to relationship, and a lot of people dont agree that sex should wait in a relationship. You have your personal preferences, but lets not pretend that all other people live like you do.
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 03:52 pm
i never said he did, but this quote,

stevenya wrote:
I tried to get physical intimate with her. She was offended.

even given his language barrier, doesn't sound like he had any kind of discussion regarding the situation they found themselves in
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2010 04:08 pm
even given his language barrier, doesn't sound like he had any kind of discussion regarding the situation they found themselves in
You have no basis for making that assumption, you would need to ask what "tried" means. You are assuming the worst with no cause, which is not fair to steve.

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