Thanks squinney for answering.
So, when you do act PA, are you realizing it is causing frustration to others?
Is that your intent, or do you not care?
Re how to approach a co-worker/sub, oh sure, if it's the odd occassion, or the first time somethings happening, of course one would assume they just needed help/didn't fully understand something, etc.
I'm talking about people that make this a way of life.
Actually thinking about it, I DO know someone at work who, even though she will not understand what is wanted/how to do something, will proceed, complete the task and hand it in.
Now realize this is someone who has done this many times.
When this first started, over time I would then make sure that if I needed her to do something, I'd make sure I'd given her instruction/direction. I would then ask her if she understood, to which she'd say yes. I would add in asking her if she had questions, to which she would say no.
Work would come back incorrect. The explanation "I didn't understand it" and didn't want to ask questions.
Same person...I was going to transition a duty over to her, since I wasn't going to be involved in that aspect any longer. Knowing her history, I worked up a power point for her, each screen showing the next step (circles around where to click next, what would happen then, etc)
A few weeks later, when she was supposed to start the task, I got a call from her supervisor. She asked me if I could come over and teach the person how to perform the task. I let her sprv know I'd sent her a PP, etc. but apparantly the person was indicating she didn't understand it.
I went over (it made more sense for me to go there, than have her come to me) and we sat down together.
Me: Do you have that PP?
PA: Yes
Me: You didn't understand it?
PA: I didn't look at it.
Me: Why not? That why I made it for you? You can always use it in the future as a reference.
Then I asked her to find the PP, which she had printed out and "put somewhere"
I sat with her and she said "Ok, what do I do first"
Me: What does it say to do first?
PA: Well....hemming and hawing, she finally said "it says to go into xyz"
Me: Ok
PA: So, how do I do that?
Me: What does it say about that?
PA: (looking for the first time) Where?
Me: Under where it says "go into xyz"
PA: it says...."To get into xyz go to the abc dept and click on the qrs icon"
Me: ok
Finally, about halfway through this, she finally accepted I was going to have her follow the instructions that had been written out. I knew from past experience if I told her verbally, which is what she wanted, she could later say any number of things as to why she couldn't do it.
In addition, if I had shown frustration, she would have told her boss (she has in the past) how awful I was.
Thank God I don't have to deal with her anymore. In addition, the person that is my equiv to me over her is a very difficult person. I know she wishes she had me back.