I used to work with a nurse who used to work in a psychiatric hospital - there is actually a psych diagnosis that has excessive water-drinking as a symptom, and people can drink enough water to kill themselves through the imbalance of their electrolytes.
l'k - the bacteria in some of the bottled waters are enough to make people quite sick.
I'll take my chances, Beth.....
Today - 2 1/2 Liters, Yesterday about 1 Liter, varies a great amount daily. No Coffee or Soda.
I've had very little water today. I've been drinking more tea becuase I can't seem to drink water when it gets cold out.
Thanks for that informative link!! I tend to be a chronic water over consumer. I have Sjogren's Syndrome & consequently my mouth is constantly dry as a desert, my tongue burns all the time, my teeth are literally falling apart and and I sometimes suffer from an inflammation of the esophagus (but NOT due to acid reflux) ALL caused
by a lack of saliva. One can never realize the importance of a simple substance like saliva until you don't have it. There are many other symptoms worse than this, that are part of Sjogren's. It is actually another whole auto-immune disease, like my rheumatoid arthritis.
I tend to get hypokalemia rather than hyponatremia. I get enough salt,
but not sufficient potassium in my diet. It's hard to eat enough bananas to make up for what I lose. Every few months I need to take prescription strength potassium supplement to stay balanced.
During the week, generally 1 gallon a day. Sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more.
I don't drink a lot of water on the weekends. Too lazy.

i drink 1 1/2 - 2 liters per day, on the day of training probably up to a gallon. geeze, that sounds like a lot.
I just open a new gallon and drink it right from the jug. Easy.
Wow, a gallon!
Babs - that disease sounds aweful! I'm so sorry for you.....
I've been reading about that. Stupid, stupid, radio station.
I was reading about that, too. I'd only heard of it happening with serious sports-o-philes. Runners, chugging water and passing out.
I've gotten light headed from chugging a lot of water in a short period. When I was in college sometimes I'd drink most of a gallon within 1/2 hour before going to the gym, and I'd get a buzzed feeling.
It had to have been a hell of a lot more than 2 litres....that's nothing. Probably 2-3 gallons.
BBC article on the mechanism of the kidney failure, etc. -
I've no idea about the volume myself. I do remember some article a few years ago mentioning that a lot of the distress in marathon runners can be attributed to too much water intake versus too little. Don't know if that was corroborated. Electrolytes matter too..
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:It had to have been a hell of a lot more than 2 litres....that's nothing. Probably 2-3 gallons.
2 litres can do it - depends on a lot of other stuff, but it's possible
The whole thing was stupid in so many ways.
Sure hope the station's lawyer has good E and O coverage.
ehBeth wrote:Sure hope the station's lawyer has good E and O coverage.
If the station consulted a lawyer who did not immediately nix the idea, said lawyer should be disbarred.
I suspect they did not.
Well, given the contest was re not peeing....
Ay yi yi.
I can envision a dj, paid, after all, to make things interesting, not listening to the nurse who called in. I can imagine not running it by the boss, if you are a major personality, or trying to be. So... station management - to me - should have a run it by me rule. Which makes me wonder if they did.
I followed some of the comments on at least one site, and the folks are quite forgiving of the station as doing an accidental harm, or at least those I looked at were.
I guess in the lonnnnnng run, I think people with influence on the public aren't as widely educated, or, in lieu of formal ed, not as grounded in common sense, as could be.
Which... will always be true.
I can see a conflict between creative entertainment and possible harm.
Good reason for lawyers there, at least re checking first.