Cyracuz wrote:
There is no single system that can govern our affairs perfectly. The best that can be hoped for with any system is that we can evolve within its confines to the point where we realize that we need a better system.
Some problems here:
1. What type of system are we talking about here? An economic or political system? Or perhaps both?
2. You need to define what Capitalism is. Trust me on this; not everyone has the same definition (or the right one for that matter).
3. Say a system evolves to its peak. At what point can we say, "this system has evolved to its peak because we have evolved." and discard it for a new one? Are we implying that a system will become another one? And if so, how is it that a system can remain the same and yet not be the same (heading towards another system). Does it not have to become, well, that other system? (I will also apply this to humans as well as you seem to do so in your assertion.).
4. "There is no system that can govern our affairs perfectly". This is simply begging the question: how do you know that every system we try will not be sufficient in governing our affairs? What has led you to this? Have you tried out every system?
From this, after laying the foundation, can we begin in a worthwhile discussion... If there is anything at all to be discussed.