@cicerone imposter,
It is a fact that some nations are locked in perpetual poverty because of the conduct of those who had everything, because they simply came and took it.
It was called imperialism, and ever since those times, the imbalances that were created have been entrenched by trade agreements forced on those who had no real choice in the matter.
Natural disasters plague some parts of the world because of deforestation of the foothills of the Himalaya. Of course, for every honest researcher who will give a factual recount of the situation there are ten who will work to support anything they are paid to support.
The logic is simple. If you can't blame capitalism for the world's poverty you cannot blame it's wealth on it either.
It is all about who owns what, and the deciding factor is who manages to take what. Nevermind who should have what, according to what we can all see some desperately need.
Perhaps it's fair, in the sense that it's nature's own way, but the objections of my conscience are also nature's way, and I know I am not the only one experiencing them.
In this matter, if I am more right than you it will be because more people agree with me than with you.