If I may come in, even if you hypothesise that the paster whateverhisname wants to attract like-minded individuals, and so may not be true, he is anyway doing a highly immoral act.
The immorality is evident from the clear and explicit violation of the doctrine of peace, doctrine of peaceful-coexistence, doctrine of not causing hatred among groups and so on and so forth. This violation is loud and clear by the reactions pouring in from all sides. The General of the Army has given some statement, but his appeal is a lame and selfish position to take.
While the life of soldiers is important, the question should be how a religious person, as assumed by his job or vocation can be allowed to burn someones elses article of faith and reverence. The scriptures are not merely books. Books are just instruments to communicate. The words in the scriptures is the basis on which many humans adhering to those authority conduct their daily lifes, whether christains, muslims, hindus, or jews. It is in their consciousness. (I do not adhere to those authorities or to any religion or groups)
A mere burning of a book called The Holy Quran in the backyard of a nondescrpit church is not the problem, the problem is the public posturing and political agenda to score some points over something which is the cause of worry. The burning of 200 books in public exhibition is and will be considerred as an assault on the entire faithfuls and their beliefs, around the world.
Whether the act is conforming to The American Consitution is not relevent at all, and whether the act can be compared with flag burning is highly inappropriate.
Societies carries out its function on the principle of ethical behaviour in Public life. This guy has no such principles as his action seems to suggest.
Even as he violates all such doctrines and principles followed by a majority of societies and people at large, the excuse that it is legally permissible in America cannot be condoned for the simple reason that it is indeed a highly immoral idea, and an unpardonable unethical behaviour .