@Green Witch,
I'm not looking for sex, a girlfriend, casual dating or a relationship. I'm about the work. I'm in terrifc shape and can out perform any 25 year old around, but I also realize this can't last much longer, so I'm leaving it all on the floor. I work hard and give 110%, not to be a cliche,not only to my shows but to my body so I can keep doing it, but I AM 61 and who knows what might happen.
In addition, although I have been married more than once, squinney has been the one true love in my life and one is sufficient.
She deserves to be happy and content, and although she would be the first to agree that you can't make a person happy, you are responsible for your own happiness, if our being together is a detriment to that somehow then we need to be separated.
As for you Farmerman, one of my very favorite people here I'm sure you realize that my response to you was just playing hard back. Spendius, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
I actually made this post, in my own twisted BP way, because I was amazed myself that after all these years I truly felt more concerned with another person's feelings than my dick, and that the girl in question, an old friend, was treated like an old friend and could have been a guy who crashed on my sofa.
I'm a smart guy but I've been pretty stupid about women most of my life and squinney was the first person, aside from my children, that I loved more than myself. That's a good thing and a lesson learned.
In my life I've been stabbed, shot, had a couple of drug overdoses back in the day, survived a plethora of horrific wrecks and most recently walked away from a potential deathbed, which some of you remember. If there is a God, perhaps He's been keeping me around long enough to wise up. I'm working on it.
Anyway, I didn't want anyone to think this was either a whiny post or a post meant to get any poor Steve bullshit.