Was it a war crime when US nuked Hiroshima & Nagasaki?

Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 06:04 am
camlok wrote:
There are no reputable US historians save for those who remain focused on Grandma So and So's favorite pie recipe. The issues that matter are all glossed over by the voluminous US propaganda memes.

Your bigoted anti-American lies are shameful.

But note that all of the non-American historians agree that Japan needed to be stopped and that the A-bombs were dropped with the goal of stopping them.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 06:06 am
Glennn wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
Actually, they could have dropped those two bombs on Mecca and Medina and sent films of that to the Japanese.....


With nuking Muslim holy sites?

Glennn wrote:
It's kind of a no-brainer that a nonlethal demonstration was not impossible.

How do you convince the Japanese government that the footage didn't come from Photoshop?

Glennn wrote:
And even if an announced demonstration had been done live, there would have been no reason why it could not have been done in a way that would leave the Japanese no time to move prisoners of war to that area.

How do you convince the Japanese government that the handful of farmers who witnessed the demonstration really saw an A-bomb, and that we weren't just fooling them with a really large conventional weapon?
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 09:09 am
With nuking Muslim holy sites?

I should have clarified. I agree that a nonlethal demonstration could be filmed, and the film sent to the Japanese.
How do you convince the Japanese government that the footage didn't come from Photoshop?

Simple. You tell them to go look!
How do you convince the Japanese government that the handful of farmers who witnessed the demonstration really saw an A-bomb, and that we weren't just fooling them with a really large conventional weapon?

I've already told you that they would be given the location ahead of time; just not so far enough ahead to allow them to move POWs to the location. It's not rocket science.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 10:37 am
Glennn wrote:
Simple. You tell them to go look!

Go look at what? If all you've given them is a roll of footage, that is all they have to look at.

Glennn wrote:
I've already told you that they would be given the location ahead of time; just not so far enough ahead to allow them to move POWs to the location. It's not rocket science.

That means they don't have any time to send any experts to witness the explosion, and the only witnesses are a few simple farmers.

Although, I guess if you want to disagree with the conclusion of the scientists, it doesn't matter much. It is still a recorded fact that the scientists made their conclusion and presented it to the government.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 12:39 pm
This is:

a) opposition by civilians and not by military men

Civilian rule overrules military rule except in the USA Banana Republic of America.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 12:42 pm
Everything any US government official does has some connection to the pervasive US propaganda. The US lives and thrives on propaganda. Truth is so far from US life that it can be measured in light years.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 12:45 pm
camlok wrote:
Civilian rule overrules military rule except in the USA Banana Republic of America.

Nope. Civilian rule controls here in America. And it doesn't control in military dictatorships like Thailand.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 01:20 pm
So gungasnale wanted a "nonlethal emo" of the A bomb by nuking Medina or Mecca. Mecca is about 2 million people, hardly nonlethal. I woner why you keep this up with Glenn, a self-proclaimed 911 denier
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 01:21 pm
Your bigoted anti-American lies are shameful.

You know a lot of these total impossibilities, and your reaction, everyone's reaction is to avoid reality, deny reality, deny hard science, deny, deny deny.

How come you aren't willing to discuss this new US military super explosive nanothermite, oralloy? I offer this hard science as a perfect illustration of just how far US governments will go, what they will do to extend their evil grasp of other countries' wealth.

It is an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY that Arab hijackers had access to this new US government nanothermite.

It is also an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY that Arab hijackers could have planted it in the twin towers and INCREDIBLY, in WTC7.

The molten/vaporized WTC steel, which alone totally destroys the USGOCT [USG Official Conspiracy Theory] was caused by the US developed, US owned nanothermite which was found in WTC dust. US nanothermite in WTC dust also totally destroys the USGOCT.

First, the molten/vaporized steel

Molten and vaporized steel from the twin towers and WTC7 was found and identified by FEMA. The following image is of WTC7 molten/vaporized steel.


NIST's second in command, John Gross, lied about the existence of molten steel, categorically denying it existed in a video around 2004/5 - "I know of no one who has seen it".

A FOIA request in 2008/9 found pictures of the same John Gross touching the end of a previously molten/vaporized steel member. Gross had said in the earlier video that he had been to the "boneyards" and he hadn't seen any, nor had anyone else.


This is the type of outrageous lies that the US government regularly gets away with.

Now the discovery of US proprietary nanothermite in WTC dust.

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastroph

Niels H. Harrit*,1, Jeffrey Farrer2, Steven E. Jones*,3, Kevin R. Ryan4, Frank M. Legge5, Daniel Farnsworth2, Gregg Roberts6, James R. Gourley7 and Bradley R. Larsen3


Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center.

Separation of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring at approximately 430 ˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite. Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.


How do we know this? US military labs developed nanothermite in the 1990s. No one else on Earth has the technology to make this "new generation of super explosives".


Nanoscale Chemistry Yields Better Explosives


At Livermore Laboratory, sol-gel chemistry-the same process used to make aerogels or "frozen smoke" (see S&TR, November/December 1995)—has been the key to creating energetic materials with improved, exceptional, or entirely new properties. This energetic materials breakthrough was engineered by Randy Simpson, director of the Energetic Materials Center; synthetic chemists Tom Tillotson, Alex Gash, and Joe Satcher; and physicist Lawrence Hrubesh.

These new materials have structures that can be controlled on the nanometer (billionth-of-a-meter) scale. Simpson explains, "In general, the smaller the size of the materials being combined, the better the properties of energetic materials. Since these `nanostructures' are formed with particles on the nanometer scale, the performance can be improved over materials with particles the size of grains of sand or of powdered sugar. In addition, these `nanocomposite' materials can be easier and much safer to make than those made with traditional methods."


This new super nanothermite can be sprayed on, painted on to anything. It is high explosive, all because of the nano scale particles and the organic gel it is grown in.

Energetic materials are made in two ways. The first is by physically mixing solid oxidizers and fuels, a process that, in its basics, has remained virtually unchanged for centuries. Such a process results in a composite energetic material such as black powder. The second process involves creating a monomolecular energetic material, such as TNT, in which each molecule contains an oxidizing component and a fuel component. For the composites, the total energy can be much greater than that of monomolecular materials. However, the rate at which this energy is released is relatively slow when compared to the release rate of monomolecular materials. Monomolecular materials such as TNT work fast and thus have greater power than composites, but they have only moderate energy densities-commonly half those of composites. "Greater energy densities versus greater power—that's been the traditional trade-off," says Simpson. "With our new process, however, we're mixing at molecular scales, using grains the size of tens to hundreds of molecules. That can give us the best of both worlds-higher energy densities and high power as well."


[bolded and underlined is mine]

0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 04:24 pm
That means they don't have any time to send any experts to witness the explosion, and the only witnesses are a few simple farmers.

You're not keeping up with yourself, but I am. Earlier you believed that they'd have time to move POWs to the location of the announced nonlethal demonstration. But now you're saying that a military officer couldn't make it in time. You're not being logical.
It is still a recorded fact that the scientists made their conclusion and presented it to the government.

Yes it is. However, there is no logic in their opinion that a nonlethal demonstration is impossible. It is obviously possible.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 04:48 pm
I woner why you keep this up with Glenn, a self-proclaimed 911 denier

I think you know where to go to make your case concerning 9/11. But you've already been there and done that, and you had your flimsy ass handed to you. And now you're content in your capacity as a rodent darting about in the wrong threads, hoping that no one will call you out on your cheap shots. Well, I found ya.

I am not suggesting the video is lying. I am suggesting that you are making stuff up.

I didn't make up the video. It shows the rate at which the upper block dropped. The rate at which the upper block dropped was forty feet shy of freefall.
It is absurd that you can divine all of this "physics" from a YouTube video.

All of this physics? Sorry, but anyone can place a straightedge horizontally across the screen and line it up with the top of the building and then count the seconds it takes for the 360 feet of antenna to pass the marker. That speaks for itself, unless you care to suggest that the video is a mirage, which wouldn't surprise me given your attempt to convince readers that it was a grainy video when it obviously is not.

30 second mark, and 1:12 mark.
It is amusing, but no one is taking you seriously who wasn't already a believer.

Says the person who argued for page after page after page without knowing anything about the core structure. The extent of your understanding of the core structure is that it can detach and drop away. Nuff said?

There's where I left off. Why don't you stun me with your brilliance and show me that you have an actual answer instead of a mousey squeak.

Here are directions to where you need to be: https://able2know.org/topic/369947-56
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:00 pm
farmerman wrote:
So gungasnale wanted a "nonlethal emo" of the A bomb by nuking Medina or Mecca. Mecca is about 2 million people, hardly nonlethal.

I don't think he was arguing for non-lethality.

farmerman wrote:
I woner why you keep this up with Glenn, a self-proclaimed 911 denier

Are you confusing Glenn with Camlok?

At any rate, I'll address either one of them (or anyone else) about Hiroshima/Nagasaki.

I'm not even reading the 9/11 gibberish.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:01 pm
Glennn wrote:
You're not keeping up with yourself, but I am. Earlier you believed that they'd have time to move POWs to the location of the announced nonlethal demonstration. But now you're saying that a military officer couldn't make it in time. You're not being logical.

My logic is fine. The concern about moving POWs was in relation to announcing the demonstration well in advance. The point that Japan would not have time to assemble any expert witnesses was in relation to your proposal to conduct the demonstration with very little warning.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:03 pm
you had your flimsy ass handed to you
In your cerebral ganglia that serve as a "brain". Youve failed in everything that even approaches science because youre a true moron unable to comprehend the basic laws of metallurgical phenomena and thermo phase rule.

Keep up in your dream world skippy. Im sure some other similar morons like JTT will go down on you.
Read my sig line. It fits your entire skillset in many disciplines.

Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:05 pm
Are you confusing Glenn with Camlok?
No, they are two same species ducks on the pond
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:12 pm
I woner why you keep this up with Glenn, a self-proclaimed 911 denier

I "woner" whether you are a scientist, Farmer, because "Randy Simpson, director of the Energetic Materials Center; synthetic chemists Tom Tillotson, Alex Gash, and Joe Satcher; and physicist Lawrence Hrubesh" are all US scientists working at Lawrence Livermore Labs on the development of nanothermite.

I have provided a link for you.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:13 pm
farmerman wrote:
No, they are two same species ducks on the pond

Well, I'm just going to skip over the 9/11 gibberish without reading it.

I've been picking out potential hotels for the 2024 eclipse. I'm planning to reserve hotels along an arc from the Mexican border all the way through Ohio, and then pick one and cancel the others at the last minute based on weather forecasts.

Also looking into the 2033 eclipse. That one is going to be a toughie. It'll cut an arc across Alaska from Nome to Barrow.

Apparently there is no way to drive to anywhere along the center-line of the eclipse. And I can't stand the idea of flying.

Prudhoe Bay is in the path of the eclipse and there is a road there, but that location is way off to the side so the duration of the eclipse is reduced.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:16 pm
I'm not even reading the 9/11 gibberish.

Are you also not even looking at the pictures of the molten/vaporized WTC7 steel, oralloy.

Science, photographic evidence are hardly examples of gibberish.

People who refuse to address such stark reality aren't really people that can be thought of as adults. Don't you agree?

You have hit the wall, oralloy, Farmer; show that you are functioning, sentient adults who can face reality head on, just like adults are supposed to do.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:19 pm
Well, I'm just going to skip over the 9/11 gibberish without reading it.

Da pictures, orallol, da pictures, Farmer, da pictures!

Are there no adults here save for me and Glennn?
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2018 05:21 pm
Farmerman the "scientist". What a totally shameful display of totally unscientific behavior!

And where are the adults to call you out on this shameful behavior, Farmer?

What adult is there who will step forward and say, "this evidence is pretty compelling in showing that we haven't been given the full and complete story by our US governments. How could Arab hijackers melt, let alone vaporize steel columns and beams with jet fuel? How did our solely USA developed/owned nanothermite and the by products of those explosions get into WTC dust?"
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