Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 01:31 am
@Arella Mae,
Um, the rest of us understood there was confirmed DNA evidence other than the fingerprint and blood on the toilet seat. Duh! You are the one that didn't understand it.

You assume it and there is no reason to assume any such thing.

The story was very badly written.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 01:41 am
Perhaps the sexual moral codes will change as you had predicted and perhaps not there is not way of telling.

Second just look at the nightmare world firefly and her like is trying to push society toward.

Of course in the case we are talking about it would not be the fault of the woman that her naked teenage pictures are on the net but the boyfriend who leak it in the first place. Women would never never bear any responsibility for their actions and judgments at any age.

Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 01:59 am
Second just look at the nightmare world firefly and her like is trying to push society toward
Ya, but how do people generally take being pushed? Not too well do we...The problem for feminists is that both men and women very much feel "this is my body, to do with as I please" and the feminists pay lip service to that but then right after say "well of course you should not to that, and certainly not THAT, and if you do THAT! either you or your lover are going to jail......It does not take long to figure out what these militants really care about, and how little regard they have for individual freedom and choice.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 02:49 am
He admitted his motive was rage. In this case, a drug fueled rage. Rape is a crime of violence. He could be facing life in prison, even with his plea deal.


Posted on Thu, Aug. 12, 2010
Man beaten by Kensington mob pleads guilty in rape of girl
By Allison Steele
Inquirer Staff Writer

Jose Carrasquillo, the man beaten by a vigilante mob in Kensington last summer shortly before his arrest on charges of raping an 11-year-old girl, pleaded guilty Wednesday to attacking the child in a drug-fueled rage.
In the days after Carrasquillo, 27, was arrested last June, he told detectives he was drinking and using PCP and cocaine in the hours before the attack.

He was also seething from being rejected by a female friend who had chosen to go home with a black man instead of Carrasquillo. That rage led to the attack on his 11-year-old victim, who is black, he said.

"It was the drugs," Carrasquillo told police. "My mind was telling me to do it. . . . I've been locked up in placement with black people my whole life. They treated me bad and they think they are the supreme race. I went berserk."

Carrasquillo also pleaded guilty Wednesday to groping a 16-year-old girl on the street an hour before the rape.

Carrasquillo could face life in prison, due to the age of his victim and because she was seriously injured. The girl required surgery and was hospitalized for two days. She has since physically recovered.

Assistant District Attorney Catharine Thurston said Wednesday that she did not yet know what she would be recommending as Carrasquillo's sentence.

Carrasquillo's attorney, Connie Clarke, was not available for comment.

Carrasquillo was subdued in court Wednesday, and sat at a table handcuffed, with his shoulders slumped and head down. He said little other than to confirm that he understood that he was waiving his right to a trial. He is scheduled to be sentenced Nov. 15 by Common Pleas Court Judge Ramy Djerassi.

According to Carrasquillo's statements to police, he was on a drug bender on June 1, the day of the assaults. He and the female friend bought four bottles of PCP, then drank liquor at an after-hours club and used cocaine through the early hours of the morning. When the woman left with another man, Carrasquillo roamed around Kensington for hours, according to Thurston.

Around 7:10 a.m. he saw a 16-year-old girl walking to school and approached her, telling her she was "sexy" and asking if she "smoked weed," Thurston said. When he grabbed her breast, the girl ran to her school, Kensington High School for the Creative and Performing Arts, and reported the assault. Fifteen minutes later, she saw Carrasquillo walking through the cafeteria. She screamed and he fled, Thurston said.

Carrasquillo found his next victim about an hour later and a mile away, when he came upon the 11-year-old girl walking with her 4-year-old sister. He followed the two along Kensington Avenue, telling them that he knew their mother and introducing himself as "Alex," his brother's name.

When the 11-year-old dropped off her sister at day care, Carrasquillo waited until she came back outside and told her to come with him, threatening to shoot her if she did not, Thurston said. He then took her into an alley behind a building on East Westmoreland Street and raped her repeatedly.

After Carrasquillo left the scene, the girl wandered out to the street, bloodied and crying, and asked passersby for help.

Police zeroed in on Carrasquillo quickly, finding DNA evidence at the scene that would eventually match his. Surveillance cameras inside the school captured Carrasquillo's image, as well as cameras along Kensington Avenue that showed him walking with the girl. On June 2, when police released a photograph of Carrasquillo, it took only a few hours before Kensington residents recognized him and pounced, pummeling and beating him with a board until police arrived. No one was charged in the beating.

Since his arrest, Carrasquillo has been hospitalized for injuries suffered in a fight with corrections officers at the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility, and has complained of frequent harassment and abuse. The FBI opened an investigation into the claims and transferred four prison employees.

Djerassi on Wednesday said he would monitor any problems Carrasquillo might have in prison


Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 05:01 am
He admitted his motive was rage. In this case, a drug fueled rage. Rape is a crime of violence. He could be facing life in prison, even with his plea deal.

So what does that prove one way or another?

Stranger rape is very likely to have such a component however the kind of interactions between couples you are also trying to define as rape is far far less likely to have such a component.

The West Point gentleman who was sound asleep in his bed when the drunken girl jump into it was not feeling rage as he woke up to her kissing him I am fairly sure.

Basketball player Kobe when a hotel employee follow him up to his room and begin kissing him by her own words was not likely feeling rage either.

The three young children playing doctor together it is highly unlikely that there were rage involve in their play or a power trip for that matter.

Yes indeed real rape does happen and a lot of times the sexual desire compound is smaller then other emotions in these sick men minds that however does not give any support to your wish to expand sexual assault to include a large percent of the normal interactions between men and women.

Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:23 am
BillRM wrote:

The story was very badly written.

How would you be able to determine that? Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 09:23 am
BillRM wrote:
Of course in the case we are talking about it would not be the fault of the woman that her naked teenage pictures are on the net but the boyfriend who leak it in the first place. Women would never never bear any responsibility for their actions and judgments at any age.
The demented coward is straight trolling with this nonsense. A number of months ago; he participated in a thread discussing charges for a late teen disseminating nude pictures of herself to multiple teenage parties. He made a complete, misogynistic ass of himself there too; but knows very well that the above quoted statement is straight bullshit.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 01:38 pm
Stop dragging out those same few cases, over and over and over. You've clearly run out of material, and you lack the capacity to add any original thought or adult understanding of the problem of rape.

You keep referring to my "wish to expand sexual assault to include a large percent of the normal interactions between men and women." I am not discussing my "wishes" I talking about currently existing rape laws. I have not suggested expanding current laws. I do favor enforcing such laws. If you have any comprehension ability, take note of what I just said, and stop distorting my position.

If you think that "normal interactions between men and women" include one party forcing the other to participate in unwanted sexual acts, you do not know the difference between a healthy relationship and rape. That, unfortunately, would be your problem and not mine.

A good many date rapes are really stranger rapes. The parties do not know each other and may only have spent an hour or two together before the rape occurs. That was certainly the situation with the NYC man who was just indicted for allegedly raping a Russian tourist. They were really strangers. A rape in such a situation is just as surprising, and frightening, and violent, as many other stranger rapes. There is nothing "normal" or innocuous about such rapes.

Grand jury indicts suspected multiple rapist Hugues-Denver Akassy
BY Jose Martinez

Wednesday, August 11th 2010, 4:00 AM

Accused rapist Hugues-Denver Akassy Related NewsArticlesKolter advised Sypher to file report on PitinoRape susp attacked me, prosecutor saysDEA agent busted for having child porn on personal laptopAt least 10 women say phony French TV reporter is sexual predator Judge gives cop a verbal lashing - and 5-year sentence - for sex abuseLaw calls for the monitoring of sex offenders in public housing
A grand jury indicted the accused Riverside Park rapist in a number of sex attacks Tuesday.

The charges against Hugues-Denver Akassy came a day after he spent more than three hours over two days defending himself against accusations from at least 10 female victims, sources said.

Akassy, 42, was charged two weeks ago with raping a 43-year-old Russian tourist in Riverside Park near the Boat Basin.

Since then, a number of women - including an assistant district attorney - have come forward with horror stories about Akassy as a slick operator who boasted of his supposed life as a globetrotting French journalist.

Akassy was also previously charged with criminal trespass after he was caught trying to peep from a fire escape into the bathroom window of a woman on W. 75th St., authorities said.

He was also slapped with aggravated harassment charges in March 2009 after he chased after a 33-year-old woman who wanted nothing to do with him.

"My information is that there are up to five alleged victims that have testified in the grand jury," said defense lawyer Howard Simmons. "Mr. Akassy continues to maintain his innocence."

"These are merely allegations by women that he admits social relations with," he added. "Any social interactions with any of these alleged victims was consensual."

The charges against Akassy were not specified during a brief court appearance when the accused rapist refused to leave his holding cell after spotting cameras in the courtroom.

Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 03:10 pm
If you think that "normal interactions between men and women" include one party forcing the other to participate in unwanted sexual acts, you do not know the difference between a healthy relationship and rape. That, unfortunately, would be your problem and not mine.

My my the word forcing have a world of meaning a large part of that world have nothing to do with rape or sexual assault.

If as a condition of a woman living in a man house is that he is insisting (without physical force or the threat of physical force] on an ongoing sexual relationship with her and if not she will need to find other housing that is pressuring or “forcing” the woman to have sex it is however is not rape.

If a man let it be known that without ongoing sexual relationship he is going to break up with the woman and find another partner that is not rape either however it can be view as force or pressure indeed.

My wife if she happen to decide one day that she no long wish for a sexual component to be part of our marriage without a medical reason for so doing even at my age I would file for divorce in fairly short order.

There is nothing wrong is sitting up conditions in a relationship that included sexual relations and if those conditions are not met to leave that relationship and withdraw any benefits that the lady in question might be enjoying due to that relationship.

"Forcing " a woman without physical force or threat of force but just the withdrawing of benefits a man have every right to withdraw is not rape.

Be those benefits being married or living rent free is a boyfriend home or whatever it might be.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 03:23 pm
Stop dragging out those same few cases, over and over and over. You've clearly run out of material, and you lack the capacity to add any original thought or adult understanding of the problem of rape.

Why are you posting on the same case over and over running out of material?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 03:30 pm

Rapist Kidnapping Homeless Women on L.A.'s Skid Row
Published August 12, 2010

LOS ANGELES -- Los Angeles police are looking for a man they say tied up and raped two women from Skid Row in the past two weeks.

A police statement says a middle-aged, balding man in a brown van gave a 37-year-old homeless woman a ride on Aug. 1, bound her with duct tape and then raped her repeatedly over the next three days before dropping her off in Koreatown.

Police say a man matching the same description picked up a 29-year-old woman on Monday night and offered her a ride to get food. The van drove to a McDonald's but when the woman refused to perform a sex act, police say the man pulled a knife, bound her with duct tape and drove to Alhambra, where he raped her.

Police say he threw her in a trash bin before fleeing.

"He threw her in a trash bin before fleeing".

Can you possibly get any more contemptuous of women? First you rape them, then you toss them aside like garbage.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 03:41 pm
All the above have nothing to do with couples even just dating couples and claims of rape the only point of any disagreement on this long long thread.

No one would have any problem with the man once found being place under the jail-house so why are you posting these sad stories?

Do you have a point any point at all in so doing?
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:04 pm
Do you have a point any point at all in so doing?

Yes, I do have a point. While you jabber away incessantly about false accusations, and innocent men sitting in jail, and post the same few examples over and over and over, women are being raped.

And you just can't decide that some rapes really aren't that bad, or aren't even rapes. All rape is bad, all rape is wrong. The law covers different types of situations in which rape occurs, including stranger rape, spousal rape, and date/acquaintance rape. Tough if you don't like the rape laws. I see no widespread public protest against these laws. Most people want these laws kept in place.

So, why do I post these "sad stories"? Because they are part of the reality of rape.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:11 pm
If you think that "normal interactions between men and women" include one party forcing the other to participate in unwanted sexual acts, you do not know the difference between a healthy relationship and rape. That, unfortunately, would be your problem and not mine.

Oh as a footnote my wife bright line in the sand as far as sexual relationships is concern is if I turn to anyone other then her for sex.

For one thing she does not wish to risk STDs because of my sexual actions.

Force and pressure is almost always a two way street in any relationship including the sexual elements of that relationship.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:24 pm
And you just can't decide that some rapes really aren't that bad, or aren't even rapes.

Sorry a woman is totally and the only one responsible for her own drinking and drug use and no man have a duty or is equip or able to do a judgment call on her fitness to grant consent to sex.

If she grant consent and later regret doing so and feel that but for her own voluntary drinking she would not had granted consent the only recourse in any sane society she should have is to be more careful in her drinking in the future not to take or try to take away her partner freedom due to her own bad judgment.

It surely have zero to do with your stories of a man holding a knife and duck taping a woman and placing her in a waste can.

To sum up you wish women to be able at their whim to declare a rape again any sexual partner in almost any social situation after the fact.

Only members of such cults as the Mormons and religious Muslins would be fairly safe from such nonsense.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:30 pm
The fact that you equate sex with drinking and rape with drinking seems to follow a pattern. It has already been determned, by your own admission, that your wife has sex with you when she is drunk. Actually, I find that somewhat understandable.

The troubling part is that you don't consider it rape if someone gets the person being raped drunk and you don't consider it rape if they are on a date.

Actually, you have the appearance of being drunk when you make most of your posts. Perhaps you should address the drinking part before you foray into unknown waters.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:40 pm
So, why do I post these "sad stories"? Because they are part of the reality of rape.

They are real rapes indeed not three young children playing doctor or a man fast asleep when a woman jump into his bed or..................

No one have any disagreement concerning real rapes but if you get a kick out of posting such please go ahead.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:50 pm

They are real rapes indeed not three young children playing doctor

Those children were convicted of attempted rape by a jury. They may have actually raped the girl with some sort of penetration, as she initially reported. She did recant that story, but that may have been because she just couldn't deal with all the repeated questions. In any event, a legitimate jury returned a verdict of attempted rape. They did not dismiss this as normal childhood behavior.

Sorry, you cannot decide on your own what are "real rapes". The law defines rape, not jerks like you.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:53 pm
Forcible Rape Defense; False Accusations in Relationship and Date Rape Cases
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200 Characters left Syndicate this Article Copy to clipboard <h1>Forcible Rape Defense; False Accusations in Relationship and Date Rape Cases</h1>
<p><strong>By: <a href="http://www.articlesbase.com/authors/william-f-nimmo/4416" title="William F. Nimmo's Articles">William F. Nimmo</a></strong><p>
<P>Forcible rape and attempted forcible rape between people who know each other, either casually or well, make up a sizeable percentage of the false accusations in the criminal justice system. The cry of rape or abuse is a familiar cry when a relationship goes sour or when a woman has second thoughts after a night of sex or near intimacy. While there are certainly legitimate claims of rape and attempted rape in the world, from the defendant's perspective there are good reasons to view each claim with skepticism. Relationship rapes and date rapes are closely related and the techniques to defend each are similar. </P>
<P>The reasons for the accusations vary as do the situation, the character and personality of the alleged victim. In the system you see questionable accusations when dating or love relationships go sour and the woman is being rejected or being thrown aside for another woman. Sometimes in more casual dating the woman makes an accusation after having too much alcohol and engaging in sex. The morning after they realize what they have done and an accusation follows to protect their pride, cover their embarrassment, or justify a situation to their boyfriend or significant other. </P>
<P>Sometimes in younger women the issue of sex is still very delicate and the accusation comes after giving in and realizing afterwards what they have done does not sit well with their present psyche. Again, many times alcohol is a factor.</P>
<P>Sometimes the mental stability of the alleged victim is a major factor in making an accusation. All experienced rape defense lawyers have seen the young man who falls for a beautiful but unstable young woman and ends up getting accused when they break up or go farther than the woman's mental state will allow. </P>
<P>And, quite frankly, men are often too driven by their sexual desires to be careful in their judgments about who they attempt to bed. Men view sex entirely different than women for the most part. Men are very capable of enjoying sex and not thinking anything about it afterwards except for how much fun they had. Women may claim that is how they feel but the facts of these accusations show they have a much harder time accepting it as such a meaningless act of pleasure. It is in these instances that false accusations arise.</P>
<P>Also, often times "no means no" to a woman. A man can easily interpret "no" as "yes." He thinks she is just trying to show that she is not easy. Unfortunately, the trend in most states is that when a woman says no it means that consent to proceed has been withdrawn, even in the throes of great passion.</P>
<P>In a rape defense it is important for the lawyer to understand all of the circumstances of the relationship or the situation. A detailed minute by minute account is necessary to understand whether the rules have been broken. Many times if there is simply a misreading of signals, the benefit of the doubt will be given to the defendant. Most jurors have been in multiple sexual and intimate situations and they can understand mixed signals. </P>
<P>The more you can show that the woman gave off all of the signals of a willing participant, the better your chances of success. The witnesses to her earlier drinking and provocative conduct can provide good evidence that the defendant thought she was desirous of consensual sex. While most states' "rape shield" laws go far in protecting the history of the alleged victim, your lawyer should find out as much as they can about the alleged victim's history. Due Process requires you to be able to defend yourself and a good lawyer can usually find information that is admissible that sheds light on her character.</P>
<P>The defendant's character for not being sexually aggressive can be important. It is admissible evidence to show that you are not sexually aggressive. Prior girlfriends, female friends and co-workers, and friendly ex-spouses can be a good source for this evidence.</P>
<P>Your attorney must be prepared to contest the medical evidence if the alleged victim went to a hospital or a sexual assault response team. The current trend is for these medical personnel to testify that the alleged victims had physical injury to their vaginal area. What is usually found are microscopic abrasions that are a result of the friction of intercourse. Sometimes the prosecution's medical personnel try to say these micro-abrasions are inconsistent with consensual sex. </P>
<P>The research shows that micro-abrasions don't mean anything negative. They are as consistent with consensual sex as well as anything else. Your lawyer must be prepared to cross-examine these alleged experts aggressively. Your lawyer should also have a counter-expert ready to testify to the opposite of the prosecution's expert. </P>
<P>Date rape accusations aren't just limited to younger people. It happens throughout the age spectrum where single men go out with women of questionable stability. </P>
<P>If the accusation comes out of a relationship breakup, look carefully at the mental history of the alleged victim. Many times young men fall in love with very defective young women. A symptom of certain personality disorders seen in young women are the inability to handle rejection. A person they once idealized quickly becomes their archenemy and subject to false accusations of rape. If your jurisdiction allows, your lawyer should get a psychological evaluation of the alleged victim. If your jurisdiction doesn't allow it, you should investigate her history thoroughly. With a psychologist to guide your efforts, you will probably find evidence to support your theory. </P>
<P>As part of your investigation, look for prior instances of credibility problems on the part of the alleged victim. Check her job history and try to find her former boyfriends. Chances are you will find a history of lying and deception.</P>
<P>In any rape or attempted rape accusation you must find the motive of the alleged victim to lie. These cases of false accusations can be defended successfully, but you must find the motive. It is the key to the jury understanding why the young lady would go so far as to make such a serious false accusation of rape against you. </P>
<p><strong>About the Author</strong></p>
<p><p>William F. Nimmo is a highly regarded San Diego criminal defense lawyer who has successfully defended residents statewide for nearly three decades. He has been a San Diego criminal trial lawyer of the year and has been awarded the Directors' Award for Excellence by the San Diego Criminal Defense Bar Association. See http://www.nimmolawgroup.com/ for more information.</p></p><p class="tracker">(ArticlesBase SC #26775)</p>
<p>Article Source: <a href="http://www.articlesbase.com/">http://www.articlesbase.com/</a> - <a href="http://www.articlesbase.com/national-state-local-articles/forcible-rape-defense-false-accusations-in-relationship-and-date-rape-cases-26775.html" title="Forcible Rape Defense; False Accusations in Relationship and Date Rape Cases">Forcible Rape Defense; False Accusations in Relationship and Date Rape Cases</a></p>
Forcible rape and attempted forcible rape between people who know each other, either casually or well, make up a sizeable percentage of the false accusations in the criminal justice system. The cry of rape or abuse is a familiar cry when a relationship goes sour or when a woman has second thoughts after a night of sex or near intimacy. While there are certainly legitimate claims of rape and attempted rape in the world, from the defendant's perspective there are good reasons to view each claim with skepticism. Relationship rapes and date rapes are closely related and the techniques to defend each are similar.

The reasons for the accusations vary as do the situation, the character and personality of the alleged victim. In the system you see questionable accusations when dating or love relationships go sour and the woman is being rejected or being thrown aside for another woman. Sometimes in more casual dating the woman makes an accusation after having too much alcohol and engaging in sex. The morning after they realize what they have done and an accusation follows to protect their pride, cover their embarrassment, or justify a situation to their boyfriend or significant other.

Sometimes in younger women the issue of sex is still very delicate and the accusation comes after giving in and realizing afterwards what they have done does not sit well with their present psyche. Again, many times alcohol is a factor.

Sometimes the mental stability of the alleged victim is a major factor in making an accusation. All experienced rape defense lawyers have seen the young man who falls for a beautiful but unstable young woman and ends up getting accused when they break up or go farther than the woman's mental state will allow.

And, quite frankly, men are often too driven by their sexual desires to be careful in their judgments about who they attempt to bed. Men view sex entirely different than women for the most part. Men are very capable of enjoying sex and not thinking anything about it afterwards except for how much fun they had. Women may claim that is how they feel but the facts of these accusations show they have a much harder time accepting it as such a meaningless act of pleasure. It is in these instances that false accusations arise.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/national-state-local-articles/forcible-rape-defense-false-accusations-in-relationship-and-date-rape-cases-26775.html#ixzz0wR1xLxQ7
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 05:03 pm
Those children were convicted of attempted rape by a jury. They may have actually raped the girl with some sort of penetration, as she initially reported. She did recant that story, but that may have been because she just couldn't deal with all the repeated questions. In any event, a legitimate jury returned a verdict of attempted rape. They did not dismiss this as normal childhood behavior.

Brain dead jury return that nonsense after the little girl admitted that she had been lying!!!!!

Not that I think for one second any sane society would place two ten years old on trial for such a deed.

In any case it nice that you had far more faith in a UK jury then an American one who found Dr. Smith/Kennedy innocent of date rape.
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