Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2016 01:47 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
How lovely
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2016 10:46 pm
But maxanica seems cool with child molesting and slut shaming the victims.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2016 04:26 pm
Jim Bob Duggar: Molestation Is Common In Christian Families


Jim Bob Duggar dropped a bomb about Christian families like his own that everyone missed during the disastrous Fox News interview last June.

Perhaps it was just another way to excuse his son Josh’s pedophilia, or perhaps he was throwing other crazy conservative “Christian” families under a speeding bus, but either way, Jim Bob Duggar made a statement to Fox News that seems to prove just how dangerous sexually repressive Christian doctrine is to children and teens.

As Jim Bob Duggar spoke while his subservient wife stayed quiet, he claimed that child molestation is common in Christian families, especially the families he sought advice from in the wake of learning that Josh molested four of his own sisters while they slept.

“It was a very difficult situation. But as we talked to other parents and different ones since then, a lot of families have said that they have had similar things that happened in their families.”
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2016 07:24 am
Feds Sued Over Religious Groups That Deny Migrant Teens Abortions


Feds Sued Over Religious Groups That Deny Migrant Teens Abortions https://www.buzzfeed.com/azeenghorayshi/religious-groups-refusing-teens-abortions?utm_term=.saMVrbbl3#.jhmKAVVYj

Feds Sued Over Religious Groups That Deny Migrant Teens Abortions

The ACLU alleges that the U.S. government has funded religious groups who refuse migrant teens — many of whom have been sexually assaulted or raped — the reproductive care they’re legally entitled to.

posted on Jul. 9, 2016, at 11:22 a.m.
Azeen Ghorayshi

Rebecca Blackwell / AP

A federal lawsuit alleges that U.S. immigration officials illegally funded religious organizations that denied birth control and abortion services to migrant teens.

The complaint, filed two weeks ago in a California district court by the American Civil Liberties Union, alleges that these groups, which include many Catholic-affiliated shelters and charities, are violating legal requirements to provide “appropriate routine medical care,” including family planning and emergency health care services.

The lawsuit is part of a bigger effort to draw attention to religious conflicts in the U.S. healthcare system. One in six patients in the U.S. is currently cared for in a Catholic hospital, according to the Catholic Health Association. At issue is the fact that all Catholic hospitals must abide by a set of Ethical and Religious Directives, or ERDs. Set by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), these rules prohibit abortions, contraception, sterilizations, and certain prenatal tests.

“What’s striking about the broader issue regarding the kinds of exceptions that these large hospitals and religious providers get is that they’ve really floated under the radar,” Douglas NeJaime, a law professor at UCLA, told BuzzFeed News. “We’ve had these laws on the books for a very long time that allow providers to refuse information, counseling, referrals. But as Catholic healthcare plays a bigger role in the U.S., we will see more challenges.”

In 2014, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) received more than $10 million in federal funding to provide care for the unaccompanied migrant teens at issue in the lawsuit..........................................
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2016 06:56 am
Kansas City Star Apologizes for Op-Ed Implying Rape is the Victim’s Fault
Source: Mediaite

by Ken Meyer | 5:23 pm, July 10th, 2016

The Kansas City Star is doing damage control Sunday after getting a lot of negative feedback for a guest column that appeared to victim-blame raped women.

In a column called “Women can take action to prevent rapes,” Laura Herrick wrote that women who don’t want to be sexually assaulted shouldn’t allow themselves to get so drunk that they can be taken advantage of. While The Star has already taken the column off their website, Jezebel flagged various parts of the article that seem to imply that the woman can be blamed in such a scenario:

“As women, shouldn’t we take responsibility for our bodies by not becoming so intoxicated that we don’t know what is happening? Every woman should know her drink limit and stop there.

No, she’s not asking to be raped by being drunk. But isn’t it her responsibility to reduce the risk by not getting to that point? And if you wake up the morning after doing the ‘walk of shame’ don’t yell rape if you regret your actions of the night before. Accept your role in what happened, learn from the experience and move on.”

Herrick’s piece goes on to say that its up to women to control themselves when they drink, and that “If she was so drunk she was unable to make good judgments, then how can we be sure that she has any idea what actually happened?”

Read more: http://www.mediaite.com/online/kansas-city-star-apologizes-for-op-ed-implying-rape-is-the-victims-fault/
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2016 02:13 pm
Carlson: Roger Ailes’ Verbal Harassment Was ‘Continuous’
Source: Talking Points Memo

“I just wanted to stand up for myself, first and foremost,” Carlson told The New York Times in a Tuesday interview at her lawyer Nancy Erika Smith’s New Jersey home. “And I wanted to stand up for other women who maybe faced similar circumstances.”

The former “Real Story” host stood by the allegations laid out in the lawsuit, claiming that Ailes made sexual advances towards her, oversaw a culture of sexual harassment at Fox News and fired her because she refused him and complained about her treatment at the network.

She told the Times that she kept quiet about the “continuous” offensive language she heard from Ailes because of the hierarchical structure of the network.

“Everyone knew how powerful Roger Ailes was,” she said. “I certainly felt intimidated by that.”

Read more: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/gretchen-carlson-says-roger-ailes-harassment-continuous
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 15 Jul, 2016 07:08 pm
Cory Batey sentenced to 15 years in Vanderbilt rape case
Source: The Tennessean

Cory Batey, a former Vanderbilt University football player who raped an unconscious woman in 2013, was sentenced to 15 years in prison Friday. It was the minimum term possible for the crimes.

Judge Monte Watkins said he'd weighed thousands of cases and in each considers a sentence that was fair for the victim, the defendant and their families.

"It is one of the saddest cases that I have ever encountered," he said. "And I’ve been in the legal business for 32 years.

"All of the defendants in this case basically have life sentences," he said, saying each would be on the sex offender registry for life after being released from prison.

Read more: http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2016/07/14/cory-batey-faces-least-15-years-friday-sentencing/86953944/
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2016 10:32 am
Track Palin Has Most Charges Dropped From Punching Girlfriend In The Face, Isn’t That Nice?

(I guess domestic violence is okay for track boy. it isn't like women actually count, or anything)

(since track is free, I guess mommie can go to the convention after all!!)

thanks obama!

Track Palin Has Most Charges Dropped From Punching Girlfriend In The Face, Isn’t That Nice?

Track Palin has struck a plea deal with the Anchorage Veterans Court stemming from a January incident when he punched his girlfriend in the face, held a weapon to his head and threatened to fire, kicked her in the knee, and tried to keep her from calling 911, allegedly.
You and everyone else will be delighted to know the state dropped domestic violence charges and charges of interfering with the report of a domestic violence crime, and Track pleaded guilty only to having a weapon while shitfaced. This was done “as a condition of his entry” into the veterans court, though the Alaska Dispatch News does not say whose condition that was. Like, did Track Palin say “naw, I will not go to your special veterans court unless you drop all these charges”? Or did the court say, “we are not allowed to sentence you to a hug if you beated up your girlfriend, so see if you can get those dismissed first”? A curious Wonker Nation wants to know!

Here is a paragraph from the police report!
Sergeant Rader observed to have bruising and swelling around her left eye. She complained of pain to that area as well as to her right knee. He observed a small red area near her knee. The involved firearm, an unloaded AR-15 rifle was located on the kitchen counter.

While we certainly hope Track Palin gets the help he needs in the alcohol sobriety plan the court has set up for him, and that Barack Obama will stop personally giving veterans the “PTSD” they had before they went into Army, it is still a small bit concerning to us that Palin’s domestic violence charges were dropped so easily. And if he does all his AA meetings, or whatever they do for alcohol treatment in the Anchorage Veterans Court, his “weapons misconduct” charge will be expunged too! That is very nice for him.

Here is a much longer paragraph from the police report!
She and her boyfriend of one year, Track Palin, left a different residence together and were arguing the whole way home. Once they got to his home they argued in the car, then in the driveway . They were screaming and he was calling her names. told Palin that she had called the cops even though she had not, in attempt to calm him down and to scare him away from “touching her”. Palin approached and struck her on the left side of her head near her eye with a closed fist. got on the ground in a fetal position because she didn’t know what else he would do. Palin then kicked on the right knee. ’s phone was sitting on the ground in front of her. Palin took her phone and threw it across the driveway. She retrieved the phone and went inside the house. Palin was already inside and holding onto a gun, yelling “do you think I’m a pussy?” and “do you think I won’t do it?” stated Palin “cocked the gun” and was holding the rifle out next to him with the his right hand near the trigger and his left hand near the barrel, with the barrel just away from his face pointed to the side. was concerned that he would shoot himself and ran outside and around the house. She didn’t see where Palin went, so she went inside and up the stairs, where she hid under a bed. Shortly after, she heard Palin walking around inside looking for her. Palin left after not locating her.
. . . . . .

Read more at http://wonkette.com/604222/track-palin-has-most-charges-dropped-from-punching-girlfriend-in-the-face-isnt-that-nice#BEmBRfI6kYsZe9hU.99
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2016 05:53 am
Indian woman gang-raped in 2013 is attacked again 'by same men'

Source: The Guardian

An Indian student is recovering in hospital after being gang-raped by a group of men, including some charged with sexually assaulting her three years earlier, police have said.

Police in Haryana state were hunting for five men accused of abducting the 21-year-old student of the lowest Dalit social caste from outside her college before drugging and raping her in a car. She was found unconscious in bushes on the side of a highway last Wednesday night in Haryana, which borders Delhi.

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/18/indian-woman-gang-raped-in-2013-is-attacked-again-by-same-men
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2016 07:38 am
A blind eye to sex abuse: How USA Gymnastics failed to report cases

Top executives at one of America’s most prominent Olympic organizations failed to alert authorities to many allegations of sexual abuse by coaches — relying on a policy that enabled predators to abuse gymnasts long after USA Gymnastics had received warnings.

An IndyStar investigation uncovered multiple examples of children suffering the consequences, including a Georgia case in which a coach preyed on young female athletes for seven years after USA Gymnastics dismissed the first of four warnings about him.

In a 2013 lawsuit filed by one of that coach’s victims, two former USA Gymnastics officials admitted under oath that the organization routinely dismissed sexual abuse allegations as hearsay unless they came directly from a victim or victim’s parent.

Legal experts and child advocates expressed alarm about that approach, saying the best practice is to report every allegation to authorities. Laws in every state require people to report suspected child abuse.

“USAG failed at this,” said Lisa Ganser, whose daughter filed the Georgia lawsuit, which is still being argued. “USA Gymnastics had enough information, I think, to have done something about this. It didn't have to happen to my daughter, and it didn't have to happen to other little girls.”
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2016 09:36 am
Vandergrift man gets house arrest, probation for sex with teen girl


By Rich Cholodofsky | Thursday, Aug. 25, 2016, 11:00 p.m.
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A Vandergrift man who police said showed interest in vampire-like cults will serve 10 years on probation and two years of house arrest for having sex with a 14-year-old girl last year.

Jonathan Ryan Davis, 22, pleaded guilty in November to a felony charge of statutory sexual assault in connection with an encounter he had with the girl in a church stairwell after they had been drinking alcohol.

Police said Davis and three juveniles also extracted and drank blood from their arms as part of a role-playing game that he read about on the Internet. He pleaded guilty to two counts of disorderly conduct in connection with the blood-drinking activity.

Westmoreland County Judge Richard E. McCormick Jr. said Davis' cooperation with police after the accusations surfaced and his participation in sex offender treatment warranted a mitigated sentence.

“At this point, the court is satisfied this sentence will meet the requirement of punishment, rehabilitation and the protection of the community,” McCormick said.

In addition to the probation and house arrest, the judge barred Davis from using the Internet for recreational purposes, ordered that he have no unsupervised contact with children, prohibited him from consuming alcohol and patronizing clubs and bars, and ordered him to refrain from viewing pornography.

The defense presented testimony from two psychologists who said Davis would benefit from a probation sentence that allows him to continue to receive treatment.

Assistant District Attorney Chris Flanigan lobbied for a prison sentence that required Davis to serve more than two years behind bars. She said Davis, who had been convicted in juvenile court for impregnating a 12-year-old girl, did not respond to a probation sentence for that prior offense.

Defense attorney Adam Gorzelesky said Davis' behavior since his arrest warranted a probation sentence.

Davis told the judge he was remorseful for his actions.

“I'm sorry for everything, all the pain and suffering I had everyone go through in this case,” Davis said.

Rich Cholodofsky is a Tribune-Review staff writer. Reach him at 724-830-6293 or [email protected].
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 13 Sep, 2016 04:49 am
udge Apologizes to Rape Victim for Asking Why She 'Didn't Keep Her Knees Together'

Justice Robin Camp stated that he was being “rude and facetious” when he made the comment to the victim.
By Tom Boggioni / Raw Story
September 12, 2016

A Canadian federal judge, facing losing his job over comments he made at a rape trial, apologized to the victim for asking her why she didn’t keep knees together, reports the Daily Mail.

Speaking before the Canadian Judicial Council, Justice Robin Camp stated that he was being “rude and facetious” when he made the comment to the victim, along with telling her, “pain and sex sometimes go together.”

According to the unnamed victim, “He made me hate myself and he made me feel like I was some kind of slut,” before stating that he left her feeling that she was at fault for the 2011 assault when she was 19.

During the trial, Camp asked the woman, “Why couldn’t you just keep your knees together?” before lecturing her, “Some sex and pain sometimes go together … that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

Camp also pressed the prosecutor over what comprised consent, asking if “it required any particular words you must use like the marriage ceremony.”

According to the judge, he didn’t fully understand Canada’s sexual-assault laws which protect women from from discrimination, saying laws are different in South Africa where he spent two decades practicing law.In an effort to hang on to his job, Camp now claims that he knows better after receiving counseling from a fellow judge and a psychologist, telling the inquiry board, “I was not the good judge I thought I was. I struck the wrong tone in counsel submissions.”

“I didn’t know what I didn’t know,” he told the board.

Camp’s own daughter, who is a rape victim, called her father’s comments ”disgraceful,” but insisted that he is a changed man now.

The judge’s hearing is expected to continue on Monday with the Canadian Judicial Council then forwarding its final recommendation to the federal justice minister.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2016 06:52 pm

Ex-mayor charged in 4-year-old’s rape said girl was a willing participant, records say


By Kristine Guerra September 14 at 6:45 AM

A former Ohio mayor indicted on rape charges reportedly confessed that he had sex with a child — a young girl, who, the man claimed, was a willing participant.

Court records filed Monday describe conversations in which Richard Keenan — who briefly served as the mayor of Hubbard — talked to several people, including his wife and a pastor, about alleged assaults that occurred over the course of two years, beginning in 2013, when the girl was 4.
Richard Keenan (Trumbull County Sheriff's Office) Richard Keenan, a former mayor of Hubbard, Ohio. (Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office)

The 65-year-old Keenan, who once described himself as a man of faith, was indicted last month on eight counts of gross sexual imposition, eight counts of rape and four counts of attempted rape.

According to court documents filed by Trumbull County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Gabriel Wildman, Keenan’s wife confronted him after the girl talked about the alleged abuse.

“I did it,” Keenan told his wife, according to court records.

Keenan was later admitted to Trumbull Memorial Hospital’s psychiatric ward in Warren, Ohio. He said during group discussions there that he had been sexually abusing a child for two years, according to court records.

He was released from the hospital and admitted to the River Bend Treatment Center, where he told an intake social worker that he was feeling suicidal because of his actions and that the girl willingly participated in the sex acts, according to court records.

Keenan talked in more detail with a local pastor about the alleged abuse, saying it began when the child walked in on him in the bathroom, according to court records. It’s unclear how he and the child knew each other.

In a phone conversation with his brother- and sister-in-law, Keenan said he had gone way over the line, court records say.

According to the court records, the alleged crimes began in September 2013, nearly two years after Keenan left the mayor’s office in Hubbard, a small town in northeastern Ohio. The sexual assaults ended in September 2015, according to prosecutors.

Keenan was indicted and arrested Aug. 18. He was released on bond the same day, online jail records show.

His attorney, J. Gerald Ingram, did not return a call seeking comment.

Wildman, the assistant prosecuting attorney, declined to comment on the case.

Keenan, a Democrat, was sworn in as mayor in January 2010 and served until 2011. He previously served as a council member and a probation officer, according to the Vindicator newspaper. He also worked as a car inspector for the CSX railroad company in New Castle, Pa.

“I care about his town,” Keenan said in a 2010 interview with the Vindicator. “I’m pulled to hear the heart of the people.”

At the time, Keenan said he had dedicated his life to Christ — a decision that he said changed his life.

“Don’t preach it, but live it,” he told the paper.

Keenan pleaded not guilty last month. He’s scheduled for a jury trial in April.

His wife could be called as a witness at the trial. According to the Ohio Rules of Evidence, a defendant’s spouse can be a competent witness if the alleged crime was committed against him or her or their child, or if he or she elects to testify.

If found guilty of rape, Keenan could face life imprisonment.
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Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2018 03:25 pm
GOODYEAR, Ariz. – Goodyear police have arrested a teacher for alleged sexual misconduct with a 13-year-old student, according to KTVK.

Police say 27-year-old Brittany Zamora was taken into custody Wednesday.

She was a sixth-grade teacher at Las Brisas Academy near 182nd Avenue and Broadway in Goodyear.

Police say a parent found text messages between Zamora and the male student, indicating sexual activity both on and off campus. According to court records obtained by the Arizona Republic, Zamora allegedly performed oral sex on the teen inside a school classroom and in her car. She’s also accused of having sex with him on three occasions.

“The text messages found are sexual in nature that allege an ongoing relationship between the two,” said Lisa Kutis with the Goodyear Police Department.

Kutis said the parents of the 13-year-old alleged victim used an app to monitor his phone.

“As a result of an app, which alerted the parents to some keywords, they then checked the cellphone and discovered these text messages,” Kutis said.

The parent told the principal about the incident, and the principal called the police.

“They froze different screens off the student’s phone,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. Richard Rundhaug, speaking of the alleged victim’s parents.

“We made arrangements for the teacher to come to school today for a meeting with the principal, and the arrest took place before that meeting could take place,” Rundhaug said.

The victim said the relationship started in a classroom chat group where he said Zamora started flirting with him and sending him naked pictures of herself.

According to court documents, the victim’s father made another report to Buckeye police on March 22 stating that Zamora and her husband were harassing him over the phone.

The victim’s father told police that he received a phone call from Zamora and her husband pleading with him not to contact the police. During that phone call, Zamora’s husband got on the phone and told the victim’s father that Zamora made a big mistake but that she loved the kids, documents state.

The victim’s father told officers that Zamora’s husband asked to handle the situation informally and they they should “meet up” and “settle this.” The victim’s father declined and ended the phone call.

Documents also mention a second victim who the first victim said witnessed some of the sex acts. Police spoke to the second victim who also said that Zamora had showed him naked pictures of herself.

Zamora was booked into Fourth Avenue Jail on two counts of molestation of a child, one count of furnishing harmful material and nine counts of sexual conduct with a minor Wednesday night.

“There was an automated message but it didn’t say a whole lot,” said Las Brisas Academy parent Andrea Meza. She said she got a recorded phone call, saying there was an incident at the school. On the school’s website, they posted a brief letter that went home with parents, saying there was a “reported an allegation involving a staff member and a student.”

Just a few weeks ago, a Florida middle school teacher was arrested after police said she had a “sexual relationship” with an eighth-grade student.

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Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2018 05:29 pm
Former Parma High School interpreter sentenced to 2 years probation after having sex with boy

A 26-year-old former Parma High School interpreter who had sex with a 14-year-old boy was sentenced to two years probation and must register as a T1 sex offender for 15 years.

Ashley Mason pleaded guilty in February to unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and attempted felonious assault.

"I am truly sorry for my actions," Mason said.

Mason had sex with the teenager in the Cleveland Metroparks between Jan. 23 and Feb 6 of 2017.

"I am truly sorry for what I put everyone through," Mason said.

Mason was a sign language interpreter for hearing impaired students and was contracted through the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County.

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Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2018 05:56 pm
Man Regains Job With the White Sox After Decades of Wrongful Imprisonment FOR RAPE

In 1994, Nevest Coleman was a man with a bright future. He was 25, had two children, attended church in the Chicago area, and worked as a groundskeeper at Comiskey Park, the home of the White Sox.

But that year, according to court documents, his life was upended. Mr. Coleman was falsely convicted of the rape and murder of a young woman and sent to prison. Last November, after he had spent 23 years behind bars, he was released based on DNA evidence that revealed he had not committed the crime, the documents say.

So on Monday, Mr. Coleman, now 49, did what any free man with an independent streak would do. With a home-packed lunch in hand, he returned to work at the same site he had left decades before.

“I like to work for what I have,” he told WGN-TV, speaking on his first day back after being rehired. “The past is in the past now.”

“When I was in there I was miserable,” Mr. Coleman said of his time in prison. “But now I got my loved ones behind me. The misery is gone now.”

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False Confessions, Mistaken Witnesses, Corrupt Investigators: Why 139 Innocent People Went to Jail MARCH 14, 2018

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Mr. Coleman told local television stations that he often watched White Sox games while behind bars and dreamed of getting his job back. He said he could hear cheers from neighboring cells when the team won the World Series in 2005.

On Monday, the stadium as he knew it had changed. There were more lights, electronic signs and security. It had been renamed Guaranteed Rate Field. But a few former co-workers were still there and greeted him when he returned.

CBS News

A Chicago White Sox groundskeeper is back at work after spending 23 years in prison for a crime he did not commit https://cbsn.ws/2pImidj

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One of the men who met him at the field was Jerry Powe, a co-worker in 1994 and now his supervisor. Mr. Powe had testified as a character witness for Mr. Coleman at the death penalty phase of his sentencing.

“We were buddies back then, but now I am his boss, so it’s a little bit different now,” Mr. Powe said.

The judge had acknowledged that there was no evidence linking Mr. Coleman to the crime and that he did not have a criminal record, but gave him a life sentence for the murder conviction and a consecutive 30-year sentence for the sexual assault conviction, the court documents show.

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In February, Mr. Coleman’s lawyers filed a civil-rights complaint in district court seeking damages and a jury trial. The suit named the city of Chicago, Cook County and members of the Chicago Police Department as defendants.

It says that Mr. Coleman was coerced into confessing by detectives, and that he was punched in the face. Some of the detectives named in the suit procured confessions in more than a dozen other murder cases in which charges were dropped or the defendant was acquitted at trial, The Chicago Tribune reported in 2001.

The complaint said that in April 1994, Mr. Coleman’s mother asked him to investigate a terrible smell coming from the basement of their apartment building in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. He and a friend went to take a look, and saw the body of a young woman, Antwinica Bridgeman. They told Mr. Coleman’s mother, who called 911.

Ms. Bridgeman had been raped and impaled with a pipe, and a brick had been crammed into her mouth, the complaint said. Mr. Coleman and his friend voluntarily went to the police station to tell the officers how they found the body, and were released. But investigators returned to his home during the night and brought him back to the station.

He was interrogated over 12 hours, punched twice in the face and addressed with a racial slur, according to the complaint. Deprived of sleep, he was coerced into confessing with false promises of leniency, the complaint said.

The Cook County state’s attorney’s office said on Tuesday it had no comment. Lawyers for the police department and the city did not immediately reply to requests for comment.

The state’s attorney reopened the case in 2016 amid new information about police misconduct and DNA evidence from semen samples taken from Ms. Bridgeman’s body and clothing. The DNA pointed to a known serial rapist who had gone on to rape three more women, the complaint said.

On Nov. 17 last year, Mr. Coleman’s convictions and life sentence were vacated and he walked free, reuniting with his adult children, whom he left when they were 2 years old and 3 months old.

“He must now attempt to make a life for himself outside prison without the benefit of two decades of life experiences which normally equip adults for that task,” the complaint said.

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Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2018 03:29 pm
College student pleads guilty to LYING about rape on campus

A Michigan college student pleaded guilty to falsely reporting to campus police that she was attacked and raped.

Mary Zolkowski, 21, admitted in court Tuesday that she lied to authorities about being raped by a stranger in the parking lot of Delta College in Bay City, according to MLive.

“I called Delta College and falsely reported the rape on their campus,” Zolkowski told the judge, according to the site. “My mother made the initial call and I took the phone and continued to report.”

The student claimed she was silently suffering from a separate incident when she reported the bogus crime to her mom Feb. 22.

“I was assaulted previously, not at Delta’s campus,” Zolkowski said. “And because I was ashamed of circumstances of that, when my mother called, I vented through Delta, which was very wrong of me. I should have been truthful from the very beginning, and I used Delta.”

In police interviews, Zolkowski said she walking to her car when an unknown man grabbed her from behind. She claimed in her initial account that the stranger raped her without a condom while holding her face and throat.

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Zolkowski, however, refused a medical examination and didn’t have any bruising consistent with the alleged injuries, authorities said.

Investigators first noticed discrepancies in her story when they contacted school officials about her claim that she dropped her classes after the attack. The school informed the officers that she dropped the courses prior to the supposed incident.

Police met with Zolkowski, who changed her story again — reportedly claiming that the suspect was an acquaintance. Authorities met with the alleged assailant, who showed them texts from the 21-year-old claiming she was raped later in the day by a stranger, according to MLive.

In a third interview, Zolkowski allegedly gave yet another version of events — telling police that she wanted to tell the suspect to stop during sex but ultimately did not.

She was arrested and charged with one count of false report of a felony. She faces up to four years in prison and a $2,000 fine.

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