Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

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Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2016 07:19 am
In other words if a woman has a drink you think it's alright to rape her.
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2016 02:10 pm
Lord we have crazy people here.........
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2016 02:45 pm
I don't know if opposing rape is considered 'polically correct', and I don't know any other women who think rape is romantic. The idea that it's not a big deal unless it happens to me, my mother, my daughters, sisters, aunts granddaughters, grandmothers, or nieces is a nut bag theory. When rape goes by as no-big-deal, we are condoning violent assaults.

I'm also confused how you came to the conclusion that 'pc' people of a certain gender think it's ok for Muslem males to rape women of any nationality. You probably have some half baked fantasy 'magic eight ball' method of gathering information, but I am challenged trying to think of any A2k member who thinks rape is a non-issue. It goes without saying I am excluding Bill who can twist himself into a tangled ball of string coming up with examples of demented women who truly wish to have sex with men but find the experience so dissatisfying that they allege rape to camouflage their own poor selection process.

But, if you believe that so-called pc women on a2k really and truly have no problem with women in other countries being raped and humiliated, by all means, cherish your fantasys. I would also like to thank you for providing a glimpse into the dark recesses of your thought process. It's very helpful and informative.
Reply Mon 2 May, 2016 03:42 pm
Rape is rape, no matter how you slice it. I can't imagine it being okay in any circumstances.
Reply Mon 2 May, 2016 03:56 pm
I agree, I never really understand these pronouncements that people of my gender don't have a problem with other women in (you pick) country being raped but it's criminal if it happens here. I don't know women who think it could never happen to them.
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2016 05:11 pm
Rape is rape,

Not when you define it as whenever a woman had regret over having sex the next day or the next year for that matter.

Rape is not rape when a woman jumped into a sleeping man bed and started the sex and latter declare it rape as she feel bad about losing her virginity on her birthday to a stranger.

Rape is not rape when a groupie take a local tv weatherman to her office after hour to have sex on her boss desk only to find she had become pregnant and her live in boyfriend could not have children so the encounter became a rape.

rape is not always rape as we change the meanings of the word,

Oh then we have the case of a woman that change her mind in middle of the act and it took the guy something like 10 seconds to withdraw that a court decided was too long.
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2016 05:48 pm
I wonder why someone who his so outspoken about his dislike of Jim Crow would take one twisted individual and use him to smear a whole group of people, many of whom are very vulnerable women and children. The refugees need sympathy not demonising.

Every culture, religion, creed and nation has its own rapists. It's not a uniquely Islamic phenomenon.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 14 May, 2016 12:46 pm
Inside the Year’s Most Unbelievable Story Of Rape


Marie was just 18 years old when she was bound, gagged and raped at knifepoint in her own home by a masked intruder in 2008. When she reported her assault to her local police department in Lynnwood, Washington, she was charged with a misdemeanor for false reporting, a crime punishable by up to one year in jail. Three years later, in Colorado, state police were investigating a string of similar but seemingly unrelated sexual assaults across several jurisdictional lines. All the women described a masked intruder wielding a weapon who bound, gagged and raped them repeatedly in their own homes—just like Marie. Were the assaults connected? And if so, what led law enforcement to disbelieve Marie, the first of the serial rapist’s victims? Had the police investigated Marie’s case more deeply, could they have prevented the rapes in Colorado?
. . . . . .

Ms. Blog: Why tell this story?

T. Christian Miller: I had been working on a series of stories about how police prosecute sexual assault in America a story about the many different police departments essentially whiffed investigation of former football player Darren Sharper , and one of my sources had been involved in or was aware of the prosecution of case in Colorado and she flagged it me as an example of good police work. So I began talking to the police in Colorado who had done the work on the case, and that’s how it started.

Initially, it was just a story about how these cops had done so well tracking this particular attacker down 327 years in prison. That number was huge and it was just so awesome to see what the police in Colorado had done. Pretty early on in the reporting, I’d made an effort to reach out to the attorney for the victim in Washington and when I did that, that’s when I found out that Ken Armstrong at The Marshall Project was working on this story , and we decided to work on the piece together. As soon as Ken brought Marie’s incredibly moving story about a woman who reported her assault and had not been believed to the table, it combined to make such a fascinating story.

In your opinion, how do cultural attitudes about rape affect law enforcement’s ability to investigate rape cases?

I think sexual assault has a host of issues around it that are different from other crimes. I think police are naturally skeptical. They deal in a world where there’s a lot of people who don’t tell the truth or try to commit crimes, I think police investigators by nature also want to find out what’s going on. They’re not going to immediately believe anybody, but with sexual assault, in the justice system as a whole, there a built-in or historical skepticism toward sexual assault victims that has not entirely disappeared. There’s a longer history going all the way back to the 1600s when judges would warn juries careful believing women because rape is a crime where it’s easy to falsely accuse somebody. That a standard instruction to the jury back then and I think that carried down through the American justice system.

. . . .

the full pro publica report (warning, utterly heartbreaking and angry-making)

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 17 May, 2016 06:38 am

Teacher Fired From Christian School After Reporting Shocking Rape of Her Daughter

Zachary Retzlaff, the director of telecommunications at Principia School, was indicted on charges of statutory rape.
By Tom Boggioni / Raw Story
May 16, 2016

A former teacher at a private Christian Science high school in St. Louis claims she was fired from her job as part of a cover-up after reporting to police that her underage daughter had been sexually assaulted multiple times by a school employee.

Zachary Retzlaff, the director of telecommunications at Principia School, was indicted on charges of statutory rape after allegedly assaulting the 16-year-old daughter of teacher Phoebe McVey last year, reports the Riverfront Times.

According to McVey, she became aware that Retzlaff had been preying on her daughter after chaperoning a class trip to New Hampshire in 2015. After reporting him to police when she returned to St. Louis, the 31-year-old man was taken into custody and officially charged two months later.

Two days after Retzaff’s indictment, McVey says she called in and was told that she would not be retained after teaching at the school since 2007 and despite having a contract to teach the next year.

According to an earlier lawsuit filed against the school for covering up the attacks—later withdrawn in such a way that it could be refiled again—McVey alleged that her daughter had been raped by Retzloff more than 40 times and that he had choked her during BDSM play. The suit also accuses the staffer, who is the nephew-in-law of the school’s Dean of Admissions, of holding group sex parties for students.

In an official statement, Principia called the initial lawsuit baseless, saying Retzloff had no interactions with the students at the school.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2016 04:34 am
Outrage growing over judge’s sentencing in Stanford sex assault
Source: San Francisco Chronicle

A Santa Clara County judge’s decision to sentence a former Stanford University swimmer to a relatively light six months in jail for the sexual assault of a drunken and unconscious woman at a fraternity party has sparked national outrage and an online campaign to remove him from the bench.

Victims’ rights advocates called Judge Aaron Persky’s punishment last week of 20-year-old Brock Allen Turner a slap on the wrist. Their anger was fueled by a statement from the swimmer’s father, who told the court that his son’s life shouldn’t be ruined because of “20 minutes of action.”

As the case has exploded into the spotlight, tens of thousands of people have flooded sites like Change.org to voice their support for an effort to remove from the bench the 54-year-old judge, who is up for re-election Tuesday but is running unopposed.

During the sentencing phase of the trial last week, the 23-year-old victim read an emotional 7,244-word letter to Turner, recounting what happened to her outside a fraternity party the night of Jan. 18, 2015, and laying out in precise and poignant detail the trauma she has struggled with since. The letter was picked up by the website Buzzfeed and went viral over the weekend; on Monday, a CNN anchor, Ashleigh Banfield, read the entire statement on the air.

Read more: http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/Outrage-growing-over-judge-s-sentencing-in-7966755.php?t=0ef86dac6200af33be&cmpid=twitter-premium

I signed this Ultraviolet petition calling on the state to remove Judge Persky.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2016 05:59 am
‘I don’t want to die’: Cellphone audio captures teen’s sexual assault and murder, prosecutors say



Prosecutors in southeast Texas said a teenage boy has been charged with murder after he allegedly sexually assaulted and choked to death his 15-year-old girlfriend — while he recorded her cries on his cellphone.

“You can clearly hear the defendant forcing the victim to have sex with him. He even calls her by name,” according to a probable cause statement read earlier this week in court. “You can hear the victim saying she does not want to do this.

“You can hear the defendant choking the victim. You can hear the victim stating, ‘I don’t want to die.’ ”

But Karen Perez was found dead Monday in South Houston — her body partly naked and hidden in a cabinet under a kitchen sink in an abandoned apartment, search-and-rescue crews told reporters.

When asked in court Wednesday whether he killed her, the boy told prosecutors: “Yes I did. That’s all I’m saying,” according to the Houston Chronicle.

He has not been identified because he is a juvenile.

[‘Semper free!!!!!!’: The ‘cruel and depraved’ case of the murderous Marine veteran]

Karen’s family and friends began to worry May 27 when the teen didn’t return home from school.

Authorities said her boyfriend had texted her earlier that day, telling her to skip class at South Houston High School and meet him at the tennis courts, according to the probable cause statement, which was read in court by John Brewer, an assistant district attorney in Harris County.

He told her that if she did not meet him, he would kill her and that her life would “end on bloods,” according to the court documents.

CBS affiliate KHOU reported that surveillance video showed the girl with two boys at a nearby taqueria that afternoon. It was suspected that she then went to an apartment complex by the school, according to the station.

Texas EquuSearch, a volunteer search and rescue organization, started circulating a missing person flier showing Karen with dark hair and dark eyes. It said she had a small scar between her eyebrows.

The day she went missing, it said, she was wearing white pants and a black-and-white T-shirt.

Her boyfriend’s father drove the boy around to help search for her, according to the court documents, but he told his father to take him home because “she is not alive.”

The father contacted police, and officers seized two cellphones from the boy’s home containing the text messages and a cellphone video, which was blacked out but had working audio, according to the documents.

[‘Please don’t. Stop. I’m scared': A victim’s last words as two teenage girls beat her to death]

Tim Miller, founder and director of Texas EquuSearch, told NBC affiliate KPRC that he found Karen’s body Monday night in the apartment.

“I have no doubt this is foul play,” he told the station this week. “I think where we found her is the apartment where things happened.”

Other parents at the school and members of the community told reporters that the abandoned apartments are an “eyesore,” where some students go to have sex and do drugs, according to news reports.

“Now unfortunately a little girl’s body was found in one of them,” Miller told KHOU.

Officials told the station that the apartment complex meets city codes but that they are looking into the issue to see what can be done.

Morning Mix newsletter

Stories that will be the talk of the morning.

Karen was a freshman at South Houston High School, according to the Pasadena Independent School District. After authorities confirmed that the missing teen was dead, those who knew her expressed their pain.


“Our deepest sympathy goes to Karen’s family,” the school district said in a statement to KHOU. “The student leaves behind a host of friends who will miss her greatly. As the South Houston High School family mourns the loss of this student, the campus and Pasadena ISD are doing everything we can to provide comfort and assistance to the family and to our students in this time of grief.”

Karen’s family and friends she said will be remembered as a girl who was always excited and smiling.

“I know God is watching right now,” her cousin, Janely Valdespino, told KHOU. “She was the sweetest. She was always smiling and laughing. She was always so happy.”

Lindsey Bever is a general assignment reporter for The Washington Post.
Follow @lindseybever
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2016 06:41 am
Stanford Rapist's Father Issues Despicable Plea for Leniency: 'A Steep Price to Pay for 20 Minutes of Action'
This statement to the judge at Brock Turner's sentencing is a stunning example of rape culture in action.
By Mary Elizabeth Williams / Salon
June 6, 2016

Brock Allen Turner
Photo Credit: (Credit: Stanford University)

Here is how Brock Turner’s father describes his son: “very gentle and quiet.” Here is how he describes what Turner did, in January of 2015, to an unconscious young woman: “20 minutes of action.” But here’s what the justice system calls him:A convicted felon. Here’s what he will someday become: A registered sex offender. And here are some very specific words about he’s now convicted of: Assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated or unconscious person. Sexual penetration of an intoxicated person. Sexual penetration of an unconscious person.

Last week in California, Judge Aaron Perksy sentenced the former Stanford student — whose once promising swimming career has been repeatedly trotted out in the press coverage of the case — to six months in county jail and probation for his actions, saying, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him… I think he will not be a danger to others.” In response, Turner’s unnamed victim issued a lengthy statement directly to him that she then shared with Buzzfeed. In it, she describes how she went to a party with her sister, and “drank liquor too fast.” The next thing she recalls is waking up on a gurney in a hospital, and that, later, “I read that according to him, I liked it. I liked it.” She writes that “He has done irreversible damage to me and my familyduring the trial and we have sat silently, listening to him shape the evening. But in the end, his unsupported statements and his attorney’s twisted logic fooled no one. The truth won, the truth spoke for itself. You are guilty…. He is a lifetime sex registrant. That doesn’t expire. Just like what he did to me doesn’t expire, doesn’t just go away after a set number of years. It stays with me, it’s part of my identity, it has forever changed the way I carry myself, the way I live the rest of my life.” The letter has been viewed nearly five million times.

But now another letter has been making the rounds — one written to the judge by Dan A. Turner, Brock’s father. In it, he says he is son is “truly sorry for what occurred,” has remorse for “his actions,” had “never been violent to anyone including his actions on the night of January 17th, 2015,” and, most staggeringly, that “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of actionout of his 20 plus years of life.” The poor young lad, according to his father, also is no longer enthused about eating “a big ribeye steak” and now “eats only to exist.”

Mr. Turner understandably wants mercy for his own child. But doesn’t seem to wonder what it’s been like for the woman he harmed, a woman who has written that “My independence, natural joy, gentleness, and steady lifestyle I had been enjoying became distorted beyond recognition. I became closed off, angry, self deprecating, tired, irritable, empty.” He doesn’t even say what his son did, referring to a sustained sexual assault as merely an “action.”

Last week, the Mercury News’ Scott Herhold offered a similar argument, lamenting that “It’s hard to review this case without concluding that it has roots in a culture of campus drinking, the unindicted co-conspirator here” and that “there is a temptation to see the Turner case as a chance to send a message, rather than to weigh all the messy human elements involved,” because Turner’s sentence “effectively closes many career avenues. It’s a permanent blight.”

Yet as Turner’s victim herself explains, “Alcohol was not the one who stripped me, fingered me, had my head dragging against the ground, with me almost fully naked….Regretting drinking is not the same as regretting sexual assault. We were both drunk, the difference is I did not take off your pants and underwear, touch you inappropriately, and run away.”

This is what, unfortunately, needs to be said again and again. Lots of people drink to excess and manage to not assault anybody. And there’s no time constraint on committing a horrible crime. You can end a life with a bullet in a fraction of a second. You can severely damage a body with a series of blows in less than a minute. And in twenty minutes, a person can push out a baby, cross a finish line, go from single to married, blow up a building, torture a political prisoner. Or, in Turner’s case, take another person’s security and dignity. Twenty minutes was enough time to permanently change one woman’s life. But I’ll agree with Dan Turner on this — the fact that his son now only faces six months of jail does indeed prove that for some things, the given span of time is much too short.

Mary Elizabeth Williams is a staff writer for Salon and the author of "Gimme Shelter: My Three Years Searching for the American Dream." Follow her on Twitter: @embeedub.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 28 Jun, 2016 06:02 am
Men to join Detroit effort to pay for rape kit testing
Source: Detroit Free Press

12:02 a.m. EDT June 28, 2016

More than 100 men to join African American 490 Challenge to raise money to get abandoned rape kits tested

Eight months after hundreds of African-American women stood up and announced plans to help pay for thousands of abandoned rape kits to be tested and the crimes investigated, more than 100 black men and dozens of businesses and organizations will join them, the groups will announce today.

The men plan not only to raise money but also to become eyes and ears across the community to increase safety for women and children.

The campaign’s chairman, Ron Rickman, said his message to African-American men in Detroit is simple: "This ain't right in our community. What are we going to do to protect our women?"


“I sent out a mandate that I want my guys in the community with their eyes and ears out, watching, looking, being aware, watching for our residents, not only African Americans, but all of our residents, especially our children for safety. Watch for suspects. Watch for guys who don’t seem right.”

Read more: http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2016/06/27/men-join-detroit-effort-pay-rape-kit-testing/86447402/
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2016 09:29 am

Church Tries to Punish Girls who Sued Over Sex Abuse by Outing Them: ’They Should Not Be Able to Hide’

The girls were both younger than 14 years old when they were sexually attacked.
By Travis Gettys / Raw Story
July 2, 2016

A Kansas church is asking a court to help punish two girls who sued over sexual abuse by a former vacation Bible school volunteer.

Kessler Lichtenegger, a former volunteer at Westside Family Church, pleaded guilty last year to attempted rape and attempted electronic solicitation involving two girls who attended the church.

The girls, who were both younger than 14 years old, and their families filed a lawsuit June 9 that alleges church officials knew about Lichtenegger’s extensive past sexual conduct and crimes involving children.

Officials at the Southern Baptist church denied knowledge of those previous juvenile convictions, but admittedly knew they should pay close attention to Lichtenegger, who was 17 years old when he volunteered for the summer Bible school in 2014 and assaulted one of the girls in the parking lot.

However, the lawsuit accuses church officials of ignoring their own protocols and allowing Lichtenegger to be around children outside of his father’s supervision.

The lawsuit, and its timing, apparently angered church officials — who have taken the unprecedented step of asking a judge to publicly identify the underage victims of sex abuse.

The church filed a petition June 15 asking the court to require the two teenage sisters and their parents to identify themselves publicly before their lawsuit may proceed.

Church officials accused the family of launching “a Pearl Harbor-styled barrage of negative publicity” timed to coincide with the start of this year’s vacation Bible school.

The petition grumbles that the girls and their parents had leaked their complaint to the media before serving notice of the lawsuit to the congregation.

“While the Defendant admits the sensitivity of the allegations, Plaintiffs tactically decided to ‘draw first blood’ on the issue publicly,” the church’s petition says. “In time, that may ultimately be seen in hindsight to be a bad decision. However, they should not be able to hide behind pseudonyms after systematically and intentionally initiating a campaign specifically designed to damage Defendant’s reputation.”

The petition is highly unusual, said a veteran survivors advocate.

“This has happened in a relatively small number of cases involving adults, but I’ve never seen a defendant try to ‘out’ kids who are still kids in a child sex case,” said David Clohessy, director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

Clohessy, who has worked for 28 years as a victims advocate, and his organization showed up at the church June 8 with protest signs to answer questions from the media, which the group often does.

He told Baptist Global News that the church’s legal attack against the child survivors would deter other child victims from coming forward and allow more predators to harm children.

“It will also rub more salt into the already deep and still fresh wounds of this suffering family,” Clohessy said. “It is a shameful move by officials who profess to be ‘Christians.’”

Lichtenegger is serving a 17-year sentence for the Westside vacation Bible school sex crimes, but the lawsuit says he also pleaded guilty in 2012 to a sexual assault the year before of a 15-year-old girl with developmental problems and to another previous sexual felony.

Travis Gettys is an editor for Raw Story.

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