Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 05:11 pm
Maybe this is going a little overboard in the other direction but no more overboard then firefly support for trying two ten years old for rape.


Woman arrested after rape claim for illegal sex and drinking
The National staff

Last Updated: January 09. 2010 1:22AM UAE / January 8. 2010 9:22PM GMT DUBAI // A British woman on holiday in Dubai with her fiance reported a rape to the police only to be arrested herself for illegal sex and drinking.

The woman, a 23-year-old of Pakistani descent, was in the emirate for a three-day break, celebrating her engagement.

But on New Year’s Eve she was allegedly attacked by a waiter while semi-conscious in a hotel toilet. When she reported the attack at the Jebel Ali police station the following morning, she was arrested, after reportedly admitting to illegal drinking and having sexual intercourse outside marriage.

Her fiance, 44, was charged with the same offences.

The couple, both from London, have been released on bail and their passports have been confiscated. They are awaiting trial and could be jailed for up to six years if found guilty of the sex charge.

Reports say the woman, who is Muslim, admitted to having drunk too much as she and her fiance celebrated their engagement at The Address hotel in Dubai Marina. The waiter, believed to be Syrian, is alleged to have followed her into the toilets and raped her while she was semi-conscious.

Her fiance, whose religion is unknown, later helped her back to the hotel room, unaware of the attack, but when she told him what happened the following morning they contacted the police, where they were then questioned.

The woman was given a blood test to prove she had been drinking. A rape exam was administered following an appeal from the British embassy, which is providing consular assistance to the couple.

The alleged attacker denied the rape charge, claiming the woman consented, but has been charged with illegal sex.

Yesterday a spokesman for the hotel said, “The hotel cannot comment on the matter as it is sub judice and being investigated by the authorities.”

Major Abdul al Kadi al Banni, director of the Jebel Ali police station, confirmed that the woman had reported a rape on January 1. He said the police took all necessary measures. However, he added there was also a case filed against the woman and her fiance, for illegal drinking and sexual intercourse. “The woman confessed that she had sexual intercourse with her fiance and
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 05:55 pm
No jail time for this asshole even those she wasted funds and police resources and two innocent men was drag though hell.

Of course firefly do not care for men or ten years old boys or even four year old boys for that matter.


Cheating wife cried rape in text message to husband after fit of guilt over affair

A wife who cried rape because she felt guilty about cheating on her husband in their home was spared jail yesterday.

Helen Dalby went to extraordinary lengths to stand by her false claim, having a full medical examination and even helping create an e-fit of her imaginary attacker.

But despite wasting £3,800 of public money and showing little regard for two men arrested, she was given a ten-month suspended jail sentence after admitting perverting the course of justice.

Judge David Tremberg told 35-year-old Dalby: 'The men (who came under suspicion) no doubt will have wondered what might have happened to them if this nightmare did not go away. Your lies diverted a massive amount of precious police time and resources from proper duty.'

Dalby's behaviour risked weakening the cases of genuine rape victims and allowing dangerous offenders to be acquitted, he added. In similar cases prison sentences of up to two years have been imposed.

But the judge ruled this case was 'exceptional' because Dalby did not act out of 'spite or malice', and imposed a more lenient sentence.

On 15 August, she had consensual sex with her lover at home in Grimsby before texting Mr Dalby to tell him she had been raped by a stranger.

David Cammies, prosecuting, said she later pretended to police that a man had followed her home, pushed her inside and attacked her in a bedroom.

Officers launched an investigation, seizing clothes, bedding and a cigarette butt.
Two innocent men - including her lover - were arrested and spent 'many hours' in custody before her lies were exposed, the court was told.
groups: News, News and Politics, Women, Law and Justice
tags: Women, Law, Justice, Rape, false allegations 1 more

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 06:13 pm

Recent cases

On September 10, Hofstra student Danmell Ndonye's vicious rape lie led to a rush to judgment and the no-questions-asked-incarceration of four innocent young men. Days later it was revealed that a video of the act showed it was consensual. That didn't stop one feminist writer from asserting that the young man who made the video that prevented the falsely accused young men from serving multiple years in prison for a crime they didn't commit, "is the most twisted" one of all.

Three 17-year-old boys were arrested after Victoria Salter, 26, told police they raped her. She even shaved her head and claimed the boys had used hair removal cream on her. Fortunately, one of the boys filmed the incident, which proved the sex not only was consensual but that Salter was participating enthusiastically.

After Neeneev S. Youkhana, 22, was stopped by police for speeding, she reported she had been fondled during a pat down search after a traffic stop. Police reviewed video from a dashboard camera in his squad car which showed the entire 10-minute traffic stop. At no time did the officer touch Youkhana. "When confronted with the video, Youkhana began to cry and started punching herself in the face and head, police said. Youkhana retracted her statement . . . ." A police officer explained: "Here's an example where we really see the value of a video camera in a squad car. The officer did not touch her at all. It exonerated the officer and protected the village against a false lawsuit."

Louise Johnson drove Andrew Tutty to the brink of suicide after he was arrested and suspended from his job because of her false rape claim. He was only cleared later when a video proved he was with his son at a train station 160 miles away when Johnson claimed he turned up at her home with the knife.

Louis Gonzalez, senior vice president of a Las Vegas bank, was falsely accused of rape by his former girlfriend Tracy West during a child custody dispute. West told police that Gonzalez ran up to her at her home in Simi Valley, California, hit her on the head and knocked her unconscious, then dragged her in the house and sexually assaulted her, burned her with matches and committed other violent atrocities. Mr. Gonzalez was arrested and held in jail without bail until a judge dismissed the charges almost three months later. Video recordings showing him in a Las Vegas bank and airport helped save him from the possibility of five life sentences in prison.

Natalie Jefferson's claim that she was raped in a back alley caused an innocent man who had never been in trouble with the law to be arrested and held in custody as a sex suspect before video cleared him. It turned out Jefferson had a considerable psychiatric background and a problem with alcohol.

An unnamed woman claimed that a man forced her to perform a sex act on him and then raped her in her living room. At trial, he was cleared after the court was shown footage he had taken on his mobile phone during the encounter which his barrister said showed the woman 'actively' performing a sex act on him.

Erin Conley, an Indiana State University freshman, claimed that a man selling magazines in the student union approached her and convinced her to show him around campus before raping her in her dorm. The police reviewed video of Conley speaking with her alleged assailant, and noticed discrepancies in her story, including the color of his pants. When she was questioned again a week later about those inconsistencies, Conley admitted that her report was false. Conley had consensual sex with the man and didn't want her boyfriend to know.

A video showed that four young women falsely accused a cab driver of rape after they refused to pay a $13 fare. The innocent man worried about what might have happened to his job and his marriage without that video evidence.

A young woman accused a cab driver of raping her when he threatened to go to police and report that she and her date refused to pay their fare. Police then stormed into the cab driver’s home to arrest him. The woman later recanted her story about the alleged rape when she learned that a surveillance camera mounted in the taxi had recorded the couple leaving the vehicle without paying.

Joanne Rye accused a totally innocent cab driver of rape, causing him to be arrested at his home and taken to the police station where intimate samples, DNA and fingerprints were taken. Her claim only fell apart after video evidence showed it could not have happened the way she described.

Ashley Fulton's rape accusation fell apart when the accused showed a sheriff the cell phone video of the alleged rape -- the video showed a consensual sex act during which Fulton even looked at the phone’s camera and smiled.

Motorist Ali Sid Abdilahi stopped to give a ride to a bleeding girl who flagged him down. He gave her some money and dropped her at her destination. Two days later, the 14-year-old girl went to police and claimed that Abdilahi and another man had tried to drag her into their car. Her claim fell apart after a security video from a gas station showed Abdilahi shortly before he encountered the girl. He was alone -- there was no second man.

Jessica Smith made up a horrifying story of abduction at a gas station and a series of rapes over the next four days. Police reviewed the surveillance video from the gas station at the time she claimed the alleged attack occurred, and she never appeared. Just in case she was mistaken about the day, police looked at two days' worth of video, and she never appeared.

Alyshia Shannyn Clyne's claim that she had been dragged through the streets and raped by an unknown man was disproved by video surveillance footage.

Deborah Davies' claim that she had been raped by one man and subjected to an attempted rape by a second stranger in an alleyway fell apart when video of the scene showed that no such attack occurred. When arrested for perverting the course of justice the 35-year-old brazenly said: "That's why women don't report rape."

Gina Jaurique's claim that she was forced into the men's bathroom and sexually assaulted at a Wal-Mart was disproved after store surveillance video showed that she went willingly into the bathroom. the woman then changed her story, saying she had consensual relations with a "male subject she did not know," but that he then failed to pay her for the act.

A 13-year-old school student claimed Latino students attacked her because she made a sign protesting illegal immigration, but she was seen on a surveillance video inflicting scratches on herself. Two students corroborated the false story, underscoring the importance of the video.

Sarah-Jane Hilliard, 20, lured Grant Bowers, 19, to have sex with her, then cried rape and applied for £7,500 from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. A video of the alleged "rape" clearly showed Hilliard and Mr. Bowers kissing and holding hands.

Kirsty Woods, who had a history of mental health problems, cried rape after having consensual sex. The innocent man was jailed, but released when video of the scene of the alleged attack confirmed his story.

Emma Deamer claimed that the man with whom she had consensual sex raped her because she got angry that he went downstairs to talk to his flatmate instead of staying in bed with her. She told police he was a stranger, and he was arrested. The case was dropped after video footage from a train station showed them walking arm-in-arm.

Erin Casson falsely told police her lover forced his way into her house, threatened to kill her and then raped her. The claim was shown to be false after video footage was uncovered that belied the claim and showed the pair laughing and joking.

Chloe Dolton, 22, accused two strangers of raping and attacking her, causing them to be arrested, but the claim fell apart when a video showed Dolton had met the two men before the 'alleged attack' and that the men had not grabbed and assaulted her.

A female college student reported she was allegedly forced into a van at gun point and raped by three black males, but the claim was not pursued after video surveillance did not support it.

Erica Donohue lied that she was raped by an acquaintance in order to conceal a consensual encounter with another man -- which, thankfully, was videotaped.

Shabnam Masood's rape claim fell apart when a video at police headquarters showed her behaving in a carefree manner when she didn't think anyone was watching and only pretended to be the suffering victim when police came around.

An alleged rape at a gas station was proven false by video from the business, but the lie started a viral email hoax.

Video footage helped disprove Emily J. Petersen's claim that a police officer beat and raped her after she was kicked out of a bar.

Mandy Whittle falsely accused her former partner of rape, for reasons known only to her, forcing him to revert to drugs and alcohol before video footage showed him elsewhere at the time.

An 18-year-old woman who claimed she had been dragged into an alley and raped, made up the story, police concluded, after video of the scene revealed no sign of the incident.

And, of course, there is the famous video of a false rape claim of a police officer shown on MSNBC. The video is chilling because the false accuser is terribly convincing.

A 19-year-old man was arrested after Charlotte Lane falsely cried rape because she regretted having sex with him. Video footage helped clear him.

Lori Anne Koehler claimed she was sexually assaulted while working at two different stores. During an investigation of one of the allegations, Koehler received a package that she told the store was offensive. In the package were condoms, rope and lubricants. It turned out a post office videotape showed Koehler mailing the package to herself.

Bruce Barclay, a former Pennsylvania County Commissioner, was falsely accused of rape by a 20-year-old man, Mr. Barclay's housemate. In the course of the police investigation over the rape charge, Mr. Barclay admitted that he'd secretly filmed sex acts occurring in his home. "The [rape] accusation was contradicted by a video shot by a hidden camera in the bedroom of Barclay's Monroe Township home, police said." The video showed the men engaged in apparently consensual sex. Police said Barclay's alleged admission during the rape probe that he'd secretly filmed sex acts prompted further investigation. The investigation uncovered multiple videos of Barclay engaged in sex acts with men, apparently shot without the consent of the other men. Barclay was cleared of the rape charge but he was charged with wiretapping and other offenses in connection with secretly videotaping his sexual trysts. Barclay resigned his political post. As one commentator said: "Sadly, his vindication was his undoing."

The law should encourage video evidence that disproves false rape claims

Countless innocent persons have been spared a prison sentence for rape because of video evidence. But how many innocent men and boys have had their lives destroyed due to the happenstance that they didn't have the benefit of video evidence? Police are the first to recognize the utility of videos in protecting them against false rape charges, so why can't all men legally protect themselves in a similar fashion? Why should a man's freedom depend on the happenstance that the evidence of consent occurred in a public place where the events are legally videotaped as opposed to a private place where secretly videotaping is illegal? Given the prevalence of false rape claims and the tremendous harm averted by videotaping sexual encounters, how absurd is it to suggest that videotaping all sexual encounters as a matter of course would greatly reduce not only false rape claims but rapes? And such a practice would inject certainty into an area where proof is often elusive.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 06:24 pm
How about a group of middle school males raping another male student with a broom and a hockey stick....


Defendant in Walker Middle School rape case reaches pretrial agreement
By Colleen Jenkins, Times Staff Writer
Posted: Aug 12, 2010 09:42 AM

TAMPA — Lee Louis Myers, one of the Walker Middle School students facing sexual battery charges in connection with assaulting a flag football teammate, entered a surprise pretrial agreement with prosecutors Thursday morning.

The agreement will put him in a pretrial diversion program. The state had previously dropped two charges against Myers, and on Thursday it switched the remaining two to lesser felony battery charges.

Myers' attorneys emphasized that he was not pleading guilty and that this was merely an agreement with the state. If he successfully completes the conditions of the agreement, all charges against him will be dropped.

The conditions include doing 50 hours of community service, which will consist of Myers speaking to other students about the adverse affect of hazing and bullying.

Myers must also provide testimony against the remaining two co-defendents.

"Not one of the eyewitnesses has implicated Lee Myers in this case," said defense attorney Tim Taylor.

Assistant State Attorney Kimberly Hindman said the agreement is in the best interest of the state. She said it was information from Myers that helped alert school officials of abuse that took place.

Prosecutors have said the victim, then 13, endured a two-month reign of terror in spring 2009, and that students heard his screams as he was raped with a broom and hockey stick in the school's locker room.

The victim in the case was not in court Thursday, but Hindman said the victim and his attorney respected and were in agreement with the resolution.

"But for Lee Myers, the whole truth of this incident may not have come out," Hindman said.

Myers is now the second of four defendants to resolve felony sexual battery charges against him. Randall Moye, 15, pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of felony battery with juvenile sanctions in exchange for testimony against his co-defendants. Raymond Price-Murray, 15, and Diemante J. Roberts, 16, have not accepted plea deals.


Rape is a crime of violence and domination. That's certainly clear from this case.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 06:35 pm
Rape is a crime of violence and domination. That's certainly clear from this case.

Yes real rape a great deal of the times have that component in it make up, not however the sexual encounters where the woman find that she regret the sex the next day and declare a rape had occur.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 06:37 pm
As long as HE uses the term "real rape" he will never understand.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 06:54 pm
@Arella Mae,
As long as HE uses the term "real rape" he will never understand

And as long as you think that anytime a women regret having sex that is rape you will never understand.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:14 pm
@Arella Mae,
He doesn't want to understand.

From Canada...


Legal system can't help date rape victims

Buying a test kit for offending drugs is an effective way for women to protect themselves
By Ian Mulgrew,
Vancouver Sun July 22, 2010

Ignore the hand-wringing from women's organizations that a new test kit for date-rape drugs is a cynical attempt to profit from female fear.

Single women who drink in bars should run out and buy one. Their paranoia is justified: The true bottom line is you'll get no redress and little sympathy from the courts if you're a drugged rape victim.

Already available in Quebec, the $5.99 kit will do what the legal system has been unable to do -- protect women from predators who spike their drinks.

Drinkers apply drops of beverage to a blotting paper. If the drink contains traces of GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate), ketamine or the benzodiazepine group, which includes Valium and Xanax, the colour of the test area changes.

I have followed cases of date rape and I have been legally restricted from reporting the outcomes because the men -- often repeat offenders -- got off scot-free or with a slap on the wrist.

The evidence might not be good enough to win a conviction, but it is usually so compelling and damaging to the men's reputations that publication is problematic.

The rules and standards of criminal procedure give the benefit of the doubt to the accused: Victims of date-rape drugs rarely have reliable memories and previous unproven allegations, no matter how similar, cannot be used as evidence at a trial.

After three years, for example, a high-profile case assembled by the Vancouver police department resulted in a single guilty finding and not a day in jail for the 45-year-old accused of several rapes.

The television warnings and appeals by police for victims to come forward only led to those women being humiliated in court and feeling abused again.

These men have a simple MO: Meet a woman, slip them a Mickey Finn, escort them away and sexually assault them once the chemicals take effect.

A few drops or grains of colourless, odourless drugs such as GHB can cause unconsciousness in 15 to 20 minutes and usually cause memory loss.

You wake up often bloody and sore in a strange bed with a man you don't know and no or little recall of what happened.

If the woman or police question what happened, these savages claim their victims were drunk, using drugs and consented. The addled women don't stand a chance.

Police and prosecutors can rarely help. Consider a Metro Vancouver man charged with four counts of sexual assault and one charge of administering a noxious substance.

One woman was left bleeding from the nipples, her legs and arm bruised. She also had significant pain and swelling to the vaginal area and blood in her urine.

Here is what she said in her victim impact statement:

"I am unable to feel safe and secure and this has drained me of the ability to feel happy or joyful because there is also the knowledge that I have been damaged. I don't feel whole. I feel used, dominated, broken, brutalized, and like my soul has been shattered. The very core of my sense of self of being a strong capable woman has been taken from me. Sorrow, anger, and fear are dominant emotions now. I feel like I have nothing to offer anyone."

Prosecutors highlighted the aggravating factors and asked for a jail sentence of between 12 and 18 months. There is no minimum sentence for sex assault but the maximum is 10 years.

The judge didn't agree and suggested to the woman that maybe she suffered only from "some rough play" she couldn't recall.

He dismissed three of the sexual assault charges and the noxious substance charge, sentencing the man to no jail time and a year's probation.

Needless to say, the victim was stunned: "I think this whole fiasco has been bungled from the very start."

Rape Relief complained loudly that none of those attacks would have occurred had the police and courts responded properly when that man was first caught in Whistler. He beat the charges there, too.

The courts treat each incident as a stand-alone, singular crime and unproven allegations are considered inadmissible hearsay. The victims' hazy recollections and the rules of evidence sink most prosecutions.

Women's groups oppose these new test kits because they think the system should do a better job and the onus should not be on women to protect themselves.

I agree, but I also say don't put yourself at risk waiting for pigs to fly. Every woman who goes out for a drink unfortunately must be on alert: The system can't help you.

Buy a testing kit -- who cares if some company is pocketing a profit? It's better than waking up in a strange bed groggy, abused and scarred for life.

Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:26 pm
Now the question is should I allow this thread to die out by no longer postings to it?

It had been fun to challenge firefly viewpoint that rape is a one-dimension problem that would be solved if only men and male children as young as four would better behaved themselves. See the posting of the four years old rapist in training that was suspended for daring to hug a female teacher aid.

Women are defenseless children with no responsibilities or duties in the sexual area such as monitoring and controlling their own social drinking in firefly world that should be the burden on their male partners or would be partners.

Firefly however had been useful in causing me to learn how great the false accusing rate is by one study up to 41 percents of the women who had walk into one mid-west police department over five years to file rapes charges admitting to having lied.

We do have a problem however real rape is thankfully dropping like a rock from 2.9 per thousands to .4 per thousand over the last ten years of so and hopefully will continue doing so.

Until sexual relationships laws are sane and in line with our scientific understanding of the complex relationship between men and women however we will continue to have innocents lives ruins and resourceswasted.

It been fun……………………………………………………………………………
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:43 pm
Obviously, he does not want to understand as you stated. His view of this entire topic has been, well, I'm not sure what the right word for it would be. I don't really recall him actually being on topic.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 08:06 pm
@Arella Mae,
Do you think he's really gone, or is that too much to wish for? Smile
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 08:08 pm
Well, I guess I will believe it when I actually see it................or in this case don't see him.

But since he is gone let me ask you something. I know when I was young like those two boys sure kids played doctor but it was really nothing more than you show me yours and I'll show you mine.

How in the world did it get to little boys actually raping little girls? Are they taught too much about sex too young? Not taught enough? Not taught correctly?
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 08:27 pm
@Arella Mae,
I wish we knew more about that case, and those two boys.

Those boys really weren't playing. They had actually trapped the little girl, I think, so she wasn't free to leave. That's frightening close to an adult rape situation. And we don't know what exactly went on. I am inclined to believe the girl's first story, that she was penetrated by something, but she did change her story. Maybe I can find more info about the case.

Who knows what those boys have witnessed in their own homes, or on movies? I wonder what the sentence was for the two boys?

Sometimes children who have been sexually abused will abuse other children.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 08:30 pm
It is just so sad that children would even think of such things. I see little girls at the stores or out and about and they are dressed like 20 year olds. I see little boys talking in a sexual manner and I have to wonder do they have any clue as to what they are even saying?

I never had children so I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for parents but I do have a great deal of respect for anyone who has children in today's times.

If you can find anything else out about that case I'd be very interested.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 08:47 pm
@Arella Mae,
I just found this case which sounds even worse than the other one. This is really disturbing stuff to read. Particularly the reaction of the girl's parents.

4 Arizona Boys Under 14 Allegedly Lured Little Girl With Chewing Gum in Sex Assault
Thursday , August 06, 2009

Phoenix police responding to a report of hysterical screams say they found an 8-year-old girl partially clothed in a shed and four young boys running away.

The four boys, aged 9 to 14, allegedly lured the child with chewing gum, then "brutally sexually assaulted her" for 10 to 15 minutes, said Sgt. Andy Hill.

Prosecutors filed sexual assault charges against the boys on Thursday, officials said.

Hill called it one of the worst cases the department has investigated.

The boys are accused of holding the girl down while they took turns molesting her.

Police said the girl's parents criticized her after the violence, blaming her for bringing shame on the family. All five children are refugees from the West African nation of Liberia.

The 14-year-old boy was charged Wednesday as an adult with two counts of sexual assault and kidnapping, the Maricopa County Attorney's Office said. He is being held without bond.

The other boys — ages 9, 10, and 13 — were charged as juveniles with sexual assault. The 10- and 13-year-old boys also were charged with kidnapping, the office said Thursday.

Authorities said the victim was in the care of Child Protective Services after her parents blamed her for the rapes and bringing shame to the family.

"The father told the case worker and an officer in her presence that he didn't want her back. He said 'Take her, I don't want her,"' Hill said.

Hill cited the family's background as the reason the family shunned the girl.

In many parts of Africa, women often are blamed for being raped for "enticing" men or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Girls who are raped often are shunned by their families.

In recent years, Liberia has made efforts to combat rape under the leadership of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who has sought to dispel the stigma associated with sexual assault by publicly acknowledging that she was herself the victim of attempted rape during the country's civil war.

Phoenix investigators said the boys lured the girl to an empty shed July 16 under the pretense of offering her chewing gum.

Officers responding to an emergency call reporting hysterical screams found the girl partially clothed and the boys running from the scene.

The boys were being held in a juvenile corrections facility.

"This is a deeply disturbing case that has gripped our community," Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas said in a news release Thursday. "Our office will seek justice for the young victim in this heartrending situation."

The girl's healing process will be particularly difficult, said Paul Penzone of Childhelp, which aids young victims of crime.

"These four boys used what was a ploy to entice her to a place where they could take advantage of her almost like a pack of wolves," he said.

"And what's so disturbing beyond the initial crime is the fact that a child needs to have somewhere to feel safe, and you would think that would be in a home with her own family," not in state custody, Penzone said.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 08:55 pm
How horrible. I know from personal experience how it feels for your family to act like that. My father raped me when I was thirteen. I didn't get quite the abusive response this child did (thank God!) but it was very apparent to me that it was a shameful thing and I felt like I was the one that should feel shame. I felt that for years.

I've heard lots of stories about rapes in Africa. I wonder what it is about that culture, place, or whatever it is that brings about rape as a result?

I am glad the child was taken from her family and will no doubt get the counseling she will need but the scar from her family's response is going to carried by her long after the scar of the rape heals.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 09:10 pm
@Arella Mae,
Oh, Arella Mae, how terrible your father did that to you. And how awful that you felt you were the were who should feel shame. I'm not really sure that with incest fathers even realize the enormity of what they are doing to their daughters, and just how horrible it is. Was your father punished for what he did, or was it just kept in the family?

You certainly can understand this topic.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 09:17 pm
He went to jail for it. I remember the night they were going to arrest him. I cried and cried. I couldn't tell you why though. I came to terms with it a long time ago. He was a sick man. I don't believe he knew what kind of effect it would have on me. Maybe I choose to believe that and maybe it is true.

I did learn one thing though. I always wanted to know why. I felt if I knew why he did it then I'd get some closure. I didn't see him for 16 years. My mom called me one day and told me my dad had cancer and was dying. They were long divorced by this time.

I went to see him. I asked him why. I really didn't think he'd answer me because he'd never even admitted it happened before this. He told me he had fallen in love with me. My mom had gone into the work force and me, being the oldest, pretty much took over the household chores, kids, etc. It doesn't excuse what he did in any way and it didn't change a thing for me. All those years I thought an answer to the why of it all would change it.

He asked for my forgiveness and I gave it to him and he died a couple of weeks later. I will never regret that I did get to talk to him.

My rape happened 41 years ago. I'm 54 now. Back then, this kind of thing was pretty hush hush and that made it worse. I didn't get counseling until I was well into my twenties. Rape has such a profound effect on any woman, no matter what her age.

I guess that's why I got so upset at Bill and Hawkeye. The fact that any woman would even think of falsely accusing someone of rape is not something I can grasp.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 09:18 pm
So the dickless-wonder has left the building? We can only hope. Don't let the door hit you in the ass, silly Billy.

Billy wants marital rape, date rape, rape while intoxicated, to all be abolished. Be it two people that are married, or dating ... he believes in sex-on-demand, as does his buddy Hawkeye.

On the issue of marital rape, he can't understand that there are marriages encased in domestic violence where there is indeed violent rape that goes on. The need for some men to empower women in DV cases does not stay outside the bedroom door. Even if there is no DV in the relationship, no man owns a woman's body. No man has the right to take what is not given.

In the cases of date rape, he believes that the woman's body is owned by her boyfriend once they begin sexual relations. He believes that if a woman has not "put out" within so many dates, she should be kicked to the curb. If they are already having sex, there can be no such thing as the female being raped, for once she has given her body to him, he now owns it.

He believes a sexual relationship between two people is much like prostitution. Put out - or get out. If you do not put out, you will lose your "perks." As if women nowadays need a man to take care of them. The fact is, a great deal of women are financially capable of taking care of themselves. He is living in the stone ages. He is blind. He is incredibly immature for a 62-year-old man. He has a sickness. I can't help but feel sorry for his wife.

A good, healthy sex life between 2 people starts with the brain, from the moment you both open your eyes and begin a new day. If you treat each other right, give each other respect, show them that they matter, that they are loved, that they are your equal, the sexual desire will build on that and create some of the best sex that two people can have. Insatiable desire that leaves you wanting for more. If there is lack of sex in a relationship, I think that it is a good assumption that the "needs" outside of the bedroom are not being met and thus creating the lack of desire. Billy's reaction would be to kick her to the curb, though. I pity you, Billy. How can you have lived so long, yet be so utterly stupid.

On the issue of a woman raped while intoxicated, he feels that it is her fault for getting drunk. She should be responsible and control her drinking and not allow herself to get to the point of not being able to fight off her perpetrator. The rape laws are designed to protect women that are too drunk to give consent, but do they really? Of course not. The fact that she was drunk or heavily drinking will be brought up in court and the seeds of doubt from there will likely drive a nail in that coffin, IF it even makes it to court. The rapist, most of the time in those situations, gets a free pass to sit in the next bar and wait on his next victim.

On the issue of his trumped up statistics that show a big number of women make false chages - he is not even smart enough to know that there cannot be any such statistics that are valid. Yes, he can find the high numbers that he wants, but there are also LOW statistics out there too. Just pick your number, go searching on google. You'll find whatever your mind wants to believe. The simple fact is, NO ONE can know what those real numbers are. They are riddled with dropped charges due to lack of evidence. This does NOT mean the woman was not raped. They are riddled with women that have recanted their stories due to fear placed upon them by threats from the accused. They are riddled with cases of the police just simply not doing their jobs or not believing the victim. There have been women falsely accused of lying by the detective that interviewd them. I read of one that was even put in jail for supposedly lying. She was in jail for 5 days, then the rapist was captured because he had been raping women all over and had many victims. He finally got caught, and lucky for her that he was. She is now suing, as she dang well should.

Rape happens all the time. Rape is a crime that destroys. Rape is also a crime that, for the most part, goes unpunished. Should we be concerned for the men that truly are innocent and accused of rape if it can be proven that they did not commit the crime? Yes. A big HELL YES! There is not a female on this thread that thinks differently. As with all charged crimes that send an innocent person to jail, only to be vindicated later. Still, just because this does happen sometimes, we cannot allow the rape laws to be relaxed. We cannot stop stiving for justice for the thousands of women that are raped each year, and there is no vindication, whatsoever. We have to keep fighting for justice due to the thousands upon thousands of rape kits that were used but never even sent to a lab for testing. How sad is that! As if a woman that was raped would put herself through a rape kit for the fun of it.

Last, but not least, we cannot allow the Hawkeyes and the Billy Boys of the world to make it even easier for rapists to walk free, than it already is.

Thank you, firefly. You have done an amazing job of educating us on rape. I hope this thread continues and does so without the sickness of Hawk and Billy. If they remain, so be it. Let the thread continue on whatever footing that unfolds. The important thing is, there may be someone out there that can be helped.

Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 09:19 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella, I am so sorry!!!!

((((( Arella ))))))


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