Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 04:12 pm
Tough talk from an anonymous coward. Truly pathetic. Careful... I think your shadow's behind you!

I offer to go out partying with you if you ever in any of 3 major cities what more do you desire?

A hot tub in Cancun?
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 04:15 pm
Name and a picture, coward. What's the problem?
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 04:20 pm
Again, from today's news...Another alleged rapist who is charged with attacking both a child and adult women. Rapists are serial predators. They continue their crimes until they are caught.

Man charged in rape of girl, 2 women
By GINGER GIBSON • The News Journal • August 9, 2010

Wilmington police arrested Richard C. Hunt in connection with the rape of an 8-year-old girl, as well as the rapes of two women in the Claymont area within blocks of one another in the past two weeks.

State, county and city police are holding a 3 p.m. news conference to explain the details of the arrest.

Hunt was arrested last night at 8:45 p.m. after he led Wilmington police on a car chase that ended in an accident in the 600 block of N. Madison St., Master Sgt. Steven Barnes said. Hunt is being held on $600,000 cash bail at Howard Young Prison.

Wilmington police were searching for Hunt in connection with a July 23 rape of an 8-year-old Wilmington girl.

Detectives executed a search warrant at Hunt’s home on July 30 but did not find him there, Wilmington police spokesman Master Sgt. John O’Connor said at the time.

O’Connor said the incidents involved a juvenile “who was known to the suspect.”

On July 28, Hunt allegedly visited the former Darley Road Elementary School at 500 Darley Road and asked about services that will be provided by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware when the organization finishes converting the site into a club.

He allegedly returned shortly after 11 a.m., forced a 36-year-old employee into a storage room at knifepoint, robbed her of cash and jewelry, then forced her into a restroom, where he raped her before running away.

The second rape was reported about 8:45 p.m. Tuesday, when a 35-year-old woman said an intruder attacked her in her bedroom in the 800 block of Peachtree Road, pushed her to the floor, bound and raped her at knifepoint, then stole undisclosed belongings before he fled, New Castle County police Officer First Class John Weglarz Sr. said at the time.

The victim was treated for minor injuries at Christiana Hospital.

Police in Upper Chichester Township, Pa., are continuing to investigate whether a sexual assault that occurred just across the state line is connected to the man who was arrested today.

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Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 04:52 pm


Girl, eight, says 10-year-old boys did not rape herChild tells Old Bailey that she lied to her mother because she was worried she would not get sweets
(10)Tweet this (21)Matthew Taylor guardian.co.uk, Thursday 13 May 2010 19.48 BST Article historyAn eight-year-old girl alleged to have been sexually assaulted by two 10-year-olds told the Old Bailey today that the boys did not rape her.

She said she had lied to her mother because she had been "naughty" and was worried she would not get any sweets.

The girl was giving evidence over two days on a video screen. In a series of questions, she was asked if any parts of her body had been penetrated by the boys. She replied each time: "No."

Later, she maintained that touching had taken place but the judge brought her ordeal to an end after saying she was exhausted. Mr Justice Saunders told her: "No one is suggesting you have done anything wrong – and I am the judge."

The prosecution allege the boys took the girl to the third floor of a block of flats in Hayes, west London, then a nearby bin shed and into some bushes in order to find a "sufficiently secluded spot", before assaulting her in October last year.

The pair, now 11 and 10, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, deny two charges each of rape and two charges each of attempted rape of a child under 13.

In cross-examination by defence counsel, the girl admitted that she had voluntarily been playing with the boys. She had pulled her own underwear down while the boys exposed themselves to her. Linda Strudwick, defending the older boy, asked her: "Did you ever tell your mum it was not you but it was [the boys] who took your knickers down? You didn't want your mum to think you had been naughty?"

The girl replied: "Yeah."

The judge asked what the girl had been worried about and she replied: "No sweets if it [sic] found out I had been naughty."

The trial was adjourned until tomorrow and the girl was told she would not have to return.
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Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 04:55 pm
Name and picture when we get a plan in place to meet......at the airport I will be the holding your picture and some roses.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 04:58 pm
t might not be the traditional opinion but there's no doubt that it has become the majority opinion. We have to stop talking about who gets raped and start talking about who does the raping.
there is a great deal of doubt, because the feminists dont want the question asked because they claim that the answer does not matter. They demand that sexual aggression be considered simple aggression, that the sexual part has nothing to do with it, and that if people do not agree with this conclusion then they are retrogrades that must be ignored. We heard Firefly just now basically say exactly that.

No. I am not trying to argue that the earth is flat, something that almost no one has believed in a long time and an idea that no one takes seriously now. I am arguing something that until our lifetime was the almost universal opinion, and which is still a very strong opinion though we dont know how strong because we can't get science to find out because the feminists have gotten the question made taboo. There is no ground to demand that this opinion not be voiced, or to claim that a person who would say such a thing should not be allowed into the debate. Firefly, as is her way, is being a bully, she is again trying to be the debate cop as she has done multiple times in this thread. Why is that, and where does this belief of hers that SHE gets to decide what other people do come from? Well we have seen all of this before haven't we, it is part of a long tradition from the feminists of which she almost certainly is part of.

I gather that Firefly is all offended that she still needs to deal with someone who claims that rape is party about sex and only partly about aggression. Maybe she has not been faced with this argument for awhile and so is out of practice. Maybe she never needed to do much to defend her position that rape is all about violence because in the past the bullying tactics of the feminists worked to shut down the voicing of the opposing view and so when now faced with a demand to defend her position now she has no response other than the old stand-by of pissing over the one who does not agree with her hopeing that she can avoid addressing the actual question. I dont really know....but I do know what I believe and I do know why I believe it and I am prepared to defend my position and I will not give up my position due to nothing other than some peoples moral outrage and dishonest claims that I am the only one who holds this view.

Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 05:02 pm
BillRM wrote:
Name and picture when we get a plan in place to meet......at the airport I will be the holding your picture and some roses.
You are a pathetic misogynistic coward. No surprise there.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 05:05 pm
You are a pathetic misogynistic coward. No surprise there

Whatever my big brave man towing the PC correct line of bullshit at all times.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 05:10 pm
Hawkeye do you not love tens and eights years olds playing doctor will get your tens years old boys facing rape charges??????

God I feel sorry for my three grandsons with one maybe on the way.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 05:24 pm
Hawkeye do you not love tens and eights years olds playing doctor will get your tens years old boys facing rape charges??????
I am not going to go find it but about a year ago we were talking about a kindergartener who was turned over to the cops on sexual assault charges for playground behaviour, and I think expelled from school...so that ship has already sailed.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 05:49 pm
BillRM wrote:

You are a pathetic misogynistic coward. No surprise there

Whatever my big brave man towing the PC correct line of bullshit at all times.
Your cowardice is exposed, Bill. And make no mistake; everyone here knows what you're really afraid of (apart from women in general.) The odds of anyone wasting the time and effort to come kick your punk ass are pretty remote indeed. What you're really afraid of is that one of the women who already knows you will stumble upon this site and see what a pathetic, misogynistic piece of **** you really are. (Shorteyes is terrified of the exact same thing, which is why he does all of his disgusting posting from safely behind a fake name and a phony avatar.)

Own your words and ideas, cowards, or admit you're too cowardly to do so by omission.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 05:49 pm
I am not going to go find it but about a year ago we were talking about a kindergartener who was turned over to the cops on sexual assault charges for playground behaviour, and I think expelled from school...so that ship has already sailed.

So there is no bound of silliness where even the flyfires of the world will rethink some of their positions?

When adults charges two ten olds with rape on the word of an eight year old that no ones seem to done a good interview with until the matter got into a court room do you think that even flyfire would wake up just a little?

Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 05:51 pm
Ok billy you had proven completely worthless so off to the ignore list you go.

I love you...................

PS that picture is for sure gay.............
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 05:54 pm
We both know that's not all I've proven, don't we coward?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 08:56 am

When adults charges two ten olds with rape on the word of an eight year old that no ones seem to done a good interview with until the matter got into a court room do you think that even flyfire would wake up just a little?

I know nothing about that incident. Can you post a link to a news story that shows the children were charged with rape?

It is well known that children who have been sexually abused will often sexually abuse other children. Do you think children are incapable of doing this?
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 09:08 am
From today's news...another serial rapist who preyed on both adult women and a child. DNA helped to convict him. No false allegations here, this man entered a guilty plea. Had he not done that, his 30 year sentence would have been considerably longer.


Prosecutors: Serial rapist pleads guilty
by Graeme Moore
Posted: 08.09.2010 at 7:49 PM

An Horry County man on Monday pleaded guilty to raping a woman, but prosecutors say it's not the first time he's done it. In fact, they're urging people to take a good look at the man in hopes that other victims, if they exist, will come forward.

Gregory Pencille plead guilty to 1st degree criminal sexual conduct in connection to the rape of a woman in North Myrtle Beach in 2004. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Pencille was already serving time for a kidnapping conviction in 2005 in which prosecutors say he trapped a 7-year-old girl inside of a bathroom near a beach access.

Prosecutors say the girl's father went looking for the little girl when she didn't return to the beach and found Pencille holding the girl against her will.

He was originally charged with attempted criminal sexual conduct of that 7-year-old, but he struck a deal and plead to kidnapping. A DNA swab was taken, as is protocol, and he was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Pencille's DNA was sent off for analysis and that's when prosecutors say they found a match on two cold cases -- including the North Myrtle Beach rape.

Assistant Solicitor Candice Lively said Pencille stalked each one of his victims like the woman who was visiting North Myrtle Beach in 2004.

"What makes it so scary is that it was a stranger on stranger crime," Lively said.

Lively said Pencille spotted the woman alone on the beach, followed her and then dragged her in between nearby buildings where he raped her.

In 2001, Pencille committed a similar offense to another woman who was alone on the beach, though prosecutors agreed to drop the charge in exchange for Monday's plea to the 2004 rape.

Lively described Pencille as a serial rapist and she fears "there are other women out there."

Anyone with additional information on Pencille should call their local police department or the solicitor's office at 843-915-5857.


30 years isn't really long enough. Someone like this needs to be kept off the streets indefinitely.
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 09:21 am
Billy Boy dug that up from last May. He cut and pasted this a few posts ago. It was from a U.K. blog. One has to wonder why that pathetic little man searches and searches until he finds something that he thinks will support his foolish views.

I certainly don't want to do Billy's work for him, but I doubt he would have the wherewithal to find it and also doubt whether he would post it to you if he was able to find it again.

Anyhow This is it
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 09:47 am
Thank you for the link, Intrepid. And because of that link, I was able to find more information on the case, including the fact that the two boys were convicted of attempted rape by a jury (composed equally of men and women).


Boys, aged 10 and 11, guilty of attempted rape
Pair cleared of raping eight-year-old girl in Hayes, west London, last year

Two boys aged 10 and 11 were today found guilty of attempting to rape an eight-year-old girl, but were cleared of raping her.

The boys, who have sat next to their mothers in the well of a court at the Old Bailey for the last two weeks, were among the youngest ever to be charged with rape in England and Wales.

A jury found them not guilty on two charges each of raping the girl in Hayes, west London, in October last year. They were later found guilty of two charges each of attempted rape, by majorities of 10 to two.

As a concession to the defendants' age, the judge and counsel dispensed with wigs and gowns and reporters were asked to spread out around the court rather than congregate in an intimidating huddle on the press bench.

Proceedings were also kept short to help the boys follow what was going on; the day was divided into two 40-minute sessions in the morning and two 30-minute sessions in the afternoon to mimic a primary school timetable.

Opening the case almost a fortnight ago, Rosina Cottage, prosecuting, told the six-man, six-woman jury that they would hear evidence of a most serious crime.

"This case concerns rape by two boys still at primary school of a girl even younger than them," she said.

"Together they took her to different locations near where they lived in order to find a sufficiently secluded spot to assault her. The events leading to the alleged rapes all took place in and around a block of flats and they ended in a field."

Cottage told the court the girl had been playing with a five-year-old friend near her home in Hayes on 27 October when the defendants arrived and suggested visiting another friend.

But Cottage said that when the four children arrived at the block of flats where the friend lived, the defendants pulled down their pants and those of the girl.

After the scene was repeated in the lift of the block of flats, the girl and her younger friend were trapped by the older boys in a shed that held rubbish bins, Cottage said.

Once again, said Cottage, the girl's pants were pulled down and she was sexually assaulted before eventually being taken to a nearby field and allegedly raped.

The jury was then shown a recorded interview shot by specially trained police officers the day after the alleged assaults.

In it, the girl played with a teddy bear she had named Mr Happy while she told one of the officers how the boys had exposed themselves, pulled down her pants and raped her.

However, the girl's story changed radically when she was cross-examined via a videolink.

She said she had lied to her mother because she had been "naughty" and was worried she would not get any sweets.

In a series of questions, she was asked if any parts of her body had been penetrated by the boys. She replied each time: "No."

She also admitted that she had agreed to play with the boys and had pulled down her own underwear while the boys exposed themselves to her.

Linda Strudwick, defending the older boy, asked her: "Did you ever tell your mum it was not you but it was [the boys] who took your knickers down? You didn't want your mum to think you had been naughty?"

The girl replied: "Yeah."

The judge asked what the girl had been worried about and she replied: "No sweets if it [sic] found out I had been naughty."

The problem, as one of the defence barristers told the jury, was that everything hinged on the girl's testimony.

"Apart from saying that the girl said it had happened so it must have, Ms Cottage provided you with absolutely nothing to support the allegation of rape and attempted rape," said Chetna Patel, counsel for the younger boy.

"No useful medical evidence, no DNA evidence and no forensic evidence: nothing."

Strudwick said that her client was "a normal boy … not a monster", adding that a children's game appeared to have got out of hand.

"What this case is about is not a serious crime," she said. "It is about children. There is a game called 'You show me yours and I will show you mine'.

"Maybe it went too far, maybe it went to touching, maybe they were doing something they had seen on television, maybe they were playing that age-old game, doctors and nurses.

"They are kids. If [my client] had been a few months younger, he could not have been charged."

But in her closing speech, Cottage warned the jury not to trivialize what had taken place.

"On the face of it, wouldn't it be so much easier and so much nicer to believe that this was all a case of innocent sexual experimentation, a game of you show me yours and I will show you mine, a case of [the girl] misunderstanding what had happened and innocently exaggerating it?" she said.

"Just because it would be easier, just because we don't really want to consider that these things really did happen, is not the way to decide this case. You have to look at the evidence."

Ten and eleven year old boys are beyond the age where children harmlessly play "I'll show you mine, you show me yours". And they deliberately took the girl to a secluded spot and trapped her there. It is also possible that the girl recanted her original complaint of rape because the relentless questioning confused her, or because she just wanted to end it. In any case, an attempted rape charge and conviction seems appropriate for the circumstances of what occurred, and it is consistent with U.K. rape law. Children can, and do, violate sex offense laws when they sexually abuse another child. Children also murder other children. You can't trivialize something, or look the other way, just because the perpetrator is a child.
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 12:35 pm
Can't wait until Billy wades in with the too much alcohol defence. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 01:47 pm
Ten and eleven year old boys are beyond the age where children harmlessly play "I'll show you mine, you show me yours". And they deliberately took the girl to a secluded spot and trapped her there. It is also possible that the girl recanted her original complaint of rape because the relentless questioning confused her, or because she just wanted to end it. In any case, an attempted rape charge and conviction seems appropriate for the circumstances of what occurred, and it is consistent with U.K. rape law. Children can, and do, violate sex offense laws when they sexually abuse another child. Children also murder other children. You can't trivialize something, or look the other way, just because the perpetrator is a child.

What a sick sick society finding 10 years olds kids playing doctors with an eight years of guilty of attempted rape.!!!!!!!!!!

On top of that the girl admitted to lying and still the kids was found guilty of attempted rape on the word of the eight year old alone.

If there is not a clearer message that no male no matter how young is safe from this nonsense I do not know of it.

Before reading this I had assumed that my grandsons was safe from such problems until they reach the age of dating and physical maturely but that does appear to be a wrong assumptions.

So readers of this thread is this the kind of world you wish your children to live in where normal I show you and you show me curiosity between young boys and girls will result in rape or attempted charges????

Once more I had found out that I am a rapist by modern thinking dating back to 1956 or so when a little neighbor girl led me in her parents garage and dare me to do this kind of showing.

Love flyfire support of this silliness and soon we will have rape charges against little three years old boys in day care.
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