Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 12:15 pm
Not one person here had a problem with real rape being punish I do have a problem with your wish to lock up young men who had gone out drinking with their girlfriends because they did not protect them enough from the young women poor judgments. No even giving the young men some hard standards they could go by as in the case of DUI driving.

Not that I think for a second that it is the man responsibility in may way. Kind of similar to arresting the passenger instead of the driver in a DUI case as somehow it is not the driver fault but the passenger fault.

I also have a problem that you do not give a **** about innocent men being put though hell and see no reason to improved the system to filter out the false charges as must as possible.

Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 12:18 pm
You have made that point 47 or 48 times already.

It is old and has no bearing. You have received answers that you choose to ignore.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 12:22 pm

_Brawley_rape_allegationsTawana Brawley (born 1972) is an African American woman from Wappinger, New York. In 1987, at the age of 15, she received national media attention in the US for accusing six white men, some of whom were police officers, of having raped her. The accusations soon earned her notoriety, which was inflamed by Brawley's advisors (including the Reverend Al Sharpton and attorneys Alton H. Maddox and C. Vernon Mason), the statements of various public officials, and intense media attention.[1] After hearing evidence, a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Brawley had not been the victim of a forcible sexual assault and that she herself may have created the appearance of an attack.[2] The New York prosecutor whom Brawley accused as one of her alleged assailants successfully sued Brawley and her three advisers for defamation.[3]

0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 12:23 pm
You have received answers that you choose to ignore.
You have been told multiple times that the answers are unacceptable, they do not in fact answer the point. Your continuing to paint all arguments that you give that are not accepted as being ignored is part of your uninterrupted pattern of showing a lack of basic respect for those who don't agree with you.

Grow the **** up. Please.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 12:33 pm
If this lady had been lock up for trying to send seven innocent men to prison for rape the following would not had occur.
The woman who falsely accused three Duke lacrosse players of rape nearly four years ago has been charged with attempted murder, arson and other counts after a fight with her boyfriend, the police said.

That the accusations against the Duke lacrosse players were false and malicious is, of course, common knowledge. ...............................

Yet now, with Crystal Mangum hauled in for attempted murder of a boyfriend, arson, identity theft, communicating threats, damage to property, resisting an officer, misdemeanor child abuse – hell, everything but going after Tiger Woods with a driver – all that’s down the memory hole. Other papers gave the story major play, and offered telling detail. For example, the New York Post’s reporter Rita Delfiner, went into the sordid history of the Duke case and further enlightened readers as to the character of the former accuser by quoting her as ranting to the boyfriend/would be murder victim “I’m going to stab you (expletive).” Yet the Times treated the arrest as such a non-story, it failed to so much as put one of its own on it, instead simply running an AP dispatch. One hundred and eighty three words long. Buried deep, deep down in the sports section.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 12:37 pm
Intrepid wrote:

Are you denying it?

Opposing views? Sure, I can bring myself to dealing with it. That is the only reason I respond to your pathetic posts. Most of which, btw, are off topic.

The fact that you think that sex with young girls and the rape of women is a man's right makes you the bully. Of course, you only bully women.
Make that would be bully. The truth is; they are a couple of pathetic cowards, trolling from the safety of a fake names and phony avatars, so that none of the women they offend can recognize them on the street and beat the **** out of them. Their hatred of women is only exceeded by their fear of retribution from them.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 12:44 pm
I think the police and D.A.s already make every effort to filter out deliberately false accusations, not just when a rape charge is involved, but in all crimes. Why do you even assume they don't?

Haven't we already discussed this issue?

Because you wish to continually harp on this issue, for no real purpose, other than to post another meaningless response, does not mean I have to address it any more than I have already done in previous posts.

I am interested in discussing the crime of rape, not just rape as you define it, but rape as current law defines it, and how that crime can be prevented and more effectively prosecuted.

I don't think you give a damn about men's rights or the victimization of men by rape laws. If you did, you would have posted a separate thread where that issue could be more effectively and appropriately addressed.

Let me repeat what I said before:

They [Hawkeye and BillRM] are even disingenuous in their alleged concern for men who may actually be victimized under current rape laws. Despite repeated suggestions that they start their own thread on that topic, where that issue could be examined and discussed in its own right, with objective input, they have failed to do so. Instead, they insert the issue into this thread, where it is almost guaranteed to be dismissed or attacked, because it is presented in a way to either discredit female victims of rape, or to advocate dilution of the rape laws, both of which would actually work against trying to deter and punish the crime of rape more effectively. So, they have stacked the deck against their own issues getting a fair hearing and adequate discussion by inappropriately persisting to insert them into this thread. That they do not even want their own issues about male victimization considered in a better light, in a separate thread where they can be properly addressed, suggests that they are either incredible fools, or posturing phonies who have no real interest in the problem of male victimization.

I think you are a posturing phony, with no real interest in the issue of male victimization as a result of the rape laws. If you had any real concern about that issue, you wouldn't try to interject it in a thread clearly dedicated to female rape victims and the problem of the crime of rape, you would start your own thread on that issue, because that issue clearly does not belong in here, and it merits attention in a separate thread.

You have no real concern for the problems of men as a result of the rape laws, so stop pretending that you do. If you actually are concerned about the victimization of men, then call my bluff, and start your own thread on that issue.

Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 01:13 pm
You have no real concern for the problems of men as a result of the rape laws, so stop pretending that you do. If you actually are concerned about the victimization of men, then call my bluff, and start your own thread on that issue.

Sorry I am going to keep you honest now with postings of police officers wrongly charge with rapes.
Michael Serges: Cop Twice Found Not Guilty of Rape Still Can't Get Job BackBy Pete Kotz in Child Abuse, Corruption, Police bungling, Sex crimes Wednesday, May. 12 2010 @ 6:08AM8 comment(s) Share 0diggsdigg
​Breakfast Reading from the Village Voice Empire: Texas Deputy Michael Serges was twice accused of raping girls at a juvenile hall. Both times a jury found him not guilty. But he still can't get this job back, and no one will tell him why. Houston Press has the story

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Vinson Walker, Garfield Heights cop, acquitted in rape case
Published: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 5:10 PM Updated: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 5:21 PM
Karl Turner, The Plain Dealer
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Vinson WalkerCLEVELAND, Ohio — A Cuyahoga County Common Pleas jury found Garfield Heights police officer Vinson Walker not guilty Tuesday on charges of gross sexual imposition, attempted rape and rape.
Walker, 30, was accused of inappropriately touching a 22-year-old woman on three occasions, trying to force her to have sex, and eventually raping her on Nov. 16 at his Cleveland home. The crimes were said to have occurred while he was off-duty.

Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 01:24 pm
in a thread clearly dedicated to female rape victims and the problem of the crime of rape
this thread started out as being about how the collective as attempting to deal with the problem of sexual conflict, which is EXACTLY what Bill and I are talking about. You do remember the OP right, about a PR campaign to try to frame rape in such a way that the victims are not responsible for anything?

Given that the feminists have for too long gotten away with misrepresenting the truth by way of aggressively attempting to make sure that all discussion of sexual conflicts gets framed to their benefit, and by controlling what can and what can not be discussed, I am not interested in allowing myself to be manipulated thusly at a2k.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 01:25 pm
Make that would be bully. The truth is; they are a couple of pathetic cowards, trolling from the safety of a fake names and phony avatars, so that none of the women they offend can recognize them on the street and beat the **** out of them. Their hatred of women is only exceeded by their fear of retribution from them.

Fake name? My first name Bill and the first letters of my middle name and and last name.

More information then occom bill or firefly or almost anyone else here you silly silly silly guy.

Phony avator what does that mean how can a avatar be phony and a default avatar at that?

If the women here was of the type that would even think/dream of beating any male up they would not be seeing themselves as poor victims either!!!!
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 01:27 pm
Take a look at your post. You didn't even edit out all the miscellaneous junk in your cut and paste. You don't even read what you yourself post.

Sorry, that someone is found not guilty, does not mean they were wrongly charged. It also does not mean they are innocent. It merely means a jury could not find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. These men got a fair trial. Isn't that what you want to see?

You are still not discussing the crime of rape, or the situation for rape victims.

You are still sounding like a fool.

You are still expressing phony concern for male victims. If you care about the problem of male victimization, start your own thread on that issue. If you continue to belabor those issues in this thread, you only continue to reveal yourself as a phony who does not give a damn about the problem of male victimization..And the same is true of Hawkeye.

Hawkeye thinks...

this thread started out as being about how the collective as attempting to deal with the problem of sexual conflict,

Rape is an assaultive crime of violence, it has nothing to do with "sexual conflict". People who can't even understand the topic, really shouldn't be discussing it.

Hawkeye is also too cowardly to post his own thread dealing with male victimization. That's because he's not really concerned with the issue either.
Another phony. All this whimpering about male victims and neither of you really give a damn about them.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 01:46 pm
BillRM wrote:

Make that would be bully. The truth is; they are a couple of pathetic cowards, trolling from the safety of a fake names and phony avatars, so that none of the women they offend can recognize them on the street and beat the **** out of them. Their hatred of women is only exceeded by their fear of retribution from them.

Fake name? My first name Bill and the first letters of my middle name and and last name.

More information then occom bill or firefly or almost anyone else here you silly silly silly guy.

Phony avator what does that mean how can a avatar be phony and a default avatar at that?

If the women here was of the type that would even think/dream of beating any male up they would not be seeing themselves as poor victims either!!!!
Poor, pathetic coward. Most people who have been here as long as you know my name is Bill Ward, from Cedarburg, WI, (some even dined at my restaurant there, and met me in Milwaukee and Chicago), though I recently moved to New Berlin. That's my face you see pictured on the left, which I'm not afraid to show you, because unlike you; I stand behind every word I type. Your turn coward. Tell us your name and show us a picture so the people you offend with your demented misogyny will recognize you when they see you. Anyone want to wager on whether either of these pathetic, cowardly trolls are willing to come out of hiding?
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 01:48 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

You have received answers that you choose to ignore.
You have been told multiple times that the answers are unacceptable, they do not in fact answer the point. Your continuing to paint all arguments that you give that are not accepted as being ignored is part of your uninterrupted pattern of showing a lack of basic respect for those who don't agree with you.

Grow the **** up. Please.

You are such an idiot. I was refering to Firefly's answers. Not mine.

You are right. I have absolutely no respect for you. Respect is earned.

Does my disrespect for you trump your disrespect for women?

Your last sentence refers more to you. Quit your whining before I tell your wife on you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 01:50 pm
Rape is an assaultive crime of violence, it has nothing to do with "sexual conflict". People who can't even understand the topic, really shouldn't be discussing it
that is not the traditional opinion, and I am not convinced that it is even now the majority opinion. Your insisting that only those who see rape as fully a crime of violence should be allowed to talk about rape is in fact you trying to control the debate to your advantage. When and if the feminists ever convince most everybody that rape has nothing to do with sex,passion and the erotic then and only then can you make the above claim.

Hawkeye is also too cowardly to post his own thread dealing with male victimization. That's because he's not really concerned with the issue either.
Another phony. All this whimpering about male victims and neither of you really give a damn about them.
MY argument is that we have gotten into the ditch by over focusing on bloodying abusers, and trying to save victims, that what is required to address the problem is a more holistic approach which take into consideration how these conflicts happen, what can be done to cut down on the number of people who feel the urge to violate personal boundaries, what can be done to cut down on the number of conflicts, what can be done to get victims to come forward so that they and the abuser can get help, and what can be done so that all people can have rewarding erotic experiences without the constant threat of the state butting in and imposing its will on individuals when no one has made any request for intervention. I am not interesting in separating discussion of this topic into specialized fields when my evaluation is that successfully addressing the problem requires us to move in the other direction towards the holistic. And I sure as **** am not interested in making it all about the victims and nailing abusers, we have done too much of that already.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 02:19 pm
that is not the traditional opinion, and I am not convinced that it is even now the majority opinion.

It might not be the traditional opinion but there's no doubt that it has become the majority opinion. We have to stop talking about who gets raped and start talking about who does the raping.

Men use violence to control women. And testosterone is a powerful factor. This is true in many species.

A lot of times rape is a form of revenge or retaliation for men who are afraid of the power women have over them. Many times men can feel powerless in the face of a beautiful and sexual woman. The act of desiring leads to the fear of loss of power.

The terms for beautiful women are violent.
"She's a knockout" "A bomb-shell" "She's dressed to kill" "Stunning" Ravishing" "A femme fatale"

There's no doubt that sex is a vehicle for aggression.
But it's not the primary motivator.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 02:22 pm
Sorry, that someone is found not guilty, does not mean they were wrongly charged. It also does not mean they are innocent. It merely means a jury could not find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. These men got a fair trial. Isn't that what you want to see?

And in this society that is good enough to get your job back and be made whole in all other regards.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 02:28 pm
So flyfire and most of the posters here are cowards in your opinion or is it only the posters that do not happen to agree with you?

By the way you are a cute guy by your picture at least.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 02:34 pm
I am a breast man myself and if a woman is around me showing a large amount of her skin in that area I do my very very best but it can be hard at times.

By the way you are a cute guy by your picture at least.

Do yourself a favor Bill. If you want to be taken seriously in this debate, try not to post this kind of gibberish. OK?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 02:37 pm
BillRM wrote:

So flyfire and most of the posters here are cowards in your opinion or is it only the posters that do not happen to agree with you?
It is only the posters who post offensive things that would get them an ass-whoopin in a normal public setting that betray their cowardice when they do so anonymously. Neither Firefly, nor anyone but you and the other demented coward, Shorteyes, have posted anything offensive.

BillRM wrote:
By the way you are a cute guy by your picture at least.
Well thanks. You wouldn't be the first homosexual who thinks so. So where’s yours, coward?
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 02:42 pm
Well thanks. You wouldn't be the first homosexual to thinks so. So where’s yours, coward?

I had a cute picture of me in the third grade IE the last time I was cute that did not show up for an unknown reason when I try to used it a year or so ago.

Maybe I will try once more,
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