Quote:Sorry you are not a lawyer and voluntary intoxication had never been allow as an out under the legal system in any regards.
How do you know I am not a lawyer?
Voluntary intoxication is not an out for a man who claims he was drunk when he had sex with a woman and he thought she was consenting when she was not.
However, when a woman is intoxicated she cannot legally give consent. That is very clear in the Florida law from the wording of the definition of consent. Anything that would impair the woman's cognitive functioning, awareness, or perception, would interfere with her ability to give "intelligent" and "knowing" consent. Alcohol does all of that. Any "reasonable person" would be expected to recognize the signs of intoxication.
As usual, you are misinterpreting the Florida statute. Because there is a separate legal category of non consent that pertains when a victim is given drugs or intoxicants without their knowledge, or involuntarily, you assume that is the only part of the statute relevant to intoxication, but that is not the case. Alcohol figures into consent. The victim must have been been in an unimpaired mental state in order to give consent.
Several pages back I posted a video about the sportscaster who was recently arrested for a date rape. On that video, the D.A. clearly says that the alleged victim was intoxicated, meaning she could not legally give consent. That was the basis for the rape charge.
You don't have to believe me about the interpretation of the law. Call your local D.A. and ask them to explain the law to you.
You have misinterpreted every state law we have discussed. It is clear you are not a lawyer.

Stupidity is not an out either. People like you are still expected to understand the laws and obey them.
Are you this bad at understanding the traffic laws?
For you, they should write the book, "Rape Laws for Dummies"

In fact, I might even write it myself.