Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 02:31 am
The topic is that a sick perverted individual like you needs to attack genuine victims because you're a narcissist in love with your own victimhood status.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 02:34 am
Given that can anyone say that the foreseeable results of picking abusing men are in fact against the wishes of the "victim".

You cant be making assumptions about this sort of thing, people will surprise you. A lot of people live whole other lives that you would never guess. You gotta learn the woman Bill, find out what makes her tick and what happened to her AND What she wants to do about it.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 03:00 am
izzythepush wrote:

The topic is that a sick perverted individual like you needs to attack genuine victims because you're a narcissist in love with your own victimhood status.
Another example of how I know that you are too stupid to take seriously....this is the internet, we have no idea who is genuine and who is not. But you of course cant see past personalities, you have not the slightest concern for ideas or truth or reality.

I am sorry that your life is so pathetic, but would you mind staying out of my way?

Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 03:23 am
Well understanding why women might seek out abusers is useful

Great glad you got that and?

My bet is that our new poster/multiple rape victim had in fact rejected over the years non-abusing men by the score.

Assuming makes an azz out of you and me, you are "betting" yet, you know nothing about the new poster.

I am sure I am not the only man who had have in my life a woman I desire run to me for protection from an abuser, only to have her return to that abuser because she "love" him.

No and you won't be the last one because "they want" more than anything in their lives to be loved but they don't think they are worth it. They have been conditioned to believe that they are worthless. It takes a really good man to let them see that they "are" and this is the problem. The knight in shining armour comes along and then, when she can't cope and makes him feel that it's not him that she wants, no one works with her to prove her wrong and that she doesn't have to go backwards.

Or him for that matter.

And then there is age. I honestly "given your state of marriage" can't see you were ever the knight in shining armour no offense.

Given that can anyone say that the foreseeable results of picking abusing men are in fact against the wishes of the "victim".

Given that, you need to see beyond a small amount of for-see-ables and seriously delve into actuals/ factual's and understand women... Good luck
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Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 03:43 am
You cant be making assumptions about this sort of thing

You gotta learn the woman Bill, find out what makes her tick and what happened to her AND What she wants to do about it.

"About that woman in particular and help her work out what to do about it" ...
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Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 04:54 am
Wow Bill. Really? The problem here is that you weren't there, and therefore do not know all the details, which means you have no place to make a judgement on my personal character based on the little you do know. It is men like you that spew out mountains of ignorance that cause more emotional damage to women who have been abused, leaving f them feeling that much more alone in what has happened to them. Is that your intent here? I hardly think so.

However, I will share just a few more details with you, not because you deserve it, but because I am hoping by doing so you can pull your head out of you butt enough to understand that this can actually happen repeatedly to a woman and be a little more sensitive to others in the future. The third time I was raped, I did not know that man. I had not been drinking with him.

I had met him approximately 30 minutes prior to him raping me while on a walk with a friend after getting kicked out of a bar. For being under age and drunk. I knew immediately I did not like him. He assumed because I was drunk I might be into him or something and kept making physical advances on me. I pulled my friend to the side and askhome.er to keep him away from me because he was creepy and I didn't like him. I then promptly walked myself home, without even saying goodbye to anyone, because I was scared of him and the advances he was making on me.

She said she would, and instead actually brought him back to our apartment because he said he had to use the bathroom, walked out of the apartment before him, which let him know the door was unlocked, and they left to go for a drive. At the entrance to the apartment complex he suddenly decided he was "tired" and just wanted to go home. So they let him out, and she took off with the other guy. He didn't go home Bill.

The next time it happened I had gone out drinking with my landlord and a friend of his, whom I had never met, we had a great time, but when we went home, the wanted to go into my landlords apartment to smoke some pot and invited me along. I kindly refused and went upstairs to my apartment, locking all locks on my door, and went to bed. Approximately an hour later I was rudely awakened by my door being kicked in, and before I could even comprehend what was happening he was on top of me.

The last one I actually lived with the guy and was having a consensual relationship with him for a year and a half prior to the incident. Because he was stringing me along, allowing me to believe he wanted an actual relationship with me. I discovered him on a dating website about two weeks prior to the incident and immediately stopped having sex with him, as I was understandably hurt, and after two weeks of no nookie, and apparently not finding any more hook ups online, he decided I owed it to him or something.

So, if you can find my fault, willingness, or even asking for any of that, by all means Bill. Please point it out!
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 05:36 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
this is the internet, we have no idea who is genuine

You say that like it's a revelation, it's not. It may take an epiphany for you to see the flaming obvious but that's not the same for anyone else.

I prefer to take people on trust, liars like Max soon trip themselves up and nonces like you and BillRM have a habit of outing yourselves.

So when someone as monumentally dense as yourself, (do I really have to list all your fuckups again?) picks on someone because they're jealous of their own victimhood status I will point that out.

If you want me to stay out of your way stick to what you do best, moaning about why your Ritz crackers are too small or why there's not enough salt on your nuts or lead in your pencil.

Leave the real issues to grown ups who actually understand what's going on.
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Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 05:37 am
Oh... And in reference to you comment about my boyfriend situation, I had my very first boyfriend ever at the time the third rape happened, and he promptly dumped me when he found out. Needless to say, it was approximately 15 years before I made another attempt at a relationship,
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 05:40 am
Pay no attention to BillRM, he's a loathsome little creep who was once ejected from a park with a box of kittens and believes that viewing child pornography is a victimless crime.

He's truly disgusting, don't waste time reasoning with such slime.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 05:52 am
I had to at least give him a shot at understanding. If he chooses to continue to live in this ignorance he is projecting, I will gladly let him stay there. But I won't give up that someday, if he chooses, he could actually face whatever it is that is within himself that is causing such a vile reaction and come to terms with it. Not for me or anyone else. But for himself. So he can experience true happiness. It would be a tragedy, in my opinion, if he is not able to do so. Because vile or not, he deserves to know what it is like to be at peace with himself and his life.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 05:56 am
onevoice wrote:

I had to at least give him a shot at understanding.

He made his mind up a long time ago, as far as he's concerned most convicted rapists are there because the woman they raped regretted having drunk sex.

Your humanity has to be applauded notwithstanding.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 06:09 am
True I do not know you, however most men are not rapists to say the least and for you to have what four or five rapists in your life , sorry I lost count, seems by the laws of probability unlikely on it face.

Then again someone does win the lottery most weeks even at odds of millions to one.

As far as the guy who dumped you when he hear your story my guess is he did the odds himself of this having happen and decided he did not wish to take the chance of being the next "rapist".
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 06:16 am
The nice thing about life is every day is new. A clean slate. And at any moment we can change our mind about anything and start fresh no mater how long it's been. Believe me... It took me years and years and years of living as a victim to finally understand there was a choice I could make to NOT live that way anymore. It's a process and to be honest, I still fight with it some days. I have to make a conscious decision at times to turn my thinking away from it because it does occasionally still try to rear its ugly head.
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Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 06:19 am
Wow Bill. You really are something else. I sincerely hope that some day you can come to terms with whatever it is that is going on inside of you. So tell us Bill... How many women have you raped? Because the more you talk the more it sounds to me at least like you are trying to justify that type of behavior. I can think of no other conceivable reason someone would talk the way you talk to victims of sexual abuse.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 06:51 am
His first wife had to take out a restraining order on him and he used the death of his mother as an opportunity to tap up the nurses and cheat on his current wife.

What's the most repulsive thing you can imagine? Scrub it because BillRM is ten times more loathsome than that.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 06:56 am
My guess would be he was abused somehow at some point himself and has yet to come to terms with it due to the behaviors that caused in him. It is only a guess, and I certainly don't expect him to admit to anything. But in my heart, I hope someday he will face those skeletons in his closet that he brought out to dance before us all.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 07:04 am
How many women have you raped?

LOL I lost count it was so many and none of them called the police and have me arrested for doing actions such as breaking down their doors and raping them or after raping them hanging around annoying them for a year or so............

Sorry but the very nature of the internet is such that we have to judge someone claims by how damn likely they are and your claims on their face are not likely.

Hell for all we know you could be Izzy with an new account.

footnote I am not justifying rape I am just not buying into your story of being a victim so many many times of rape, that is not one and the same thing.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 07:34 am
You previously insulted a long-time A2K member when she also reported, earlier in this thread, multiple sexual assaults/rapes in her life beginning in early childhood and continuing into her adult life.

When other members pointed out to you the highly offensive nature of your remarks to her, you claimed to be confused and said you didn't realize she was talking about herself, or some similar BS.

You are now doing it again, and there is clearly no excuse for either your continuing stupidity or insensitivity.

I hope onevoice will clearly recognize you for what you are--an elderly man with a life-long deep-seated hostility and distrust of women, who is not about to reexamine his own attitudes or realize his blind spots on this topic, and who has seemingly enjoyed the opportunity to dump on pretty much all of the rape victims who have had the courage to discuss their experiences in this thread.

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Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 08:54 am
Hi, onevoice, welcome to A2K.

I appreciate the information about yourself you have shared with us, and I thank you for doing so because it helps to broaden an understanding of rape and how it can occur and reoccur throughout one's lifetime in different situations. That doesn't mean you go looking for abuse or abusers, or that you want these experiences, or that you are a hopeless victim--I don't think that any of those things are true.

I started this thread over 5 years ago, and it has covered quite a bit of territory and factual information during that time--including prolonged discussion of actual state rape laws, and their exact wording, about which there was considerable ignorance, particularly on the part of Hawkeye and BillRM, who, unfortunately, still remain quite ignorant about the exact sexual assault laws, and definitions, in their own home states. None-the-less they both tend to view any application of these laws as an abuse of men, even though these same laws protect male victims of sexual assault. They are both apologists for rapists when they aren't being outright rape deniers.

And, while Hawkeye and BillRM are not at all typical of the majority of posters who have responded in this thread, particularly the other male posters, who were considerably less biased and more open-minded and empathetic than those two, they are, unfortunately, among the few who have continued to remain active on this essentially now defunct thread, mainly so they can continue to bash and discredit rape victims one way or another, while they continue to try to promote their own anti-female self-serving agenda.

Hawkeye, as you might have already guessed, has an absolute paranoid obsession about some murky government/"feminist" conspiracy he thinks gives "feminists" power to exercise enormous control over "sex law" and all sexual assault research and treatment, despite the fact he can never name any specific "feminists" who are wielding all this power, or how they acquired it, or how they might differ from any other women in positions of influence. And, of course, he must ignore the fact that the sexual assault laws were all put in place by predominantly male state legislatures. So much for Hawkeye's regard for "truth". Laughing

So, you have come rather late to this party and consequently found mainly the left-over dregs after all of the most interesting and intelligent guests have departed and the most savory food has been eaten. I have no doubt you could rekindle an interesting discussion here, but only if you ignore Hawkeye and BillRM, and a few others who drop in occasionally, since their goal will be to derail you and discredit you, and not to actually listen to you so they could learn something about the first-hand experience of rape and the modus of rapists.

In the 5 years since I started this thread, one major change in the broader culture has been that more attention is being paid to the voices of rape/sexual assault survivors--they, and their complaints, are taken more seriously, and they are afforded more credibility, and we are seeing that in our courts and on our campuses, and in the military, and even in the accusations leveled against Bill Cosby. A tide seems to have turned in this regard, and because that empowers women, and may make it more difficult for rapists to operate with impunity, it's very threatening to anyone (like Hawkeye. for instance) whose sense of masculinity rests on "conquests" of females--a freely knowingly consenting female isn't much of a "conquest", she's truly a partner Wink

Hawkeye wants males to continue enjoying the "conquests" but without suffering any consequences, and what better way to do that, and insure that, than by continually impugning the credibility of females who assert they were sexually assaulted? That's why it's so important that the tide has turned and survivors are being heard. That's what will help to curb sexual assaults.

I hope you'll remain at A2K and join some other threads as well.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2015 08:54 am
That is sad Bill. Very sad. But, it is the life you have chosen. No one can unchoose it for you. I hope you will someday.
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