Not all feminists are of the close minded male bashing variety:
Quote:The "gender symmetry" debate continues. In the absence of conclusive data and based on substantial research, it nevertheless appears that, whether they are heterosexual, bisexual, gay (Renzetti & Miley, 1996), or transsexuai/transsexed (Brown, 2007), and no matter what their age, physical ability, and socioeconomic or ethnic background, both women and men are subject to IPA and IPV.
Research findings indicating that women are both victims and perpetrators of IPA and IPV challenge many previously held conceptualizations and explanations (McHugh & Hanson Frieze frieze, in architecture, the member of an entablature between the architrave and the cornice or any horizontal band used for decorative purposes. In the first type the Doric frieze alternates the metope and the triglyph; that of the other orders is plain or , 2006), leading to calls for more in-depth studies of the experiences of male victims, an area in which relatively little qualitative research Qualitative research
As a feminist sociologist, gender-related issues are at the forefront of my concerns. Issues surrounding the use and abuse of power by women in intimate relationships are eminently worthy of rigorous, detailed investigation by feminist and other scholars, for a lack of empirical research into female-on-male intimate violence limits greatly our understanding of its nature and processes. Although this is open to debate, De Welde (2003) has argued that "hegemonic discourses of women's powerlessness are not equipped to deal with power from women" (p. 250), and such hegemonic discourses require contestation. There are, of course, discourses around the use and abuse of power by females; for example, in the analysis of women's sexual abuse of children (Denov, 2004) and female relational abuse (Kelkar, 1992). Fitzroy (2001) reminds us that victims of women's violence include children, parents, siblings, disabled family members, female or male partners, colleagues, workers, and strangers.
In general, there is a relative dearth of qualitative research into physical abuse perpetrated by women upon their intimate partners, especially when unilaterally generated.
Journal International Journal of Men's Health
Publisher Men's Studies Press
ISSN 1532-6306 (Print) 1933-0278 (Online)
Issue Volume 6, Number 1 / Spring 2007
Nicola Graham-Kevan1
1 University of Central Lancashire
I welcome enlightened minds from whence ever they come, even feminists.