Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 02:39 pm
hawkeye quoted me:

most of the rape incidents occur because of a miscommunication between the victim and the offender.

then replied:

BINGO! Which is why both parties should be made to sit in front of a therapist, instead of the guy in front of a Judge on rape charges and the girl at a table with rape feminists who are trying to convince her that she is a victim in need of their "help", a large component of which will be Fireflyish ranting about what bastards men are and how women need to be in constant fear that the love box will be taken by force .... .

I never asserted that statement. I've just asked whether that is the case. By not quoting my complete statement, you've tried to manipulate others into thinking I actually said that. Your sole purpose seems to win this debate, and you're too obsessed with cases where there's confusion about consent.

What about the cases where force was involved - when men break into homes and dishonor vulnerable women?
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 02:41 pm
WHAT THE ****, I got news for ya pal if any semi-attractive woman tells me she wants to have sex with me, I'm doing it! How am I supposed to know if "she's too drunk" that's her ******* fault anyway. Besides how would you ever know that you got "consent" anyway? What if she just wants to **** you over and tell you to have sex with her and then later say she got raped. This world is so ******* stupid, can't wait 'till I die.
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 02:55 pm
The following is a nice counter-point to Fireflys childish black/white authoritarian sexual morality, from Jack Morin, PHD, a respected sex therapist and academic.

Even when the importance of giving and receiving consent is recognized, ambiguities still occur. Some lovers are ambivalent, simultaneously wanting and not wanting sex. Others enjoy being seduced while feigning resistance. Still other prefer NOT to give explicit verbal consent-when, for example, they want their partners to take total control-requiring the participants to interpret nonverbal cues.
There will always be attempts to remove the ambiguities of consent though laws and regulations, some of which are, of course, essential. But in the final analysis only heartfelt respect for ourselves and others can guide us through eros's ambiguities-precisely BECAUSE we recognize their inevitability. Self respect requires that we speak up when sexual advances are unwanted, while vigorously resisting any temptation to perceive ourselves as helpless victims

Page 309 "The Erotic Mind, Unlocking te Inner Sources of Sexual Passion and Fullfillment" 1995
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 03:02 pm
I do not think that anyone there had ever stated that "real rape" IE the used of force or the threat of force or the drugging of a person behind their back is not a serous crime that should be punish harshly.

The bullshit that when a couple are out drinking the male not the female have some special duty to decide if she had too must to drink to invalid her consent is the matter in question.

If a court afterward decided he had judge "wrong" then he should for some strange reason consider a rapist!!!!

Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:35 pm
as we have talked about the level of intoxication required to criminalize sex is moving downwards...but in answer to your question drunk sex has in my experience often been fabulous sex. I object to the state taking away my right to engage in it.

The state hasn't taken away your right to enjoy "drunk sex". You are free to go ahead and enjoy it. You are also free to get drunk at a party and get into a car and drive yourself home. Except, you might wind up in jail for doing either of those things. You are free to make your own decisions--as long as you take responsibility for your actions.

You said your wife doesn't object to drunken sex with you. So, what's your problem? Why are you preoccupied with your right to "drunk sex"?
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:38 pm
Self respect requires that we speak up when sexual advances are unwanted

Agree completely. And. respect for others requires that we stop when they indicate that sexual advances are unwanted.
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:40 pm
Except, you might wind up in jail for doing either of those things.
you have a very odd definition of "free" since you include into freedom acts that will land an individual in jail on a serious charge.
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:46 pm
The amusing thing Firefly is not only do you wish to take the men rights to have drunk sex without placing their freedoms at risk you are for interfering with women rights to grant consent to that form of sex.

You are as anti-women as you are anti-men.

Or at least heterosexual women.
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:48 pm
again from Morin:
Three such principles are of utmost importance to every one's erotic well being: (1) respecting self and others, (2) acknowledging rather than denying one's dark side and (3) claiming the responsibilities of freedom.

Page 308

we have firefly and her pals demanding respect of others which is great, so long as the others want what firefly thinks they should want. If not they are to be disrespected, as their needs/wants/desires must according to her go unfulfilled. Firefly acknowledging her dark side??? Ya, not going to happen because according to her dark sides are the affliction of some other people, who mostly should be warehoused in jails. And she has no desire for us to take responsibility for our freedom because she does not want us to have sexual freedom. She wants sexuality to be a heavily regulated by the state activity, where ideas of proper sexuality are the subject of massive state sponsored indoctrination programs.
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:50 pm
The bullshit that when a couple are out drinking the male not the female have some special duty to decide if she had too must to drink to invalid her consent is the matter in question.

That "bullshit" is already the law. That's why that father-duo, in a news story posted here recently, just got convicted for raping two intoxicated women.

You need some basic sex education. It is generally the male who commits the act of rape (over 90% of the time)--that's why the male must be sure he has consent.

If she's been drinking, and you wouldn't give her the keys to your car and let her drive you home, because she seems too drunk, she's probably too drunk to give consent for sex. Even you should be able to figure that out.

Another married man worried about a rape charge from having sex with a drunk woman. Well, if your wife doesn't mind drunken sex, what is your problem?
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:53 pm
That "bullshit" is already the law
thus driving the calls for reform of the laws...
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:54 pm
Women are free to have sex while intoxicated. And, if they knowingly and willingly consent to such sex, they are highly unlikely to accuse anyone of raping them because the sex was wanted.

Arella Mae
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 04:58 pm
mysteryman wrote:

There is NEVER a time when the victim can or should be blamed for being raped.
To blame the victim is innexcusable.

However, because there are so many false allegations of rape, it does tend to make true rape allegations suspect, in my opinion.
There are cases where the charge of rape has been used as a weapon by a woman to get something she wants.
And while it is true that those women are dealt with by the law, there is something we are all forgetting.

Where does the falsely accused person go to get their good reputations back?
Once a man is accused, thats all anyone remembers, not that the charge was proven false.
So either way, he loses.

And I agree 100% with you here and I am sure any person with common sense and decency would. Maybe you can talk some sense into the ones on this thread that seem to think every reported rape is false or that the women/men should just get over it.
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 05:02 pm
Women are free to have sex while intoxicated. And, if they knowingly and willingly consent to such sex, they are highly unlikely to accuse anyone of raping them because the sex was wanted.

for the moment, in most places. However, now is the time to make a stand against the rape feminist agenda.

Men who have sex with drunken women risk being convicted of rape - even if they appear to have given consent.
Ministers will unveil the controversial proposals this week in a bid to boost conviction rates for sex offences and bring more 'date rapists' to justice.
A new white paper is expected to propose that judges should give firmer guidance to juries in cases where the woman has been drinking.
If a woman is deemed to have consumed so much alcohol that she is incapable of agreeing to make love, the man would be far more likely to be convicted of rape.
The new law would potentially open the way for the prosecution of thousands of men for having sex with drunk women - regardless of whether agreement had been given at the time.
Successful prosecutions for rape often founder before they get to court because of the difficulty in proving to juries that a victim had not given consent.
At the moment, a drunken woman is deemed to be capable of giving consent so long as she is not unconscious.
The law change is expected to lead to a huge rise in the current conviction rate of five per cent.
Proof of whether a woman was drunk would come from medical tests - as well as evidence from witnesses and victims.
The new law places a heavy responsibility on men to be certain that a woman is sober enough to know what she is doing.
The white paper, which has been signed off by ministers, will be published later this week. It follows months of consultation with the Home Office, Ministry of Justice, police and women's support groups.
There were nearly 15,000 allegations of rape in 2005, but only 12 per cent of these went to court and only a handful resulted in convictions.
The proposals will leave far more discretion to judges and juries to determine the amount of alcohol a woman can consume before she is deemed incapable.
The new proposals follow a recent ruling by senior judges that a woman cannot claim rape just because she was drunk.
The Appeal Court raised deep doubts over the Government's latest attempt to improve rate conviction rates.
In March, the Deputy Lord Chief Justice Sir Igor Judge (CORR), and two other senior judges, quashed the conviction of software engineer Benjamin Bree, 25, jailed for five years in December after a drunken evening with a 19-year-old student.
The girl told the jury that she did not want to have sex, but Mr Bree told the court she had given her consent.
Sir Igor said sex amounts to rape if the woman is incapable of giving consent.
But he added: "Where the complainant has voluntarily consumed even substantial quantities of alcohol, but nevertheless remains capable of choosing whether or not to have intercourse, and in drink agrees to do so, this would not be rape."
The judge added that it would not be right to lay down rules ? 'some kind of grid system' ? that say a woman who has reached a set level of drunkenness is incapable of consent.
He said: "Experience shows that different individuals have a greater or lesser capacity to cope with alcohol."
Earlier this year the Council of Circuit Judges said it should be left to juries to decide whether a woman is capable of consenting to sex.
A study by the Association of Chief Police Officers has found that a 'significant' number of rape and sexual assault victims had drunk at least the equivalent of eight pub glasses of wine. This is equivalent to two and a half times the drink driving limit.
Opponents of the proposals fear they may encourage some women to allege rape when they regret having had sex while drunk.
George McAuley, chairman of the UK Men's Movement, said men may have to resort to obtaining written 'contracts' or using mobile phones to film their partners consenting to sex.
He said: "It means men will have to get a consent form signed, dated and countersigned in triplicate before they make love. This legislation is deliberately designed to put more men behind bars."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-462614/Sex-woman-drunk-soon-rape.html#ixzz15Ihp30Rs

Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 05:03 pm
We are talking about rape not "one's erotic well being". By definition, rape is non consensual. To insist/coerce/force the partner to endure a non consensual act hardly demonstrates respect for others.

You can have all the sexual freedom you want, as long as it doesn't violate the rights of others or break existing laws.

Most people have no problems with that.

The law is not going to change to accommodate your particular atypical sexual appetites.
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 05:09 pm
The average woman fantasizes about being ravished by a faceless stranger
Do you really believe most men woud fantasise about being dominated ? Really ?
I also know of a young 11 yr old girl who suicided because BOTH foster parents were sexually molesting her.
Speechless (as in - this leaves me speechless with sorrow for that girl)
I suspected they were but I did nothing....hardly a day goes by where I dont knot up inside with guilt....and I have shed more than one tear for her.
I can't speak for anyone but myself and I've never fantasized about being raped by a stranger with any sense of anticipation or pleasure at the thought. I can't say that I've discussed it with most of the women I know, so I have no data on which to base an opinion as to how common it is.
Think about the meanings of..."swept off her feet"....."tall dark handsome stranger"....the fantasy is not about being bashed half unconscious and sodomised. It is about a man who takes away the feeling of guilt and who dominates the situation. Very liberating. The act of sex is somewhat muted.
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 05:13 pm
The law is not going to change to accommodate your particular atypical sexual appetites
Right, it will change because as the badly conceived laws continue to chew up increasing numbers of individuals for no good reason the people will turn against them, will demand that they be changed. You and your buddies seemed to have neglected to factor in that it is easy to hijack the law, but not to keep control, without the consent of the people. As with sex, you have a very naive view of how power works, and it will be your undoing.
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 05:16 pm
I notice that that article from the U.K. is dated 2007. So, did that proposed law even pass? You are such a Children Little.

What's with you and the "rape feminist agenda"? Why can't you acknowledge that most women and most men are not objecting to the current rape laws? The majority of people support these laws. So, why are you pretending it's some radical "rape feminist agenda" from a fringe group?

And, I repeat--You said your wife doesn't object to drunken sex with you. So, what's your problem? Why are you preoccupied with your right to "drunk sex"?

Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 05:20 pm
In my jurisdiction, it used to be that rape was defined
as a crime against females (only), the perpetrator's own wife being excepted.
(Of course, sodomy is a different story.)

It appears that under the new statutory definition,
males can be raped, and spouses r no longer excepted.

That opens the question of a wife raping her husband.

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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2010 05:23 pm
What's with you and the "rape feminist agenda"? Why can't you acknowledge that most women and most men are not objecting to the current rape laws
As we have seen discussing this subject even at a2k is difficult, so successful have the rape feminists been is shutting down discussion and preventing science from producing evidence that counters your claims. However, I have full faith in the market place of ideas to eventually get to the subject in spite of the feminists extreme hostility to sunshine and to reach conclusions based upon reality, rejecting the fantasies of the feminists as well as their crude efforts at manipulation of sexual morality. I am not in the least bit concerned that my view is still the minority view, because I am right, and right will win in the end.

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