Quote:I am not willing to give up erotic fun and exploration because some one some where is being violated through sexual transgression.
You are free to enjoy "erotic fun and exploration" as long as your partner is consenting. It becomes a sexual transgression when the partner is non consenting.
Since an underage partner cannot consent, the appropriate term to use is
rape--statutory rape.
You also contradict yourself outrageously. Ostensibly you rail against rape laws you call "anti-sex" and "Puritan". But then, you talk about "loose women" and women who wear "slut clothes". So, you regard woman who actively enjoy and seek sexual relationships as "loose women"? And, if they wear clothing that reveals their physical attributes, you see them as in "slut clothing"? Seems to me, you're the Puritan. You're the one who wants women to hide their sexuality and their sexual desires. I guess you want women demurely dressed in public, and acting like inhibited virgins in the bedroom, because then that would justify your needs to dominate and control them--to make them "conquests".
No wonder you want the age of consent lowered--the younger and more unknowing they are, the more
your fantasies of raping someone can be satisfied.
Grown women know when they do and don't want sexual intercourse. And most men have no difficulty understanding the legal meaning of "consent". Your problem is that you resent the fact that the woman can say, "No"--you feel that gives the woman too much power. You resent that the woman can call the shots in that regard. You are like the robber who resents property laws that prohibit theft. You want to be able to take whatever you want from another person, whether they are willing to give it or not. That's not the way a civilized society works. You can't take a person's property, or enter their body, without their consent--if you do such things, without consent, you are guilty of a crime. And, coercing her into giving you what you want, is being rather like the mugger who
coerces you into handing over your wallet.
It is not all that difficult for people to find consensual sex. But, consenting sex is not the topic of this thread.
We are talking about rape--non consensual sex.