Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2010 10:13 pm
Hawkeye, when you, or anyone else, posts comments, the reader interprets those remarks. You were discussing rape when you said those things. I did not distort either the context or the sequence of your remarks. And I did not distort your words--I have quoted you directly.

Other people who read this thread can judge for themselves whether I "spun" your words. They can go back and read those posts.

It seems to me that everyone here, including me, has understood what you are saying quite well. No "spin" is really needed. Your attitude is quite clear.

you are a fine one to be taking about not being respected considering that you routinely practice lack of respect towards your fellow a2k members

Judging by the feedback I get at A2K, I don't think many people would agree with you about that. I regard people respectfully, both here and in the real world.

I respect people at A2K in a very important way. I read what they say very carefully. I think about their comments. And I give a lot of thought to my replies. In other words, I regard what they are saying as important, whether or not I agree with them, and I see that as an important aspect of respect.

You, on the other hand, really disregard a good deal of what other posters have to say. Or you tend to dismiss their comments in a fairly arrogant manner, by simply reasserting your own position and telling them something highhanded like, if they don't agree with you, they are out of touch with reality. And I can find numerous examples, using direct quotes from you, where you have done that.

Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2010 11:07 pm
You, on the other hand, really disregard a good deal of what other posters have to say. Or you tend to dismiss their comments in a fairly arrogant manner, by simply reasserting your own position and telling them something highhanded like, if they don't agree with you, they are out of touch with reality. And I can find numerous examples, using direct quotes from you, where you have done that.
Exactly, and I can document my take, for instance with expert testimony and/or facts. Not all opinions are equal, and not all should be taken as equal. I am not disrespecting these other people, I am telling them that they are wrong, that they need to do a better job at doing their homework because they are unprepared. I they have a problem with that then they need to take me on, prove me wrong. It rarely seems to happen though.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 12:14 am
@Arella Mae,
Do you think they'd offer them the same leniency they want to offer to male rapists?

If you are talking about defining rapist as a man who used force or the threat of force to have sex with a woman not one person here including me had said that such animals should not be punish with decades or a life time in prison.

If you however are talking about a coupe who had gone out drinking and after the event of having sex she decided the next day or the next week that she regret having sex and declared it was a rape hell no.

One is rape one is not rape.

Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 12:33 am
You are extremely mistrustful of women. It seems to be all women that you see as liable to vindictively, or frivolously, try to hurt you by accusing you of something you did not do. You mentioned that your ex-wife did falsely accuse you of assaulting her, so some of your mistrust might be understandable. But all women are not like that.

Firefly most men would never dream of harming any woman to have sex with her or used any force of any kind to do so.

We are not talking about most men or most women we are talking about the small percent of men and women who will do evil deeds for whatever reason.

I have no problem with punishing men who used force or the threat of force to have sex with a woman with a lifetime in prison however you on the other hand see no reason to do more then at best mildly punish a woman who try to used the laws to lock on an innocent man for decades!

Second, in how you wish the law of rape to be by the simple act of partying with my wife and when having sex with her I am a rapist if for any reason the next morning she regret having that sexual intercourse.

Your reply is that your wife and most women would never do such a thing and I agree with you 101 percent that my current wife would not do such a deed however my first wife would likely had done so.

I am not for giving men the power to rape women even knowing that most men would never do so and I see no reason to give the power to women to lock up their sexual parters at whim even those 99.9... of women would never even think of doing so.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 12:45 am
Lorena Bobbit was a battered wife who found her rape that night, by her drunken husband, so intolerable that she finally snapped. One can only imagine how much abuse and rape she had endured before that night that caused her to become unhinged and take the action she did. But it was the final rape that did it to her. And she attacked the "weapon" used to rape her. And, in a rape, a penis does become a weapon.

She claimed to be a battered wife and that had not been proven in any court, it is just her claimed, as her husband was found not guilty of rape or any other misdeed in his trial if you remember.

One jury let her go for cutting off his penis and the other jury let the husband go for any claimed misdeeds he was charge with by his wife.

As far as I can tell you have two not very bright and mentally ill people living together that ended up in violence one night.

That case had little or nothing to do with rape or abuse and far more to do with mental illness of both parties.

Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 04:35 am
The jury found her Not Guilty by reason of insanity. She spent 45 days in a psych hospital (which is routine after that type of verdict), to be evaluated for dangerousness, and then she was released. Trust me, if they did not believe that she had been raped and abused repeatedly during her marriage, they would never have let her out of that hospital in 45 days. They could have kept her there for the rest of her life. They believed her. She wasn't mentally ill, she really snapped that one night because he raped her one too many times. The verdict referred only to her behavior at the time of the crime. She was not insane afterward, or beforehand either. That's why they didn't consider her dangerous and released her after only 45 days.

Cutting off a man's penis is a rather serious thing to do. The jurors should have wanted to send her to prison, for a long time, don't you think? They wouldn't want to encourage this sort of thing, right? But they didn't send her to prison. They knew she was abused and raped--they believed her--and that explained why that last rape unhinged her. She emotionally could not take it any more and she flipped out and attacked him. If the jury had felt she had not had sufficient motive for what she did, they would have thrown the book at her. The jurors believed her story, and they also believed she had no control over herself at the time.

He was tried on one count of rape, I think, and not convicted. Which goes to show you just how hard it is to get a rape conviction, because her jury believed her about the repeated rapes, and the doctors at the psychiatric hospital believed her.

This case had everything to do with rape and abuse. I watched her entire trial on Court TV. The whole country was talking about it.

John Bobbit definitely did not seem very bright. He also had a drinking problem. But he did not seem mentally ill. And he got relatively little sympathy from the public because she really was very credible. He mainly became the butt of a lot of crude jokes.

You don't believe that husbands can rape their wives?

You don't think that when someone gets raped and beaten repeatedly that it can temporarily unhinge them?

You really don't understand the emotional impact that rape can have on a woman
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 04:52 am
John Bobbitt definitely did not seem very bright. He also had a drinking problem. But he did not seem mentally ill. And he got relatively little sympathy from the public because she really was very credible. He mainly became the butt of a lot of crude jokes
you would have been better off to point out that he continued to have problems with the law, to include a battery against a wife, and that a couple of years ago he publicly apologized to Lorena for how he treated her in the marriage.

Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 05:20 am
I was only referring to what I remember of him from the trial. It was striking how not bright he was.

I know he continued to have problems. But things he did later, to other women, obviously weren't relevant at the time of Lorena's trial. She really was very credible. People did believe her. What he did later confirmed his pattern.

I'm sorry that Court TV is no more. It was fascinating to be able to watch entire trials. This one in particular.
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 07:51 am
I think that in the majority of the times when a wife or someone else in a household kill a sleeping man claimed abused drove them to it it is just a mean to get out of a sentence of murder.

It early so I can not think of the names of the two lovely brothers who used two shotguns on both their parents and then claimed that sexual abused drove them to it.

I think as long as there is a door they can walk though or a phone they have access to, the killing or harming anyone as they are sleeping should be punish as murder or assault.

If anyone kill a rapist in the course of a rape that is one thing but to kill a man as he sleep when there is a path to call for help or to leave should not be allow to pass no matter what the claims happen to be of abuse.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 08:15 am
Now I remember I had a co-workers many years ago who told the story of being in bed when he felt his wife moving in the bed beside him. They had been out partying and both had been getting high on others things beside alcohol and had gotten home shortly before.

Turning his head, he saw her about to place a knife into him and he somehow manages to deflect that knife blow so it went into her instead of him.

She was not kill however, it did her liver no good at all and she would had service time in prison beside the hospital if he had not refused to press charges.

What to bet that if he had not survived the attack she would have cry raped and or abused?
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 08:35 am
BillRM wrote:

Do you think they'd offer them the same leniency they want to offer to male rapists?

If you are talking about defining rapist as a man who used force or the threat of force to have sex with a woman not one person here including me had said that such animals should not be punish with decades or a life time in prison.

If you however are talking about a coupe who had gone out drinking and after the event of having sex she decided the next day or the next week that she regret having sex and declared it was a rape hell no.

One is rape one is not rape.

I stated exactly what I was talking about and it had nothing to do with drinking.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 08:44 am
I fail to see what that story has to do with anything we're discussing, here.
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 09:18 am
I fail to see what that story has to do with anything we're discussing, here.

Assault and attempted murder on a man in bed by a wife for no good reason other then drugs and the very very high likelihood that it would have been turn into an abuse/rape case if my former co-worker had not live.

There seem to be a willingness to give women a complete free pass if they can claimed rape/abuse up to cutting a man penis off as he sleep or killing him outright in his sleep.

A woman had no duty to leaved or call the police if she have a problem with a man behavior all she need to do is to find a knife.

It all part of the idea that women are not real adults and can not think under pressure and can only react as a child or an animal might do in a highly illogical and irrational manner.

Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 09:34 am
But she didn't cry rape. This is a case where what you're afraid of didn't happen, but you're still worried that it could have happened, so that's good enough for you.

It's ridiculous and silly. Are you that terrified? Really?
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 09:49 am
BillRM wrote:

It all part of the idea that women are not real adults and can not think under pressure and can only react as a child or an animal might do in a highly illogical and irrational manner.

I think you have serious women issues. That has to be the most ridiculous statement I have ever read. What century do you live in? We have women running for president, CEOs of huge companies, etc.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 09:51 am
But she didn't cry rape. This is a case where what you're afraid of didn't happen, but you're still worried that it could have happened, so that's good enough for you.

He was alive and that made it harder to pull that ****.

Lot lot less hard when the only voice is that of the poor abuse/rape lady with the knife in her hands.

It is harder when it is the husband calling 911 and getting aid to his wife after she attack him.
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 09:55 am
I know God says we are to be patient and longsuffering and that is why I keep trying to civilly discuss things with people and try to understand them.

BUT there is a limit. I shudder to think there are more Bills and Hawkeyes out there.
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 10:01 am
You don't think that murderers who happen to be male will lie to avoid the consequences?

That's kinda what psychopaths do. That's not a gender issue. Pull your head out of your ass.
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 10:25 am
@Arella Mae,
BUT there is a limit. I shudder to think there are more Bills and Hawkeyes out there.

At a guess my friend a hundred millions or so of us evil males in the US alone, who think that women should be hold to the same standards as men.

So once more are women children that need both protection and the control we give to children or are they adults?

In any case, woman had been playing the game of being defenseless victims far to long in my opinion even if it had work well for them in the past.

Two of the brightest men in the history of the US, Washington and Hamilton had the wood pull over their eyes by the wife of Benedict Arnold playing that kind of a game.

At the same moment Arnold was rowing for the protection of the English fleet his wife was putting on a wonderful act of a women having a complete breakdown in front of Washington and Hamilton and they not only let her go but gave her a pass back to English control territory.

After all a woman could not be guilty of this kind of a betrayal and it must all be the fault of her husband alone.

She did have a good time laughing about her ability to pull the wood over their eyes with her friends afterward and she were in fact the main driving force behind Arnold betrayal and was just putting on one hell of an acting job.

Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2010 10:27 am
You don't think that murderers who happen to be male will lie to avoid the consequences?
That's kinda what psychopaths do. That's not a gender issue. Pull your head out of your ass.

It is a gender issue when we grant far far more credit to a woman then we would to a man under the same set of facts.

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