Quote: As Bill pointed out Firefly started this thread to grind her sexual politics axe,this thread was never about how to heal from abuse, if those people who have been abuse who feel offended by the thread what to talk about those things then they should start a thread about the subject.
No, I didn't start this thread to grind a sexual politics axe, or any other kind of axe.
You are the one who chooses to view crimes of sexual assault as "sexual politics" between the genders. You have expressed resentment that "the one with the hole" (your less than delightful term for a female) has the legal power to deny entrance to her body, and you see this as an affront to a man's need to dominate and express his biologically based "masculinity". You have repeatedly argued that men need to take back the power that has been denied them by the "anti-sex anti-rape feminists". That's your "sexual politics axe".
You have tried to characterize rapes as being "intimate relationships" rather than assaults, you negate the notion of consent by suggesting that men often know better than the woman what she "really wants", you have suggested that women really want to be raped, you describe "conquest" as the best part of sex, you complain that victims have the right to define their assaults as being a rape, you decry the fact that some individuals are considered too impaired, or disabled, or young, to be legally able to give consent, and you generally want the government to have no say in any sexual contacts, including labeling these contacts as assaults and, consequently, crimes.
You haven't really addressed the crime of rape in this thread, you haven't regarded it as a real crime with real injured victims. Instead, you've used this thread as another soapbox to regurgitate your particular views on "sex laws" and your own political agenda on that topic. You dismiss the statistical majority of rapes as being "non rapes", in your particular view, and, for that reason, you want to abolish all laws, including statutory rape laws, that criminalize such conduct. In other words, you have generally argued for the legalization of behavior that is now considered rape, because you feel the sexual assault laws inhibit "free sexual expression". And that political advocacy on your part has characterized most of what you have posted in this thread. You are the one who has consistently promoted an agenda in this thread.
In a thread about rape, particularly a thread which was started to explore rape myths that contribute to facilitating the crime of rape, and victim blaming which contributes to excusing the behavior of rapists and fostering a low reporting rate for rapes, you seized the opportunity to make a case
for rape--you were actually promoting rape. When other posters objected to your hijacking of the thread to further your own political agenda, you bragged that the lack of moderators enabled you to post whatever you wanted, whether or not it related to the topic, and, in effect, told everyone else to go to hell. When you were asked, repeatedly, to start your own thread to discuss your particular issues with sex assault laws, since they were unrelated to the topic, you refused, with the rather lame excuse that no one would read a thread you started.
And now you have the gall to say that the rape victims who posted in this thread should have started their own thread if they were offended by your comments? You feel that if rape survivors express their opinions of offense or disgust at someone condoning and promoting the crime of rape that we are letting "the weakest amoungst us decide what can be talked about"?
Yes, your views are unpopular. Yes, your views run counter to existing laws and counter to what the overwhelming majority wish to see as continuing law. And your view of rape survivors as being "the weakest among us" is undoubtedly equally unpopular. But, telling rape survivors to get out of a thread that was very much directed toward rape victims (just look at the title of this thread) is another example of
your bullying of people who do not agree with your views. You bully constantly. You profess to have "the truth" and arrogantly insult those who don't agree with you. Tying to hijack a thread is a form of bullying.
Quote:I realize that this will get me called an asshole. And those who call me that are in my opinion damn fools.
No, everyone who calls you an asshole is not a damn fool. Most of them are quite right.
Your denial of the crime of rape in this thread is not just an unpopular opinion, it is also a view that denies the reality of unwanted sexual assaults and the impact of such crimes on victims.
A news article posted earlier in this thread described the gang rape of a 17 year old semi conscious female by three male acquaintances--an adult male (who videotaped the rape), his teenage son, and another teen who was a friend of the family. The four individuals had spent the evening together and had been drinking. The videotape (and why was this being taped?) clearly showed the female as being unconscious or drifting in and out of consciousness. The police described the tape as clearly showing a rape--the passive female was clearly not consenting (or even participating) in what was being done to her. This was a fairly typical date rape/acquaintance rape scenario, except for the fact that the act was videotaped by one of the rapists. Normally, the female, and a D.A., would have a hard time proving a rape occurred, but, in this case, the rapist provided all the evidence the police needed to know that a crime occurred. This was not consenting sex, this was legally rape.
Your response to the above article was to say that you didn't consider that rape.
This was apparently one of your "non rape" situations. And, had that videotape of the rape surfaced on the internet, you'd likely see nothing wrong with that either, since you advocate for the legalization of child pornography and deny that the subjects of such photos and videos are being victimized and their privacy is being invaded. You don't care if people are raped, or if they are exploited in pornography, you don't care that people are being abused by these crimes,. Your focus is on gaining unrestricted sexual gratification and you don't want anything to get in the way of that, including the sexual assault and child pornography laws.
Your views aren't just unpopular, they are out of touch with reality.
And, now that the troll talk has ended, I am glad you will again depart this thread so that we can return to a discussion of the topic and can focus on the actual, all too real, crime of rape.