Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 06:29 pm
BillRM wrote:

It a wonderful win win for women I will have a few drinks that way if I happen to do anything that I happen to regret later on it not my bad judgment it the evil man fault.

Sure I hopped into bed with you however you did not have my legal consent because I had have a few drink and therefore you evil man had raped me.

Silly beyond beliefs and as I pointed out a can of worms at least one state had not open and off hand I can not remember hearing of any rape charges being file in real life because some "lady" willingly got drunk and have sex in the US at least to this point.

Yes I can just see it now you was raped correct and how may drinks did you have and did do you normally have that many drinks and if so have you in the past had have sex with anyone and not claims raped afterward?

Wonderful means for women to escape their own bad judgments but it sure the hell is not rape.

It seems that you may have had a few already.
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 06:44 pm
Come out of hiding as it is clear you have no respect for women they are little children that need to be both control and protected.

They cannot take responsibility nor should they for their actions when they had been drinking for example.

Seem odd, as men do need to take such responsibility as society had not seem fit to give them a free pass.

You do have contempt for all of womankind.

Be a “man” not a “woman” and take ownership of your real feelings concerning women.

Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 06:56 pm
The definition of rape has not changed

"In criminal law, rape is an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with another person without that person's consent"

How has that changed in the last 40 years? Where do you see a reference to force? The assault is the sexual contact. What makes it rape is lack of consent. It is sexual intercourse against the person's will.

Many types of rape involve no force. Comatose patients in nursing homes have been raped, with no apparent force involved.

In fact, the lack of evidence of "force" ---no bruising, swelling, bleeding--often makes it hard to prove that the rape was non consensual. Force is not a necessary component in all rapes.

Where is this "irrefutable" proof you speak of? I don't see you posting references citing actual changes in specific rape laws over the past 40 years which have actually expanded the definition of rape. When you post such references, to specific laws, then we can discuss the subject.

Because you assert something does not make the claim accurate. You seem to distort information so that it fits in with your preconceived notions. That was certainly the case with the article you posted by Dr Frances, which you claim supported your thinking that the sex laws are an abomination and need reforming. You obviously did not understand what Dr Frances was talking about. His concern involved issues surrounding involuntary psychiatric civil commitment procedures when a particular, questionably valid, DSM-IV diagnosis was used to describe an allegedly dangerous mental disorder.

Dr Frances has no interest in the sex laws, or any attempts to reform them, his concerns are in the area of psychiatry and collaborations between psychiatry and the law. Well, perhaps you did understand what Dr Frances was talking about, but you tried to edit his remarks in such a way that it appeared he supported your contention In other words, you could have been, " lying, trying to win the argument unfairly". Or, perhaps, "you are not connected to reality".

Look, I'm not interested in winning any arguments, with you or anyone else. This is not a competition, it is a discussion.

But everything with you is a competition. And you continually have to believe you have "won", even though you have failed to prove or demonstrate anything, either by factual information, or by logic. So, whenever anyone disputes what you are saying, you respond by personally insulting them in a rather juvenile manner. You studiously avoid dealing with the content of their reply or their critical comments because that would call for a more substantive response on your part.

For instance, about one page back on this thread you made one of your typically absurd declarations. This one was that men have never really subjugated women. You claim such notions were invented by feminists and that they have no basis in reality. Of all the many, many, many, quite clear examples I could have chosen, from just about any point in history, and any country in the world, which would have disproven your remarks, I selected only two. One was a contemporary photo, and the other was a written narrative about the history of rapes in wartime. You responded to neither. How could you respond? You would have had to admit you were wrong. And that would have taken some self critical abilities you appear to lack.

You see men and women as engaged in some sort of power struggle, and you voice fears that women are tipping the balance of power in their favor. That's what your rant about the sex laws is all about. Women, more rightly these alleged "feminists", are robbing you of your sexual freedoms--i.e. your sexual power. The rape laws are somehow being "expanded" to ensnare more men and disempower them. You define rape, and supposed changes in rape laws, in terms of type and degree of force--yet another allusion to power.

Have you ever noticed that you are the one preoccupied with issues of power?

The women I know are concerned with equality--equality of opportunity, and equality under the law and equality in their social roles. They are really not concerned with issues of power, in the sense of power as a need to dominate or control someone else, as a man might express when he rapes a woman. Or as you continually do when you press your need to win an argument.

What happened in the last 40 years is that women have become freer to express themselves sexually. Thanks to the Women's Lib movement (and those horrid feminists you malign), and thanks to the introduction of oral contraceptives, in the 60's women became as free to engage in and enjoy sex as men. Except for the fact that men have still referred to the ones who enjoy it too much, and too often, and with too many partners, as "tramps". There are still vestigial negative connotations attached to women who freely have sex, and some of this is what emerges when we blame rape victims for their own rape, or we doubt the woman's claim that she has actually been raped. And, as virginity has receded in importance, and as something that men actually respected, young women found themselves more and more pressured to have sex, even when they didn't want it, and men found it harder to take "No" for an answer.

So date rapes and acquantance rapes became more a part of the social scene. But those were the rapes which were often the hardest to prove, and hardest for the women to report, and consequently the easiest for the man to get away with . Women found themselves victimized by the rapist as well as the legal system. So rape shield laws were put in place, to help protect the woman from the social stigma which can result from the way a rape victim is viewed, and to prevent unwarrented disclosure of a woman's entire past sexual history. And now we have men whimpering that the identity of the male defendant should be protected as well. Why should we shield those men? Do we protect the identity of murder defendants, or child abuse defendants, or arsonists, or terrorists? Why do we need to single out only male rape defendants for identity protection? To keep some of their other possible victims from coming forward? Rapes tend to be repeated offences, particularly when the rapist has gone undetected. Don't we want his other possible victims to come forward? Don't we really want justice to be served? Or is all this concern for the poor male defendant just another attempt by men to regain power over women.

So, Hawkeye, sorry if you feel your power and freedom in the sexual realm slipping away. The legal arena for sexual crimes has become somewhat of a more level playing field. "Feminists" haven't done that, it's simply that legally things have become more equalized, with the females not quite at the same degree of disadvantage they were 40 years ago. They are still at a disadvantage, when it comes to sexual crimes, it's just not as great a disadvantage.

The definition of rape hasn't changed. But sexual boundries have expanded in other venues to include curbs on sexual harrassment in the workplace, on college campuses, and in other situations where influential men could influence power and control over women. It's just part of the progress toward equality, toward having a level playing field, so women can pursue careers, and interests, without being sexually hounded, or sexually pressured.

And if you think that any women want to turn back the clock and go back to a time when women were even more easily sexually exploited, and abused, you are out of your mind. No female wants to reform the sex laws to dilute or compromise their ability to protect women from realistic harm and sexual assault. 91% of rape victims are female. We need those protections.
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 06:57 pm
BillRM wrote:

Come out of hiding as it is clear you have no respect for women they are little children that need to be both control and protected.

They cannot take responsibility nor should they for their actions when they had been drinking for example.

Seem odd, as men do need to take such responsibility as society had not seem fit to give them a free pass.

You do have contempt for all of womankind.

Be a “man” not a “woman” and take ownership of your real feelings concerning women.

You seem to be the one to not respect women. You seem to be the one to think that you can do as you will without consequence. You are the one who is so self centered that he thinks he is the ultimate authority on everything.

You have not shown yourself to be a man in any sense of the meaning in these fora.

You are the one to evade the real issues and take the topics in directions and with language that is not even understandable.

You are the one who degrades women and feminists.

The contempt I have is for you. The fact that you equate women with little children is also telling of you.

It all probably stems from a fear that you have of your wife and lash out in the forum to vent what you consider to be manly traits. I would think that most men would distance themselves from you.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:07 pm
The definition of rape has not changed

Changes in Law
Changes to state laws began when the bill that would remove the requirement of corroboration was repealed in Congress unanimously. Following a national conference in 1973, changes began to take place more rapidly beginning with the creation of the National Rape Task Force (NOWRTF) which was a subgroup of the National Organization for Women (NOW). The next step for activists was to create a sample of how they thought rape laws should be written. One of the most successful repeal attempts took place in Michigan in 1974. Michigan created the Criminal Sexual Conduct Law bill which removed spousal exception, lowered evidentiary burdens, redefined rape, and other reforms.[51] On the other hand, Georgia had not repealed its law of spousal exemption until 1996, although most states had repealed theirs earlier in the 1990s. By 1980, all of the states had made, or at least considered making some changes. The example set by Michigan highly encouraged all other states to take action against rape. By 1980, there were over 400 rape crisis centers in the United States and laws had been changed to give the victim more leverage and voice during trials. As rape crisis center reforms increased and picked up supporters, as did the rape law reform groups.[52]

The four main changes made to most state laws were:

1.The redefinition of rape. Changes to the definition of rape allowed for the possibility of a male being the victim of rape. The revised definition considered rape to include forced sexual contact in terms of vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
2.Eliminating the requirement that the victim resists the assailant
3.Eliminating that there must be someone to corroborate the claim. This aspect particularly protected women with disabilities since they may not have the complete ability to ward off an assailant [53]
4.The implementation of Rape Shield Laws.[54]
The new Federal definition of rape is defined as, “non-consensual sexual intercourse ‘by force, threat, or intimidation.’” [55] Federal law has divided rape into two categories: the common law rape of an adult and statutory rape which is assaulting a minor. According to federal law, marital exemption does not exist.[56

You might as well stop talking Firefly, you dont have any credibility left.
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:21 pm
Highlights in the Anti-Rape Movement
Rape laws are established in every state. These laws are greatly expanded from previous laws: defining rape, eliminating spousal exclusion and the need for a proof of the victim's resistance. In addition, rape shield laws are enacted, which partially prevents the victim's past history from being introduced into court.

Read more at Suite101: Highlights in the Anti-Rape Movement: Advancements and Setbacks for Sexual Assault Awareness http://sexual-abuse.suite101.com/article.cfm/highlights_in_the_antirape_movement#ixzz0uSq93pyQ
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:27 pm
I hate to tell you, Hawkeye, the essential definition of rape has not changed. It is still sexual contact without consent--sexual intercourse against the person's will. And nothing you posted proves that definition has changed.

Including men as victims doesn't change the definition. Rape shield laws don't change the definition. Not requiring corroboration doesn't change the definition. Eliminating the requirement that resistance occurred doesn't change the definition of rape.

So, stop beating your breast and crowing, and casting aspersions on my credibility. You did not not cite evidence that the definition of rape has really changed. You did not cite evidence that the definition of rape has "expanded".

Rape is still sexual contact without consent, sexual intercourse against the will of the person involved.

You are so hell bent on trying to win an argument, you can't even evaluate the quality of the data you are posting, or making sure it actually matches the claim you are trying to make.

If you really believe you proved your point, it is your credibility which is at issue.

Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:37 pm
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:59 pm
This is not meant to offend anyone here but SOME MEN need to just take responsibility and keep that thing in their pants! Good grief, some of you talk like women have enslaved you and you are at their mercy. It's sickening in more ways than I can say.

No decent woman would go around and accuse a man of rape so perhaps you might think about the type of woman you are hanging with? It's so funny to me in a sick kind of way, Christianity is put down over and over again because people think Christians try to dictate morality. I DON'T SEE HAWKEYE AND BILL OR ANYONE ELSE THAT AGREES WITH THEM DOING ANYTHING DIFFERENTLY! Well yes I do, they want to dictate IMMorality.

At the end of our day, our life, whatever, one thing is for sure, we are accountable ONLY for our OWN ACTIONS not anyone else's.

Calamity, you convinced me to not ignore the situation. Not sure that was a good thing. LOL
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:19 pm
Hawkeye, the essential definition of rape has not changed. It is still sexual contact without consent
I am sure that no matter how many changes to rape law that I point too including that rape was only a few decades ago considered forcible sex and now it is considered sex with out consent, and the state increasingly removes the individuals right to consent, that you will continue to maintain that rape had not changed. Then I could point to expert after expert who writes about how consent has been refined and you would still claim that that does not mean rape has been redefined. Then I could point to changes that the anti rape movement is trying to put into law and you would not only say that it would not change rape but that if I care I must be a rapist.

I dont think that most people are stupid though, so I dont feel the need to go through the process with someone who insists over and over again that blue is really red.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:25 pm
@Arella Mae,
SOME MEN need to just take responsibility and keep that thing in their pants!

and SOME WOMEN need to take responsibility and keep their legs closed!
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:26 pm
@Arella Mae,
I feel much better since I put JTT on ignore. Smile But, he was just a troll. Hawkeye and Bill are just misinformed and full of hate.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:30 pm
Intrepid wrote:

I feel much better since I put JTT on ignore. Smile But, he was just a troll. Hawkeye and Bill are just misinformed and full of hate.
Full of hate? Yes, I agree. Misinformed? Nah, plenty of people on this thread have informed them of the facts. They choose to reject them. If I get to the point of anger with them again, back to ignore they will go!
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:36 pm
Rapist will often make bad excuses for their horrific act, then there's skitzophrenic rapist that won't make excuses but have distorted view of reality.

I have encounterd 2 women who would actually say that they wanted to be raped.
Also there's masochistic women who likes to be handled rough.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:38 pm

and SOME WOMEN need to take responsibility and keep their legs closed!

That really sums it up, Hawkeye. The rape victim is responsible for her own rape.

Stop complaining about being called a rape-apologist.You just outed yourself.

And stop whining about the rape laws. If men would stop raping women we wouldn't need the damn laws.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:52 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

SOME MEN need to just take responsibility and keep that thing in their pants!

and SOME WOMEN need to take responsibility and keep their legs closed!
No doubt but that doesn't mean your ideas on this subject are right. Morally I don't believe they are. You advocate evil as far as I am concerned. Making excuses for rapists and want to make laws to protect them. That would be immorality.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:54 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

and SOME WOMEN need to take responsibility and keep their legs closed!

This is your response in a thread about rape? This is your answer as to why women are raped?

Whatever credibility you thought you had is now exposed to the world as lack of credibility. This negates any argument you have made and exposes the real Hawkeye.

BTW, you never responded about the fact that you, your wife and your daughters were all, according to you, victims of sexual abuse. Are you sure it was abuse or was it a case of crying foul after the fact?

If abuse was real. My sympathy. If it was not. My sympathy.
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:59 pm
This is your response in a thread about rape?
this long ago become a thread about sexual politics and sex law, not just rape. I think it is high time we talk about women and what their responsibilities are....I know the knee jerk reaction is to blame the man, but this is 2010, we really should not live in the olden times when a man said jump and could assume that the woman would jump. We reached equality some time ago, and with equality women gain responsibilities,which they tend to want to avoid by blaming men when something goes wrong.
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 09:13 pm
You are the one who turned the topic. You are also the one who refuses to start a new topic for fear of being shut down and shut out via voting as you put it.

It is a woman's knee jerk reaction to blame the man? Who the hell else would she blame in the case of rape?

What does equality have to do with rape? How do you explain that when a man rapes another man? They have been equals for millenium. The fact that women have finally gotten some equal footing does not absolve a man from the crime of rape.

You post this foolishness in response but did not address one thing that I said in my post.

Why shouldn't women blame men when something goes wrong. YOU blame women when something goes against the way you want it.

Why don't you respond to what I said?
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 09:15 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

This is your response in a thread about rape?
this long ago become a thread about sexual politics and sex law, not just rape. I think it is high time we talk about women and what their responsibilities are....I know the knee jerk reaction is to blame the man, but this is 2010, we really should not live in the olden times when a man said jump and could assume that the woman would jump. We reached equality some time ago, and with equality women gain responsibilities,which they tend to want to avoid by blaming men when something goes wrong.
Their kneejerk reaction is to blame the man? Seriously, you are one twisted sick individual. Just who do you think she should blame for raping her? Don't you understand rape is about control? Okay, dumb question because you obviously don't have a clue.

I suppose you think the guy in this article shouldn't have been dealt with harshly?

Prosecutor: Thomas W. Vanes
Defense: Robert L. Lewis, Willie Harris, Darnail Lyles
Date of Murder: October 13, 1987
Victim(s): Windy Gallagher W/F/16 (No relationship to Lockhart)
Method of Murder: stabbing with large knife 21 times
Summary: The body of 16 year old Windy Gallagher was found by her sister in the bedroom of their home in Griffith, Indiana. She was nude from the waist down with her hands tied behind her back, and her bra pushed up above her breasts. She was stabbed with a large knife 4 times in the neck and 17 times in the abdomen. There was a large pool of blood and her intestines were hanging out. Missing from her room was a photo of Windy and a small purse. Fingerprints in the room were identified as Lockhart's. The day before in Chicago, a woman was robbed of her purse at knifepoint. She identified Lockhart as her attacker. She was fortunate to recover her purse 3 days later. Inside it, she found the small purse belonging to Windy Gallagher. In January 1988, a 14 year old girl was raped and stabbed to death in Florida. Lockhart was identified by witnesses and DNA as the murderer. Because of striking similarities, evidence of this crime was admitted at trial. Lockhart's crime spree ended in Texas, where he murdered a police officer in Beaumont. He was convicted of Capital Murder in October 1988. This crime and conviction was kept from the jury until the penalty phase of the trial.
Trial: Information filed/PC Hearing for Murder (06-17-88); Amended Information for DP filed (02-02-89); Competency Hearing (04-05-89); Voir Dire (06-12-89, 06-13-89, 06-14-89); Jury Trial (06-14-89, 06-15-89, 06-16-89, 06-17-89, 06-19-89, 06-23-89); Verdict (06-23-89); DPTrial (06-23-89, 06-24-89, 06-25-89, 06-26-89); Verdict (06-26-89); Court Sentencing (07-19-89).
Conviction: Murder
Sentencing: July 19, 1989 (Death Sentence)
Aggravating Circumstances: b (1) Robbery; b(7) convicted of another murder in Texas
Mitigating Circumstances: None
Direct Appeal:
Lockhart v. State, 609 N.E.2d 1093 (Ind. March 8, 1993)
Conviction Affirmed 5-0; DP Affirmed 4-1
Shepard Opinion; Givan, Dickson, Krahulik concur; Debruler dissents.
PCR Petition filed 01-06-94. Denied by Special Judge Richard J. Conroy 02-28-96.


You think it was a kneejerk reaction she accused him? Wait! Maybe, just maybe it is the fact he had a knife and RAPED her and left her for dead! That is the kind of person that you would want to see not punished to the fullest extent of the law?

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