Quote:our argument has fact, logic and examples in real life to back it up
And your presentation and conclusions are so "accurate" that not a single women posting in this thread has agreed with you. That really confirms you are right on target, doesn't it?
You, of course, understand women far better than they understand themselves.
Quote:this problem can no longer be swept under the rug...or avoided entirely by ignoring the questions/concerns and calls for reform
I agree entirely. The system that allows hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of rape kits to go untested should not be allowed to continue. The system that fails to fully investigate a woman's report of rape should not be allowed to continue. A climate that blames the victim for her own rape, because of the way she dressed, how much she drank, or the fact that she flirted, or how many past sex partners she had, should not be allowed to continue. The fact that some men cannot accept that when a woman says, "No" she means it, or they feel, "she asked for it", should be recognized as attitudes contributing to the acceptance of rape as permissible, and this should not be tolerated.
You are right, Hawkeye, there are many concerns about the problems of rape, and the blame the victim mentality. There is much that needs to be reformed so that more rape victims can be encouraged to file police reports and endure the process of taking their case to trial. It is horrifying that rapists can so easily escape punishment for their crimes.
So, do you want to discuss some of the real concerns and issues relating to this topic?
Or do you just want to continue to espouse your half-baked ideas about how "anti-sex feminists", and the government, are eroding your personal freedom to sexually exploit, or abuse, or harm, any female you want to, even if she is still young enough to be wearing braces on her teeth?
All you are interested in is trying to win an argument. You really don't pay attention to the things being discussed in this thread, about the problems of rape for the rape victims, or the problems of getting crimes of rape prosecuted. You make no real effort to understand why people have such negative reactions to your ideas. You chalk it up to the fact that everyone, save you, has been brainwashed into accepting feminist crap, and only you can see the truth. But your thinking is so essentially narrow minded and egocentric, you wouldn't know the truth if you tripped over it. You have no case to make. Your thinking, on most sexual issues, never moves beyond what serves your immediate needs and your interests. If you think that's the "truth" you've been talking to yourself too long.
Quote:this thread long ago became a full debate about sexual politics and sex law
No it didn't. It's only you who hopped up on that soapbox to regale us with your questionable theories about sociological matters. Who else here has been discussing "sexual politics"? And what does that have to do with rape?