The fact that the woman can walk and talk, while intoxicated, simply means she hasn't passed out yet, but she can be quite drunk, extremely drunk. It does not mean she fully understands what is going on, or has consented to sexual activity, and, in addition, the alcohol might impair her ability to resist or protest.
So, if you proceed to have sexual contact with a woman who is in a very intoxicated state, and, when she sobers up, she is shocked and horrified to find her panties around her ankles, yes I do believe she could accuse you of rape, particularly if a medical exam finds evidence of your semen on her clothing or in her vagina, or anywhere else.
The point is, if you aren't completely sure you have her consent, and that she is in condition to consent, don't touch her. Just because she is drunk doesn't mean she's asking to get raped.
I assume you are old enough to know when a woman is fully coherent and alert and when she isn't, and when she is willingly and happily and actively participating in sexual activity, and when she isn't. And if you can't recognize those behaviors and cues, you shouldn't be having sex with anyone.
I never said that preying on a woman was equivalent to rape. One can prey on a woman in many ways, such as fleece her out of money. What I did say was that regarding a woman as prey is one characteristic of a rapist's attitude toward women.