A minor charge of filing a false police report would cover it!
You really don't get it. You cannot charge someone with a crime greater than the one they actually committed. If someone files a false rape report, they have submitted a false statement to law enforcement, and interfered with the conduct of justice. You really can't legally charge them with much more than that.
The criminal offenses they committed were against law enforcement, and not against the man they named. And yes, the penalties can be minor, or more severe (as I think they were with the Balloon Boy hoax). But it is up to law enforcement to decide whether they want to press charges
because they were the injured party in terms of the criminal behavior involved.
Although your sympathies are with the man who has been falsely accused,
his only recourse is in civil court. He can try to sue his false accuser for causing him emotional pain and damaging his reputation and character. He could also try bringing a suit against the police department or the county if there was inadequate reason to believe the accuser before charges were lodged. If successful, he could collect monetary compensation.
Just because you want serious charges and stiff punishments placed on the false accuser does not mean that is the way the system can, or will, operate. In terms of criminal law, the woman has interfered with law enforcement and the justice system. She is not criminally libel for how this affected the man she accused. Filing a false police report and committing rape are not equivalent criminal actions under the law and they will never be punished equally.
Your harping on this simply reveals your lack of understanding of how the justice system operates, and how it will continue to operate. Some things are resolved in the criminal courts, other things are resolved in the civil courts.
And false accusations are in no way as serious as the problem of law enforcement not even following up on the reports of rape that women do file. Cities have backlogs of hundreds and hundreds of rape kits that have never even been examined. What kind of justice is this for the women who have filed reports of rape? How does this encourage a victim to come forward to report a rape? How does this lack of interest by law enforcement emotionally impact the woman who has been raped? How does she feel when they act like they don't believe her, or take her attack seriously enough to even investigate it?
It is a feather until it does happen to someone you care about.
Your insensitivity is stunning. You persist in your sympathy for the man falsely accused, in excess of any feelings you have expressed for the women who have been raped. And you say these things to a woman, osso, who has shared with us the fact that she was raped. Where is your concern or sympathy or empathy for her? As I said, your insensitivity is stunning.
Can you give the false accusation issue a rest now? I really don't think there is much left to say on this issue.