Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 07:24 pm
What a load of bunk. Date rape is rape. Period...end of story. Live with it!
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 07:30 pm
One of the trolls, in another thread, has argued for the legalization of child pornography. He feels it's harmless stuff. He also feels 12 year olds should be able to legally consent to sex with an adult. So, we know what's on his mind.


Man sentenced to life in prison for brutal pornography-inspired rape, murder of 12-year-old niece
BY Meena Hartenstein
Tuesday, October 5th 2010

Tia Rigg, 12, was brutally killed by her pornography-obsessed uncle, John Maden.
John Maden A violent pervert obsessed with pornography and snuff films has been sentenced to life in prison for the brutal rape and murder of his 12-year-old niece.

John Maden, 37, of Manchester, England, lured his adolescent niece Tia Rigg to his home by pretending he needed her to baby-sit his 10-year-old daughter, the BBC reports.

Just 45 minutes later, she was dead.

Maden drugged her with pills and proceeded to abuse and kill her, stabbing her in the stomach and strangling her with a guitar string.

Police came to the scene to find Rigg's naked body with her hands tied behind her back.

They also found two knives and a sex toy nearby.

In a chilling emergency call, Maden revealed his crime to the operator, saying, "My niece has been murdered by me...I have just finished killing her now," according to the Daily Mail.

When the operator asked why he had done it, he responded, "Because I felt like it."

"It was murder purely for his sexual gratification - it had a sexual motive," prosecutor Gordon Cole argued during Maden’s trial. "The facts reveal clearly features of torture, rape, physical abuse and the ultimate murder of a child."

Maden, unemployed, had downloaded over 2,000 explicit pornographic images from the Internet, including violent and graphic child pornography.

He was also reportedly obsessed with snuff films -- real-life murders caught on tape – and searches of his computer revealed he had done in-depth research on killing.

"This material and the subsequent discovery of Tia reveals that this defendant was acting out a long-held fascination with rape, torture and abuse of children," Cole said. "He reenacted scenes from his collection of pornographic material."

After his arrest, the Daily Mail reports, Maden claimed he heard a "bad voice" in his head "controlling him and telling him what to do."

Justice Brian Keith, who sentenced Maden to life in prison on Tuesday, called the crime "horrific" and "premeditated."

"It is inescapable that Tia Rigg died because you decided to realize your fantasies about torturing and killing a young child," Keith said. "The fact that you chose your 12-year-old niece who had put her trust in you made what you did all the more unspeakable."

Maden will not be eligible for parole.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 07:34 pm
One of the trolls, in another thread, has argued for the legalization of child pornography. He feels it's harmless stuff. He also feels 12 year olds should be able to legally consent to sex with an adult. So, we know what's on his mind.
Are you serious? Lord have mercy. How could any human being with any decency do such a thing? Nevermind, I just answered my own question. It's just sick and more than pathetic.
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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 07:52 pm
Notice, Arella Mae, the troll is not denying his stance on child pornography--he can't, that other A2K thread can be found. He also said, earlier in this thread, that the age of consent should be dropped a few years--which would put it at about 12--that's why he defended Roman Polanski from being considered a rapist for what he did to a 13 year old.

Date rape laws ("No means no") were added so that women wouldn't have to be beaten to a pulp. or have a gun held to their head, or physically fight back, to prove non consent. Just saying "No" is enough to indicate non consent. The law is intended to deter the man's behavior once the woman indicates, in any way, the sex act is unwanted. Date rape was always considered real rape. Rape is rape.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 07:56 pm
The only reason I can figure anyone would defend such things would be because they either do them or want to do them themselves. I really pray that's not true but what else are we to think? They do not care about children or women. They only care about what they want and could not care less how they get it.
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 08:04 pm
Troll thinks rape really is about sexual passion and "intimate male/female relationships". Someone should explain that to the 87 year old victim of this rapist. How sad that this very elderly woman, a great-grandmother, should have to say she is glad that it happened to her, and not a younger woman, because she won't have to live with the awful memories as long. Her rapist apparently realized he had no defense for his actions--he stood up in the courtroom, at the start of his trial, and suddenly confessed.
Man accused of raping 87-year-old tells court "I'm guilty" before trial starts
Oct 05, 2010
Ann Wyatt Little

LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) - A rape suspect surprises an entire Lubbock courtroom and his own attorney Tuesday morning when he stood up and said "I'm guilty."

Joshua P. Stephenson of Idalou admitted, at the start of his trial, to raping an 87-year-old woman back in January. Both sides immediately moved into the punishment phase. Prosecutors called several witnesses to the stand and starting with the victim.

The victim told jurors that she woke up to a bright light in her face and had a hard time hearing what the man in her bedroom was saying because at night she removes her hearing aids.

The woman recalls asking the man "Why me? I'm an old lady." She told jurors after waiting a few minutes she went next door to her neighbors house to get help because the phone lines were pulled from the wall.

The victim's daughter-in-law took the stand and testified that she discovered that someone tried to use her mother-in-law's debit card a few hours before the assault. This pointed police to the bank where they released surveillance images to the media. Testimony revealed that detectives got eight CrimeLine tips and each person who called positively identified Joshua Stephenson as the man who was standing by the ATM.

Jurors heard from one of those tipsters who happened to be close friends with Stephenson's younger sister. The state introduced a series of text messages between Stephenson's sister and the witness talking about how it was her brother who police were looking for in the pictures they put out.

A Crime Lab technician told jurors that the DNA found on the victim's nightgown matched Stephenson's DNA. Some jurors, based on facial expressions, found it difficult to listen to the sexual assault nurse, who examined the 87-year-old, describe the injuries she suffered during the assault. She told the court the victim's injuries were some of the worst that she has seen in her five years working with sexual assault victims.

The victim, a widow with seven children, 16 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren, told jurors she was glad that it happened to her and not someone younger so she did not have to live with the memory as long.

Prosecutors moved forward Tuesday with essentially a scaled back version of the case they would have presented during the guilt or innocence phase of the case. The state rest its case around 4:30 p.m. The defense will pick up Wednesday afternoon with its side.

Stephenson faces anywhere from five years probation to life in prison.
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 08:04 pm
Notice, Arella Mae, the troll is not denying his stance on child pornography--he can't,
Is there a need to go over this yet again? My fantasies and erotic self are none of your business. Only when my rights interfere with your rights do you have standing to complain about WHAT I DO....and never about what I think or believe.

You do not have the right to demand to live in a world where people have the same erotic desires as you do. You do not have the right to try to make it happen by violating other peoples rights. You do not have the right to police what goes into my brain. You do not have the right to try to police where I turn my eyes towards.

This is not a Marxist/Leninist country where the leaders have the right to try to police the minds of the citizens. We never invested that right into the government, and now that the government has made it clear that it believes that is has that right we must disabuse it of this notion. If we fail we must overthrow the government
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 08:09 pm
Rape is NEVER about intimacy or passion. It is all about power and control. If an 87 year old woman turns a young man on, something is wrong with that young man IMO. The elderly are even more helpless in this situation than younger women. They are as vulnerable as children and it's just as a disgusting act!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 08:15 pm
Yeah. You do that. Good luck in your idiotic endeavour.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 08:17 pm
Maybe we will be blessed and homeland security will see his wanting to overthrow the government because he wants it to be okay to rape women.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 08:18 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arells Mae, the troll thinks he has a right to view child pornography. He doesn't understand that the images are of real children, who are victimized by being exploited in this way, by having their privacy violated in this way. He doesn't understand that consumers of child porn contribute to the manufacture and distribution of this garbage. One way to stop child porn is to go after those consumers. As always, the only thing that matters to troll is his needs, what he wants. That's how rapists think too.

Troll posts his private beliefs and opinions, about such things, and then gets angry when people react to them or discuss them. Go figure..
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 08:19 pm
Oh I think he understands it just fine. He just doesn't care. I don't understand such people at all.
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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:08 pm
@Arella Mae,
Notice the troll's bluster about his "rights" to view child pornography being infringed on--he's willing to overthrow the government to protect those rights. The hell with the rights of the children in those images, and photos, and videos. And he doesn't give a damn about the rights of females not to have their bodies violated. According to him, vulnerable females should be up for grabs--12 year olds should be fair prey for adult males rather than be considered "jail bait", drunk women should be fair prey for their dates (or any man who happens to see them in that condition), because a man's entitled to sex whenever and wherever he can get it or just take it.

He's teaching everyone a lot about the exploitive attitudes of rapists.

No wonder he rants about the rape laws. They cramp his style.

That's the purpose of those rape laws--to deter rape.
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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:42 pm
According to the troll, child pornography has no child victims--he's the one victimized by unfair laws against it.

Well child pornography has victims--very real victims. And the rapes of children are exploited in child pornography. It is simply another venue for sexually exploiting the vulnerable, and those who view it contribute to the sexual abuse of these children.


'Misty Series' Haunts Girl Long After Rape
8-Year-Old Abused By Uncle Winning Restitution for Porn Images Circulated on Internet for a Decade
Feb. 8, 2010—

From the time she was 4, Amy's trusted uncle forced her to have painful oral and anal sex while being videotaped, swearing her to silence in their "special secret."

In 1998 when she was 9, the sexual abuse stopped and her uncle was arrested and imprisoned, but for more than a decade photos of the little girl have circulated on the Internet in some of the most widely distributed child pornography of all time -- "the Misty series."

Nearly 35,000 graphic images have now turned up in collections of arrested pedophiles, and Amy, who is now 20, is going where few victims of this horrific crime have gone before: She is seeking financial restitution -- up to $3.4 million -- from anyone who has sought perverse pleasure from her pain.

"I am still discovering all the ways that the abuse and exploitation I suffer has hurt me, has set my life on the wrong course, and destroyed the normal childhood, teenage years and early adulthood that everyone deserves," Amy wrote in a victim impact statement she prepared for the courts.

"Every day of my life, I live in constant fear that someone will see my pictures, recognize me and that I will be humiliated all over again," she wrote, recounting the lingering scars left on her life, despite years of therapy.

So far Amy, which is not her real name, has received about $170,000 in court-ordered restitution, and judges in several states have agreed that not only those who commit sex acts against children are culpable, but also those who download the images.

But not every jurisdiction agrees with the heavy court-ordered payments for those who view such images. Some judges have said restitution goes too far in punishing pedophiles whose only crime is to view photos, but Amy's lawyer, James Marsh, disagrees, saying the brutality in the "secret society" of child pornography requires tough measures.

"This is not 13-year-olds in bras or sexting or 17-year-old girls gone wild -- these are kids who are raped," said Marsh, a New York City lawyer.

"In one notorious set of images, the father used to put a studded collar around his 6-year-old and wrote on her in what looked like blood, 'I am Daddy's little girl, rape me.' He locked her in a dog cage," he told ABCNews.com.

Marsh is now seeking restitution in 350 cases that involve photos of Amy, through automated filings to the United States attorneys handling the cases.

In 1995, Marsh helped update a federal law that gives victims the right to sue anyone who produces, distributes or possess their child sex abuse images. It now provides statutory damages of $150,000 for each violation of federal child pornography provisions and was incorporated into the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act and signed by President Bush 2006.

Masha's Law Allows Victims to Seek Damages

So-called "Masha's Law" came out of a 1998 case of a Russian orphan girl, known as Masha Allen, who was targeted by a sophisticated child pedophile network. Her American adoptive father raped and sexually abused her for six years and distributed hundreds of images on the Internet.

At the time, Marsh testified in Congress that social networking sites like MySpace and YouTube, as well as camera-enabled cell phones have "enabled and facilitated" child trafficking and the commercialization and distribution of child pornography.

Amy first became aware of the photos in 2005, when she began receiving victim notifications from government - now up to 850 in all - which were mandated by the 1984 Victims of Crime Act.

Each time a pedophile was prosecuted for downloading her images, a letter would arrive at her home, and she would relive the abuse.

Amy's uncle bought her gifts and let her ride his motorcycle. Now, distrusting, she shuns the generosity of others and fears getting a driver's license. "I will never ride a motorcycle again," she wrote.

Amy failed a high school anatomy class because of the disgust she felt at the human body. She is unable to trust others and says she sometimes "drinks too much" to hide her feelings of shame.

After the abuse her uncle would give her beef jerky, once a favorite snack, but now it evokes "feelings of panic, guilt," she said. "It's like I can never get away from what happened to me."

All this Amy described in the victim-impact statement Marsh urged her to write. He also hired a psychologist and estimated damages, based on costs of counseling, lost wages and lawyers fees, came to $3,467,854. Marsh said they will not stop seeking restitution until that sum is reached.

For years, authorities could not seek restitution because victims could not be identified.

But in 2009, The Center for Missing and Exploited Children was able to identify a girl they called "Amy" among 150 digital images that had been seized by Texas police in the case of a 43-year-old Dyle Randall Paroline.

They say that in that year alone, the Misty series was viewed by more than 8,800, showing Amy forced to perform "extremely graphic" acts, including oral sex, anal penetration and masturbation with an adult man.

Federal prosecutors sought $3.4 million restitution from Paroline, who pled guilty to possessing the photos, but U.S. Judge Leonard Davis said in an 18-page opinion that was too much, violating the Eighth Amendment's prohibition on excessive punishments. In a similar case in Maine, the judge agreed.

But Amy had already been successful in several cases. The first award of $200,000 came from a Connecticut judge in the conviction of Alan Hesketh, a British executive who had more than 1,000 images of child pornography, including some from the "Misty Series."

And in two separate cases in Florida, judges have ordered the defendants to pay Amy nearly $3.3 million and $3.7 million, and in California, a judge ordered $50,000 in restitution.

"The healing process is hard enough without 800 reminders coming in the mail constantly, knowing that other people knew what happened to you," said Jennifer Wilson Marsh, who is hotline director for The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. "The shame is amplified."

But Wilson Marsh, who is no relation to Amy's lawyer, wonders how restitution will stop these heinous crimes.

"A lot of perpetrators find their way around the law," she told ABCNews.com. "It's really hard to put a monetary value on trauma."

One San Diego woman who was raped then photographed while interviewing for a job at the age of 21, said Amy's pain can't be erased with restitution.

"No money can cover what happened," said Aliza Amar, now a 49-year old activist for RAINN. "No money can take the shame away."

And others say punishing those who only download pornography in this way is too harsh.

"Not to excuse what the downloaders do and their complicity, but the actual abuser, the person who took the picture is worse. He actually harmed the child," said Amy Adler, a professor at New York University Law School who specializes in first amendment law and pornography.

"Given the severity of sentences and the jail time for downloading offenses, if that's not a significant deterrent, I don't know how money could be," said Adler. "Paying money is much less of a deterrent than jail for five years and then registering as a sex offender."

But a 2001 study of 400 inmates at the Butner Federal Correctional Complex in North Carolina concluded that offenders who were "merely collectors" of Internet child pornography were "significantly more likely than not to have sexually abused a child via a hands-on act."

Adler says that study is controversial, but Amy's lawyer insists the person who views the photos creates an incentive for violence against children.

Pornography "does not exist in a vacuum," said Marsh. A "powerful, long-term collector" - with 100,000 to 200,000 images -- can command others to commit sex crimes to obtain the images he wants.

Meanwhile, Amy leads a "very quiet, very simple" life at home with her parents in rural Pennsylvania. "She literally hasn't gone very far in life," said Marsh. "She tried to go to college, but couldn't cut it."

"She's a smart girl, very bright," he said. "But she has a lot of issues she grapples with in her past and is trying to get a handle on what happened to her."

Her uncle received a 17-25 year state sentence and a 10-year federal sentence, which were supposed to run consecutively. But because of administrative mistakes, the sentences ran concurrently, and he could be out in two years with parole.

"There is a misunderstanding of the crime, that it's photos of girls in bathing suits running around the sprinkler," said Marsh. "And people think pictures are not a big deal, it's just another greedy lawyer coming to cash in. But they don't understand the true nature of these criminal syndicates or the experience of the victim. For me, it's a no-brainer."

For help, contact RAINN's National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE for free confidential services.

ABC News information specialist Nicholas Tucker contributed to this report.

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