Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2010 10:15 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Sex is still sex--just as is it was 62 years ago.
Yes, but we must keep in mind that you are the same person who has said several times that rape has not changed over the years...in other words you are clearly full of ****.

...and you are clearly an asshole.
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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 09:43 am
We are discussing the crime of rape, and not behavior that falls within the norm of human sexual functioning--unless you consider sex with your 5 year old daughter normal, attacks on strangers (as old as 92) normal, and unwanted sex with barely conscious, or actually unconscious, individuals normal--in other words, we are talking about instances where the inability to appropriately control sexually aggressive behaviors goes beyond acceptable bounds and is considered criminal.

The women who live in this San Francisco apartment complex have good reason to fear for their safety--there have been 5 attacks committed there since June, by more than one man. How awful that women should have to live with such fear as a constant presence in their lives.

Fifth rape attempt at Walnut Creek apartments
Sunday, October 03, 2010

WALNUT CREEK, CA (KGO) -- A Walnut Creek apartment complex now has a fifth female resident saying she fought off a rape attempt. The series of sexual assaults at the Park Regency Apartments dates back to late June.

Police say a man tried to shove a woman into an apartment just before 8 p.m. Saturday. She fell down a flight of stairs while fighting him, but she was successful at chasing him off.

"So scary. We're just wondering when this is going to end and what else is going to be done," Maddie Murphy says.

Murphy and her roommates have had a chain lock installed on their door since the attacks. They also have "Petey" their pit bull and they always use the buddy system. They still do not feel safe.

"I keep mace next to my bed every day. I wake up to little noises now more than I ever have. It's just always at the forefront of your mind," Murphy's roommate says.

Police blame the first three attacks on 22-year-old Antonio Mouton and say they have DNA to prove it. He is in jail, accused of one rape and two attempted rapes. His bail is set $12 million.

Investigators have a description of the man who committed the fourth sexual assault and are waiting to talk to the victim of this fifth crime. The apartment complex has added security guards, but residents would still like to see them work harder to protect them.

"They're not checking cars in and out on a regular basis, and things like that. We need to do more than just having more bodies in and around the complex," Emily Wetzel says.

"We've also asked what is the process for getting out of a lease, and they have told us there's no way out of it unless we are going to pay the difference which is a little too much for us right now," Murphy's roommate says. "So, there's no way out."

The latest victim was taken to a hospital because of her fall down the stairs. She was not sexually assaulted. Police do not have a description of her attacker yet, so they do not know if the last two assaults were committed by the same man.
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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 11:00 am
The rapist of one college student is now behind bars--hopefully for good--thanks to excellent police work. He claimed the sex with her was "consensual" and that he only used a stun gun on her to keep her from becoming "too aggressive". His past record shows that rapists don't care about the age of their victims, any vulnerable female is fair prey.

Published October 05, 2010
Trucker convicted of raping Saint Martin's University student, 20

A Thurston County jury has convicted a former long-haul trucker of a stun-gun assault and rape of a Saint Martin's University student in Lacey in April 2008.

The jury convicted Richard Duane Bunch, 51, of first-degree rape, first-degree kidnapping and first-degree robbery after deliberating for a short time Monday following closing arguments by prosecutors and Bunch’s court-appointed attorney.

Bunch, who is serving a 10-year to life prison sentence for a rape of a 13-year-old developmentally disabled girl in Nevada, faces up to 25 additional years in prison when he is sentenced for the Lacey rape, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Jon Tunheim said Monday.

Bunch has an additional pending rape case he is scheduled to stand trial for in Kittitas County. Bunch is accused of raping a 9-year-old girl at Central Washington University in Ellensburg.

Bunch’s sentencing for the rape of the Saint Martin’s University student is scheduled for Nov. 17, Tunheim said.

The rape of the Saint Martin’s student occurred on April 2, 2008, when a 20-year-old woman was walking in a wooded area near campus. She was attacked and subdued by a man who shocked her repeatedly with a stun gun. The suspect threatened to kill her during the rape, which occurred during broad daylight.

After Monday’s verdict, jury foreman Tom Coleman said the evidence against Bunch in the rape of the Saint Martin’s student was “just really overwhelming.” It included the victim’s stolen iPod and a stun gun found in a truck Bunch had been driving for Gordon Trucking when he was arrested in August 2008.

Other evidence included a sketch of the suspect in the Saint Martin’s rape by a Lacey police sketch artist. The sketch bore an “uncanny resemblance” to Bunch, Coleman said.

A DNA sample from Bunch matched the attacker’s DNA that had been taken after the student’s rape, court papers state.

Coleman credited the prosecution and police for building a solid case against Bunch. Bunch did not take the witness stand during the trial.

“We think we’ve really done justice and got a bad guy off the street,” Coleman said on behalf of the jury. Bunch appeared to show no remorse during the trial, Coleman added.

Bunch was arrested in Pierce County in August 2008, on suspicion of raping a 13-year-old developmentally disabled girl in Washoe County, Nevada. Bunch was accused in Nevada of approaching the 13-year-old at the Sparks Marina, near Reno, in July 2008, about two months after the rape in Lacey. They swam briefly before he lured her into his truck by asking if she wanted to watch a movie, according to Washoe County authorities.

After Bunch’s arrest in Pierce County, Lacey Police Detective Steve Brooks was looking at a news website for a Seattle TV station and saw Bunch’s photo in a news story about Bunch’s arrest in connection with the Nevada rape. He noticed that Bunch’s photo closely resembled a police artist’s sketch of the suspect in the then-unsolved Saint Martin’s rape case.

On Monday, Tunheim, who led the prosecution during Bunch’s trial, credited Brooks with excellent police work in seeing the resemblance of Bunch’s face in the photo with the face in the police artist’s sketch. Tunheim added that Lacey Police Detective Jeremy Knight also did a great job of leading the subsequent investigation.

“This result can be attributed to some very fine police work by the Lacey Police Department,” Tunheim said. Bunch’s conviction by the Thurston County jury “is going to ensure that he’s not going to be out on the streets for a very long time,” Tunheim added.

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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 01:17 pm
It is interesting to note that both of the trolls, throughout this entire thread, have persisted in discussing the topic of rape from the perspective of the threat to men posed by the rape laws, and the behavior of those females who allege they were raped. Neither of them has displayed any awareness that the real victims of rape are overwhelmingly females who have been subjected to sexual assaults by men. Neither of them has even commented on what might compel some males to act in such a hurtful, harmful, degrading manner toward females, or what other men could do to help address the problem of rape.

Instead they attack women who do try to look at the problem of rape, who try to educate people about already existing rape laws, and who want to see survivors helped and rapists punished.

Both trolls have tried to diminish or deny the frequency or prevalence of rape, by claiming statistics are inflated, women are lying about being raped, and that a lot of what is legally considered rape, particularly date rape, is just "normal" male behavior. They have ludicrously claimed that so called "rape feminists" exaggerate the crime of rape so they can create more victims. Why anyone would want to create a false impression about the impact of rape on women's lives is as absurd as claiming that cancer statistics are being inflated to drum up more business for oncologists. Unfortunately, both rape and cancer are realities of life for both men and women, both can have devastating impacts on lives, and neither is going away by putting one's head in the sand and pretending they don't exist, or exist only in a way that does not affect most people. Just as a woman never knows whether she will be affected by cancer during her lifetime, she also does not know whether she will become another rape statistic--all women might be affected by either or both of those things. Informing people about the dangers of rape, the various types of rapes, possible ways of preventing rapes, urging support and treatment for rape survivors, and urging greater awareness and public response to the problem, isn't any more "anti-male" than informing people about cancer, at least if one views the issue rationally.

But the trolls aren't reasonable or rational. They don't want to even discuss the problem of rape. They've used the topic of rape, in this thread, to sound the alarm about what women are doing to men. Women can't be trusted! Innocent men have been sitting in prisons for decades because women lied about being raped! Rape laws have been written by feminists to deliberately ensnare men and throw them in jail! All untrue statements and bogus scare tactics, to make men suspicious of women, to discredit victims of rape, and to make men worry unnecessarily that the rape laws are out to get them. These guys don't like women, and they are using the topic of sexual assaults on women, to make their own assaults on the integrity of the entire female gender. Nice going, fellas.

And, they are baldfaced liars, without an ounce of shame about it. In one of his most recent lying posts, one of the trolls warned men about mandatory reporting, mandatory arrests, and mandatory prosecution of any date rape that a person hears someone else mention--and he told all men that the violation of the rape laws would guarantee them an "express ticket to the slammer". And he further asserted that women, presumably all women, have no choice in whether their rapes are reported and prosecuted.

Really? If that were true, then most rapists would, in fact, be arrested and convicted, and anyone in his right mind knows that is not the case. Most rapists are not arrested and convicted. Rapists commit their crimes with impunity because the probability of arrest and conviction is so low.

There is no mandatory reporting of rapes--and certainly not of date rapes. Only the statutory rapes of children, and sexual abuse of the elderly requires that state designated mandated reporters (doctors, nurses, teachers,etc.) inform authorities of such crimes when they come to their attention. If an 18 year old college student tells her roommate that her date raped her while she was drunk, that roommate is under no legal obligation to tell anyone else about it. And no adult woman is being forced to report her own rape. The troll was out and out lying.

While the trolls quibble with statistics, supplied by reputable sources like the U.S. Justice Department, and accuse other posters of lying by even mentioning such statistics, they themselves tell baldfaced lies, like the mandatory reporting and arrest nonsense, that are complete fabrications, in malicious efforts to falsely frighten men about what women and rape laws can do to them. They do all men, and women, a terrible disservice with such garbage.

And, since the trolls cannot contribute to the discussion of rape in any meaningful or logical way, they persist in posting mainly to disrupt and derail the thread, with constant reiteration of their anti-female propaganda, numerous sexist remarks, and insults lodged at virtually all other posters, both male and female, who are actually trying to discuss the topic of rape. Pathetically, baiting others to respond to them, by making deliberately outrageous comments, seems to be their final main tactic to gain attention, and, thankfully, the "ignore" button and the "thumbs down" easily defeats those futile efforts.

But we really should acknowledge that the trolls have served some useful purpose here. They have exposed the sexist attitudes that facilitate the rape myths and rape apologies that contribute to victims blaming and shaming themselves, and that make rape difficult to report and prosecute, and rape convictions hard to obtain. It's a rather dubious distinction, but they have served some purpose.

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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 06:50 pm
Dumb Troll was kind enough to post this quote

Some of the common terms used to describe intimate partner violence are domestic abuse, spouse abuse, courtship violence, battering, marital rape, and date rape" (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2003)

Dumbo just acknowledged that date rape is an example of "intimate partner violence"--from a source he regards as reputable.

Throughout this thread that same Dumb Troll has argued that date rape isn't "real rape". He cites the date rape ("No means no") laws as examples of those unfair, anti-sex laws that are designed to entrap men and throw them in jail, and he wants to get rid of them. I mean, isn't being able to rape your date, part of the fun of "conquest"? That's the way this troll sees it--he just doesn't want it called "rape" so he won't get arrested.

I guess the dumb jerk just proved he was wrong--with his own quote. Laughing

Date rape is real rape...Date Rape laws are intended to deter sexual assaults and sexual violence toward women. The laws stay.

Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 07:06 pm
This is a good example of why police need to publicize names and photos of suspected rapists. Rapists tend to repeat their crimes. People who were previously victimized by them, but never reported the crime, often come forward after an arrest, even if it is to only support the current victim. In this case, a former girlfriend of the rapist came forward to report that, toward the end of their relationship, he turned violent and raped her--a date rape.


Second woman alleges rape by Watsonville/Gilroy man, police report
By Cathy Kelly

WATSONVILLE -- After reading in the news that a man had been arrested for allegedly raping a teen girl, a second woman came forward reporting similar charges, police announced Tuesday.

Lamar James Lucero, 30, of Gilroy and Watsonville, was arrested Sept. 28 after a two-month investigation into his relationship with a 16-year-old girl. Police say he befriended her and then manipulated and threatened her into performing various sex acts, during a relationship spanning about one year.

Those acts occurred at a home in Watsonville and at his home in Gilroy, police said.

The teen reported the crimes and Lucero was booked on suspicion of rape, unlawful sexual intercourse, oral copulation and penetration with a foreign object, police say. Bail was set at $100,000.

After the arrest was reported, an adult came forward and told police Lucero had become sexually aggressive and raped her in 2009, Sgt. Saul Gonzalez said.

The unidentified woman ended the relationship and gained the courage to report the incident when she heard of his arrest last week, Gonzalez said.

That report will make it more likely future women will be protected, he said.

"I've seen it numerous times; we arrest someone for one incident and release his picture or story and people feel empowered to come forward," he said. "They don't do that necessarily for themselves, or even know if it's relevant or is a crime since time has passed, but they want to help the current victim." Lucero was arrested at the Santa Cruz County Courthouse on Monday, where he was being arraigned on the first arrest, Gonzalez said. He was arrested again with bail set at $100,000, he said.

He posted bail, Gonzalez said.

Last week, jail records listed Lucero as a Cal Fire employee; Monday's record lists him as a laborer. Gonzalez believes he is unemployed.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 07:15 pm
I am not sure they understand a single word they post much less any of the information anyone else has. I really don't care. I just vote them down so I don't see them. I can't bear to read their tripe anymore.

It is so important to report rapes! I know it is difficult but it is the betterment for everyone. Rapists do keep on raping until they are caught. If they can be stopped then they must be stopped.
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