Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

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Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 12:33 pm
@Arella Mae,
And this study was done in 2006, before Facebook and the explosion of the social media. I suspect even more teens are connecting online with strangers now, and giving out even more personal info.

The good thing about the stings, like those conducted by "To Catch A Predator", is that they send a message to all the predators out there that the 12 year old they think they are chatting online with might be a law enforcement agent. That alone must have some deterrent effect. But parents still have to try to monitor their children's computer use, and continue to drum safety issues into their heads. The potential for bad things to happen is very scary.

In a survey conducted by The Intelligence Group, Dateline questioned 500 teenagers across the country, ages 14 to 18, about their computer habits.

When asked if they chat online to people they’ve never met before, an overwhelming majority said “yes,” whether it’s “all the time,” “sometimes,” or “not very often.”

When asked if someone they’ve met online has wanted to meet them in person, 58 percent said “yes.”

And 29 percent said they’ve had a “scary” experience online.

When asked if they talk about personal information on the Internet— things like aname, a picture, an address, a birthday, about half the teens said “yes.”

We also asked if they did things online they would not want their parents to know about. Again, about half said “yes.”

More than 90 percent told us that they were responsible when they used the computer… but said that they thought friends, classmates, and other teens were not behaving responsibly online.

Oh I've made some wonderful friends online and these relationships have lasted for over a decade and I feel very close to those people. And I've also met with people in person that I connected with online. They have all been very nice, interesting people. Like you, I only met them in a public place, generally with a group from the Web site where we met. But you and I are not 15, we are are both more mature, cautious, and considerably better able to judge who we are going to meet and what we have in common. And I assume that neither of us was looking for a romantic relationship or a sexual encounter. The internet dating sites strike me as considerably more potentially dangerous, particularly in terms of date rape.
Online Dating Can Be Dangerous
Experts Say Take Precautions Before First Date
June 16, 2007 —
An estimated 40 million Americans use online dating services hoping to meet "the one." There are more than 1,400 Web sites in the $700 million a year business, but some question their safety.

Prosecutors say a Philadelphia nursing student was conning women on match.com. He was convicted this week of assault, but the accusations don't end there. His victims, described as attractive, ambitious professionals say their lives will never be the same.

Prosecutors said Jeffrey Marsalis, 34, told some tall tales, pretending to be a doctor, an astronaut and even a spy to lure women on Internet dating sites.

"He faces up to 20 years in prison and he will have to register as a sexual offender for the rest of his life," said prosecutor Joe Khan.

Marsalis was convicted of sexual assault. However, he was acquitted of more serious charges that he drugged and then raped seven women in his apartment.

"You read about it, you see it on TV but you just don't think it can happen to you," one anonymous victim said.

She said she knows about tricksters like Jeffrey Marsalis and how easy it is to be duped online. According to her, a man she met on a Christian dating Web site was seeing 60 other women from 25 different Web sites. He pretended to be everything from a country music manager to a Pentagon consultant. He even lied about having cancer, she said.

She claims he stole thousands of dollars from his victims.

"Mentally, it just about broke me to think that I had been so naive, when I don't consider myself to be a very naive person," she said. "And of course, I was worried about my safety." She may have good reason to be. Dozens of Internet dating cases have ended in tragedy. And experts said it's only getting worse.

"Men especially are getting are getting bolder as far as using dating Web sites to find their next victim," said Jayne Hitchcock, who is working to halt online abuse.

Experts say potential daters should get to know the person as well as she can before the first meeting.

Meet in a public place and arrive separately.

Let the relationship grow slowly.

Most importantly, trust your instincts.

"Most of these women will tell you that they had a bad feeling about it but they went ahead with it because the person the man had a wonderful profile," Hitchcock said. "He was charming."

One victim said it was loneliness that clouded her judgment.

"Victims are victims because somebody is looking to exploit their weakness," she said. "And it doesn't matter if you're doctor. It doesn't matter if you're an accountant."

She said she wants women to trust their instincts because she didn't trust her own. About 20 percent of daters admit they lie about themselves online, according to a survey research study by Jeana Frost of Boston University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

But there are a growing number of security tools.

True.com provides criminal and marital background checks, but it's the only site.

Match.com gives free temporary phone numbers to keep your real phone number a secret.

Intelius.com will conduct dating background checks for any dating Web site.

In the Marsalis case, Match.com did not return ABC News' e-mails or calls.
Copyright © 2010 ABC News Internet Ventures
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Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 12:37 pm
Somehow I wish Hawkeye was right and there would be some useful treatment for these men as it is costings the society as a whole one hell of a lot of money to turn such men from taxpayers and useful citizens into prison inmates
I suspect that you misunderstand me....right now the nature of the offense is having the desire for under aged sex. The AOC is currently too high by a couple of years but most of these guys want younger than that. If curing the problem means getting them to where they no longer want under aged sex then I dont think that is going to happen. But I dont consider wanting under aged sex partners to be either a crime or necessarily a problem, and it does not need a solution unless the person can not resist acting on it. And here I think we could do a lot better. I think that between therapy, role-play with consensual partners, porn and drugs we could make these guys no longer a threat to kids.

This is never going to happen so long as admitting that you like young girls or boys gets you put into the system as a sex offender. Some of these guys will manage, a lot will not, and we will catch up to some of them but only after they hurt someone, or a lot of someones. What we do now is idiotic, and does not work very well, and is expensive. The only conclusion that I can draw is that we care more about getting our rocks off by beating on "bad guys" than we do about actually working the problem.
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 12:43 pm
I wish more people would pay attention to warnings and try to be more cautious. There is not one thing wrong with being safe. I'd rather look stupid for being over cautious than to be undercautious and dead.

Speaking of facebook, did you catch the headlines on that?

Exclusive: Pedophiles Find a Home for Social Setworking - FACEBOOK!

But, a search for “North American Man/Boy Love Association” on Facebook on Sept. 23 produced 87 different groups. Some appear to have been created as a joke, or in protest, but there are others that appear nefarious.

The page for “Greensburg group of the North American Man Boy Love Association,” in the category of “Common Interest-Philosophy,” features a photo of a child around 4 years old.

“N.A.M.B.L.A. (East Lansing Chapter) also has a photo of a child, who appears to be about 5 years old.

Another, “NAMBLA” in the “Organizations-Advocacy Organizations” category, features a photo of a man being kissed on the cheek by a small child. Its description reads: “We are the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Our sole purpose is to push forward the concept that a consenting man (18+) and a consenting minor (-18) can have a sexual and loving relationship legally. Feel free to send your questions comments or constructive criticism to [redacted e-mail address]. Thank you for your time and support and remember keep fighting the good fight!”


Now, this is just getting too out there. Where will this all stop?
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Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 12:54 pm
The majority seem to be of girls from the age of fourteen to seventeen who had run away from home with a boyfriend in the age range of eighteen to early twenties.
They are, and when you talk to them you find out that in a lot (if not majority) of these cases the families that they ran away from do not want them around anyways. These kids leave because they are in horrible situations, running away seems like an improvement.

This is another thing that America does not want to deal with, so we make up stories as a cover. In this case the story is that they are lead away by "Bad Men" (ain't that always the story?) who are pimps looking to bring them into sex work. Most of these kids do end up in sex work, but that was not the original intent. They do it because they would rather do that then go "home".

We could vastly improve the situation if we would stop treating all those under 18 as kids who have no rights. I am in favor of gradually allowing youth rights, starting at 12 YO. For instance I say that by the time they are 15 YO they should have sexual freedom, but there needs to be a lot more coming their way than just sexual rights.
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Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 01:24 pm
I have a real problem with doing anything that might increase that age range out of wedlock birth rates
With all of the BC options out there do you really think that this should be a problem? I dont know how much it would cost to provide free BC to every 15YO girl plus provide free condoms, but it certainly would be a tiny fraction of what we spend on the rape crisis....I think we can afford doing it.

Conservatives will still squawk, but there has been a lot of movement towards public approval of contraception over the last decade, I think that we could get this done now.

In fact, I question why the feminists have not already done it. They claim to care about individual women, about their rights and safety...somehow the actions never seem to match well with the Press Releases.
Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 01:28 pm
What this man did to his victims is so horrible it is very difficult to read. And, what's worse, the police didn't try to help some of the women who reported that he had assaulted them.
Accused serial rapist faces 15 new counts
By Gina Barton of the Journal Sentinel
Updated: Sept. 28, 2010 12:01 p.m.

Gregory Tyson Below, already facing charges that he sexually assaulted nine women, has been charged with 15 additional felony counts for a series of assaults against a 10th woman.

The new charges - like those issued in July - include sexual assault, substantial battery, strangulation, kidnapping and stalking.

The charges, issued late Monday, involve crimes that occurred between June 2006 and December 2009, according to a criminal complaint released Tuesday.

Below, 36, of Milwaukee, was charged in July with 40 felonies in connection with attacks against eight women from 2004 to 2009. Earlier, Below was charged with assaulting another woman, a former girlfriend.

The woman in the new case also initially was involved in a relationship with Below, according to the complaint. Shortly after they met, he turned violent. Below sexually assaulted the woman with a beer bottle, threatened to set her on fire, cut off all her hair and forced her to prostitute herself, according to the complaint.

"She felt as if she could not get away from the defendant, who seemed to track her down if she tried to get away, and, on occasions, forcibly kidnapped her from various locations," the complaint says.

In June 2006, Below became enraged because the woman would not have sex with him, the complaint says. He tied her arms and legs to the bedposts, poured rubbing alcohol all over her and brandished a match, threatening to "burn her up." He then sexually assaulted her, the complaint says.

In March 2007, while being forced to prostitute herself on the south side, the woman flagged down a squad car for help. Officers took the injured woman to a friend's house. They later returned and arrested her after Below, using an alias, called 911 to inform police she had an open warrant, the complaint says.

Below was charged with misdemeanor battery for beating the woman but ended up with only a ticket because the woman was afraid to testify against him, the complaint says.

"She feared what he might do to her if she made a full report to police," the complaint says.

In early winter 2008, Below held the woman for several weeks in a building near 5th and Wright streets, sexually assaulting her repeatedly, according to the complaint. Her father and sister found her with her pants down and bleeding.

The final kidnapping occurred in December 2009, the complaint says. Below pulled up in a van beside the woman, who was walking near Club 24, a tavern in the 2300 block of Greenfield Ave. where Below met several of his other victims. He forced her into the vehicle, which police say he used to sexually assault two other women, and raped her, the complaint says.

Below was arrested two months later on charges of assaulting the previous former girlfriend and has been in custody ever since.

Police identified Below as a serial rapist after DNA evidence from three women who were assaulted in fall 2009 matched him, according to court records. Investigators had identified Below as a potential sex offender, then linked him to the van, which had bloodstains inside.

Three women contend police didn't help them when they first reported assaults by Below. After their stories were reported in the Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee Police Chief Edward A. Flynn pledged to investigate and urged other victims to come forward.

Milwaukee police spokesman Sgt. Gregg Duran could not be immediately reached. Earlier this month, he said an internal investigation into the women's complaints was continuing.

A preliminary hearing on the new charges against Below is scheduled for Friday.

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Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 01:42 pm
The problem is not the available of birth control but will immature 15 years old used it either at all or correctly.
She can get shots once a month, get an implant that lasts three years, or get an IUD that last I think 5 years, and never needs to do anything else except tell her guy to bring a condom to prevent STD's....this aint that hard to do.

we do it worse than anyone else in the world, i'd think you Bill would be open to doing something else. You are an engineer right? Do you tend to keep doing what does not work generally?

More teenage girls in the United States and United Kingdom become pregnant than anywhere else in the developed world, because they are poorly prepared for life in a modern and sexualised society, says a report out this week.The United States has topped a table of teenage pregnancy rates put together by Unicef's Innocenti Research Centre in Italy, which looked at births among teenagers in 28 of the world's wealthiest nations.Altogether, 52 out of every 1000 girls aged between 15 and 19 in the United States gave birth, while the United Kingdom topped the list in Europe—and came second overall—with just over 30 births in 1000 teenagers. At the other end of the scale Korea, Japan, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden had a rate of less than seven births per 1000 teenagers.The researchers estimated that in the next 12 months at least 1.25 million teenagers in the world's wealthiest countries will become pregnant and three quarters of a million will become mothers. And, according to specially commissioned research from the University of Essex, teenagers who keep their baby are twice as likely to end up living in poverty than those who delay motherhood.The eightfold difference in birth rates can be partly explained, the report says, by the move away from traditional family values in some countries to what the researchers call a “socio-sexual transformation” where sexual imagery permeates all aspects of life and teenagers are under greater pressure to experiment with sex. But the report adds that equally important is how these countries prepare their young people to cope with modern life.Some countries, such as Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, and France, have “travelled far down the road from traditional values”, but they have also made “successful efforts to prepare their young people to cope with a more sexualised society.”By comparison the United States and the United Kingdom are secretive and embarrassed about contraceptive services. After interviewing young people about sexual services, the UK government's Social Exclusion Unit concluded: “The universal message received from young people is that the sex and relationship education they receive falls far short of what they would like to equip them for managing relations as they grow into adulthood.”By tackling teenage births governments have the chance to reduce poverty and its “perpetuation from one generation to the next”, says the report.
Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 01:47 pm
This one claims the sex was "consensual". Isn't what they all say? Rolling Eyes His story, that she made up a rape complaint to keep her out of trouble with her boyfriend, makes no sense. If she had a sexual encounter she didn't want her boyfriend to know about, she'd just keep it a secret from him. The woman reported the rape immediately and the suspect was apprehended in 30 minutes.

Accused rapist: 'The sex was consensual'
Jeff Humphrey | KXLY4 Reporter
September 27, 2010

SPOKANE -- A man arrested and charged with posing as a police officer and raping a woman in north Spokane early Sunday morning says the sex was consensual. 29-year old Christopher Michael Clough told kxly from jail Monday morning he did nothing to imply he was a law enforcement officer.

Spokane Police say Clough raped the woman in Corbin Park just after 1:00 am Sunday. The attacker took off, but police say the woman was able to get a partial license plate number from his vehicle and they tracked him down about a half hour later.

Clough was arrested and booked on charges of 1st Degree Rape, 1st Degree Kidnapping and 1st Degree Criminal Impersonation.

Speaking from the Spokane County Jail Monday, Clough tells a much different story.

Clough, who works in a distribution warehouse, says he met the alleged 19-year-old victim at a fast food restaurant on north Monroe just before midnight Saturday. Clough says the young woman said she was 21-years-old and accepted his invitation to drink some beer.

"I asked her if she wanted to ride around and we rode around. We went to a park and ended up having some drinks in the park and we ended up having sex," said Clough.

Clough explained that he drove to Corbin Park at the woman's instruction because she lived nearby but did not want Clough in her apartment. Clough said after drinking for a little less than an hour, the couple began kissing and ultimately had sex on the grass.

"We were sitting there talking, having a few drinks and we ended up having consensual sex," Clough said. "She never yelled get off me, or stop, or anything like that, we just had sex."

Clough says he ended the sex act when he started feeling bad about cheating on his girlfriend. The victim, however, called police and gave dispatchers a description of Clough's car and a partial license plate number. Patrol officers spotted him driving around the area about 30 minutes later.

The woman said Clough identified himself as a police officer after the teen asked him for a cigarette. Clough then reportedly said he was working an undercover assignment targeting rapists in the area. The teen says claims Clough said he would arrest her if she did not have sex with him.

"He said he was a police officer, albeit an undercover officer," said Officer Jennifer DeRuwe with the Spokane Police Department. "He handcuffed her, took her to a remote location and padded her down and searched her. She felt she was under arrest and not free to go."

Detectives found the handcuffs in Clough's car and a piece of paper with the teen's name, age and address on it.

"I had been given some handcuffs from a friend that wanted me to use them on her and they were in the vehicle at the time," Clough said, addressing the allegations.

Clough admits he has a non-violent criminal history, but says the woman's rape claims are a ploy to keep her out of trouble with her boyfriend.

Detectives dispute Clough's claims and believe this isn't the first time he's posed as an officer to lure his victims. Investigators are hoping other possible victims will come forward now that Clough has been arrested.
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Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2010 01:58 pm
This case, I posted about before, began today with opening arguments in the first trial. There will be separate trials for what was done to each of the child incest victims. This is such an unusual case I might post regular updates so we can follow the progress of the trials.
Opening remarks begin in NJ father's rape trial
By SAMANTHA HENRY (AP) – 1 hour ago
September 28, 2010

PATERSON, N.J. — Prosecutors said Tuesday that a man accused of raping and impregnating his daughters believed God was commanding him to create a pure family bloodline, while the defense urged jurors to keep an open mind amid the "fantastic" details they would hear.

Jurors, who had only been briefed that they would be dealing with a sex assault trial that involved incest, sat rapt during opening arguments in state superior court in Paterson.

The Associated Press generally doesn't identify victims of sexual crimes and is not reporting the name of the man or his wife — who is scheduled to testify — to protect the identities of their children, who are now over 18.

The man, who was arrested in 2006 and ruled competent to stand trial earlier this year, faces 27 charges including sexual assault, lewdness, child endangerment and criminal sexual contact. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Tuesday marked the start of the first of five separate trials, one per child victim. The man is accused of raping five of his daughters and impregnating three of them.

The proceedings were briefly delayed Tuesday when the defendant, through his lawyer, accused the judge of taking $100,000 from a New York City lawyer to bring charges against him.

The judge said the claim had no merit and said he had only recently learned of the case after inheriting it from another judge.

The trial was also delayed last week after the defendant told the judge he had been assaulted by a prisoner during transport. A court-ordered examination found no evidence of assault.

Because the trials will be held separately, the judge ruled earlier this year that jurors can hear testimony about the home atmosphere but not specific allegations of sexual abuse that pertain to the other cases.

Authorities say the assaults began in the mid-1980s and lasted until 2002, when the parents separated, and occurred at residences in Paterson, East Orange, Orange and Eatontown. Prosecutors say the man ordered all his children to be born at home to remain undocumented, deprived them of food and medical care, kept them out of school and threatened them with death if they told anyone.

Lisa Squitieri, the Passaic County prosecutor handling the case, warned jurors in her opening statements that she would not be mincing words when it came to the types of sexual abuse the victim in the first case endured.

"You're going to hear about a very sad case ... where a child was betrayed by her father and not protected by her mother," Squitieri said. "She grew up in a home where she watched her mother and siblings be physically and mentally abused. If that wasn't enough, at 8 years old, (she) had to endure something no child should ever, ever, ever have to go through."

The defendant's lawyer, Daryl Pennington, urged the jurors to keep an open mind and uphold the justice system's core ideal that his client is innocent until proven guilty.

"All the fantastic stories you may hear, and all the gory details — it could be like going to a horror movie on a Friday night — this is not going to go away," he said. "But remember, we're talking about people's lives here, (my client's) life, your lives, certainly my life will be impacted by this case."

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